Content Posted in 2024
143 Wing (RCAF) Typhoons Over Normandy: Some Operational, Geographical and Archaeological Perspectives, David G. Passmore and David Capps-Tunwell
A Canadian Civil Affairs Officer in Italy: Lieutenant-Colonel H. S. Robinson, Provincial Commissioner for Brescia in 1945, Janet Sanders, Rolando Anni, and Maria Paola Pasini
A comparative in vitro investigation of rainbow trout vig-3 and human ISG15, Kristof Jenik, Sarah J. Poynter, Shanee Herrington-Krause, Kayla Samms, Nichole Sanchez Diaz, Stephanie J. DeWitte-Orr, Tania Rodriguez-Ramos, Brian Dixon, Adebisi Sanyaolu, Tamiru Alkie, Bryce M. Warner, Nikesh Tailor, and Shawna Semple
A Critical Review of Canada-Chile Solidarity, 1973–1990 Lessons for Faith-Based Public Action, David G. A. Pfrimmer
Acting His Age?: The Resurrection of the 80s Action Heroes and their Aging Stars, Philippa Gates
Addressing Racial Trauma in Psychotherapy, Rajni Sharma
Adorno, Beckett…Wagner, Artaud: Reflections on Stefan Sorgner’s Philosophy of Posthuman Art, Russell Kilbourn
Advancing Machine Learning Interpretability: LIME Applications to Temporal Data and A Novel Method of Counterfactual Generation, Shou Nakano and Yang Liu
A House Divided: The Structure of Political Polarization Analyzed, Jeffrey Dudiak
"A Labour of Love": Caregiver Perspectives of Aging in Place with Dementia, Jessica Russell
Always a Partner in Crime: Black masculinity in the Hollywood detective film, Philippa Gates
Anoxia and Re-oxygenation at Colder Temperatures in Goldfish (Carassius auratus): Effects on Oxidative Stress and Metabolites, Matthew E. Trzcinski
A Sentimental Education, Hannah McGregor
Assessing Stormwater Management Pond Water Quality, Function, and the Potential Biotic Effects to Receiving Waters, Mitchell Elstone
At the End, Caitlin Taylor
Authors’ Response to Review of "Untold: Northeastern Ontario’s Military Past. Volume One and Two", Dieter K. Buse and Graeme S. Mount
Because We Know God’s Voice, Larry Kochendorfer
Beekeeping With/out Borders in Ukraine, Moldova and Romania: Cooperation and Conflict in Defending Carpathian Honeybee Territory., Tanya Richardson
"Better Equipped"? Examining The Role of Social Work in Clinical Countering Violent Extremism, David Yuzva Clement
Body-Map Storytelling: A Qualitative Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Hospital Care Amongst Street Involved Youth, Chelsey Fedchenko
Bringing Servicewomen into Focus: Exploring Methods for Indexing Second World War Archival Photographs at Library and Archives Canada, Rebecca Murray
Camera Arriving at the Station: Cinematic Memory as Cultural Memory, Russell J A Kilbourn
Capital Structure Models and Contingent Convertible Securities, Di Meng
Children's Interpretation of Others' Faces Covered with Medical Masks, Sevval Cinar
Church After the Corona Pandemic: Consequences for Worship and Theology, Mark W. Harris
Co-Creation, Interpretations and Engagement with a Movement-Based Symbol for Climate Justice: A Qualitative Inquiry, Kai Reimer-Watts
Combatting Islamophobia: Addressing an Ongoing Threat to Building the Society We Deserve, Amira Elghawaby
Community Report No. 1: Study Overview & Participant Demographics, Michael R. Woodford, Harrison Oakes, and Eric J. Van Giessen
Community Report No. 2: 2SLGBTQ+ Campus Climate: Students’ Experiences on & Perceptions of Campus, Michael R. Woodford, Eric J. Van Giessen, and Harrison Oakes
Community Report No. 3: Campus Policies, Facilities & Resources, Michael R. Woodford, Eric J. Van Giessen, and Harrison Oakes
Community Report No. 4: The Experiences of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) 2SLGBTQ+ Students, Christina B. Arayata, Charlie Davis, Jac Nobiss, Tin Vo, Skylar Sookpaiboon, Maryam Khan, Farhana Zafaar, Harrison Oakes, Michael R. Woodford, and Eric J. Van Giessen
Community Report No. 5: The Role of Disability in 2SLGBTQ+ Students’ Campus Experiences, Isabell Krakoff, Lauren Munro, Katie Cook, Nathan R.G. Barnett, Cameron McKenzie, Harrison Oakes, Eric J. Van Giessen, and Michael R. Woodford
Comparing Ionoregulation and Modes of Nitrogen Excretion Across the Life Cycle of Parasitic and Non-parasitic Lamprey Species, Shannon Davidson
Conspiracy Theories and Religion: Christian Nationalism and the Rise of North American Populism, Carmen Celestini
Coordination Chemistry Using Strategic Design of Ligands for Switchable Properties, Delara Joekar
Corporate Bond ETFs, Bond Liquidity, and ETF Trading Volume, Thomas Marta
Cyberbullying: Media Construction and Framing Tactics in Pakistan, Asma Jamal
Cybersecurity Governance in the Real World of Technology, Kristen Csenkey
David: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, Erica Lea-Simka
Disempowered and Disappointed Locals: The Impact of Negative Hybrid Peacebuilding on Sociocultural Transformation of Afghanistan, Seyed Ali Hosseini
Disentangling Counter-Empathy: Scale Development and Structural Analysis of an Emerging Construct, Jake Siamro
Diverse Voices and Queer Optimisms: Exploring Queer Potentialities in 21st C. Young Adult Literature, Denise Springett
ELCIC Lutheranism in the International Arena, Susan C. Johnson
Elucidating Mechanisms of Enhanced dsRNA-Nanophytoglycogen Innate Immune Responses in Healthy Human Cells, Nicholas Jadaa
Enabling an Emerging Youth Movement in the ELCIC: Inheritances of Faith, the Early Years of the ELCIC, Lynn Granke
Equitable Approaches to Evaluation, Marritt Kirst, Ciann Wilson, and Sharmalene Mendis-Millard
Erwinia amylovora Phage Therapy: Biocontrol Formulation, Receptor Identification, Resistance Mechanisms, Nassereldin Ibrahim
Evangelicals, the Authentic Self, and Polarization in Canada, Rick Hiemstra
Examining Seasonality of Zooplankton Communities and Water Quality in Yellowknife Area Lakes, Northwest Territories, Nicole Andreola
Exit Through the Giftshop: Claims-making and the Construction of a Countercultural Brand, Cecil McGlynn
Experiences of Visible Minority Librarians and Students in Canada from the ViMLoC Mentorship Program, Yanli Li, Valentina Ly, and Xuemei Li
Experiencing Gospel: Luther, Men, Women, and Children around the Table in Reformation and Contemporary Eras; A Tribute to Gordon Jensen, Karen Kuhnert
Exploring Cultural, Health, and Technology Intersections: A Focus on Migrant Experiences, Merna Mina and Sahij Gill
Exploring The Impacts of Urban Mixed Nation Gathering Places on Urban Indigenous Peoples’ Wellbeing, Jazlyn O'Bonsawin
Exploring the Transition from Childhood to Adulthood for Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Lauren Gnat
Exposing White Supremacist Ideologies: How Awareness Influences Beliefs in Western BC's White Working Class, Jessa Paddison
Faith as Protest: Answering the Call to Mend the World, Joe Gunn
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Steve Hoffard
Fighting the Good Fight: The Real and the Moral in the Contemporary Hollywood Combat Film, Philippa Gates
Film Review: È stata la mano di Dio / The Hand of God by Paolo Sorrentino, Russell J A Kilbourn
Finding Common Ground in a Time of Polarization, John Milloy
Fishes in murky waters: Effects of total suspended solids on fish gills and performance, Xena Montoya
Freedom of Emotional Expression: Exploring the Effects of Emotional Expression Restriction on Marginalized Identities, Erik Caceros
From the Invisible Man to Cozy Closets: Gender Diverse Student Narratives in Ontario Catholic Schools, Yvonne Runstedler
From Zombie to Martyr: The Short Military Service of Private Hector Sylvestre, Paul Marsden
Gender and Madness in Victorian Britain, Amy Milne-Smith
Good Order and Decolonizing: Blessings and Challenges, Kayko Driedger Hesslein
Gordon Jensen: teacher, guide, and role model, Matt Lyseng
Gospel Organization: The Church Leadership of Johannes Bugenhagen (1485–1558), Martin J. Lohrmann
Grief Amidst the Guns: Death in the Canadian Expeditionary Force on the Western Front, Brittany Catherine Dunn
Guard Duty for the Garries: Soldiers, Internees and the History of POW Camp R, David K. Ratz and Michel S. Beaulieu
Health for All: A Doctor’s Prescription for a Healthier Canada, John Milloy
Historical to Contemporary: Afro-Indigenous Experiences of Public Education and Gendered Violence in Colonial Canada, Ann Marie Beals
How Cyclical Spinal Flexion and Extension Independently Alter Mechanical Integrity of the Intervertebral Disc, Luke Opilka
“I endeavored to give a pen and ink panorama of the war as I saw it”: Lieutenant E.W.B. Morrison in the South African War, Tim Cook and Hanna Murray
Impacts of wildfire on subcanopy energy balance, thermal regime, and permafrost stability in peat plateaus at Scotty Creek, Canada, Maude Auclair
Indictment: The Criminal Justice System on Trial, Natalie Appleyard
Indigenous Reconciliation and Right Relations in a Polarized Land, Kim Uyede-Kai
Indigenous Wholistic Abolition: Visioning Indigenous Queer, Two-Spirit & Indigiqueer Futures, Giselle Dias
Inheriting Power: The Old Boys Network and the Reproduction of Privilege at Upper Canada College, Sara Hancock
In Honour of Gordon Jensen, William H. Harrison
Integrating Biodiversity Protection and Climate Mitigation in Nature-based Climate Solutions: An Indicator Analysis, Tatyana Feiner
“In the Eyes of the State”: The Construction of LGBTQIA+ Individuals in India, Suman Mondal
Introducing Interconnections, Christine Daigle and Russell J A Kilbourn
Investigating how Acute Low Back Pain Influences Path Selection and Aperture Crossing Behaviours, Emily A. Vandenberg
Investigating the mobility of arsenic in subarctic mining pollution-affected peatlands near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Jeremy Leathers
Investigating The Role Of The Mammalian dsRNAi Pathway In Preventing Infection By Respiratory Syncytial Virus And Human Coronavirus, Iliana Portelli
Investigating the Use of Voluntary Furloughs to Reduce Labour Costs: The Effect on Employee Effort, Kelsey Matthews
Issue 21: Temporary Shelter to Permanent Home: Advancing Permanent Residency for Ukrainian Refugees in Canada, Marika Jeziorek
Is Trust a Zero-Sum Game? What Happens When Institutional Sources Get It Wrong, Andrew Dawson
“It Was Like a Dream”: War Pilgrimages in the Canadian War Museum’s Collections, Michael Petrou
Lactate's Role in Appetite Suppression, Seth McCarthy
Language Acquisition, Mental Health, and Acculturation among Migrants in Canada, Ali Jasemi
Linking moral identity with moral emotions: A meta-analysis, Tobias Krettenauer and Jean Paul Lefebvre
Little Ship, Big Screen: Animating the Battle of the Atlantic at the Canadian War Museum, Jeff Noakes and Marie-Louise Deruaz
Luther’s Musical Legacy in the Preaching of His Students, Robert Kolb
Mainstream Media Portrayal of Banishment and Nation-Imposed Punishment, Keely Ormond
Making Our Society Whole: Can Interfaith Conversation Counter Rage-Farming with Love-Farming?, Elizabeth May
Making Sentencing Meaningful: How Victims Find Justice in the Sentencing Process, Melissa Handford
Making the Pluriverse Visible: World-Making on the Saugeen (Bruce) Peninsula, Lauren Judge
Mapping With the Land: Co-developing a Cumulative Impact Monitoring and Land Stewardship Framework with Sambaa K’e First Nation, Northwest Territories, Canada, Michael s. McPhee
Markus Zisselsberger, ed. The Undiscover’d Country: W. G. Sebald and the Poetics of Travel. Rochester: Camden House, 2010. 390 pp., Russell J A Kilbourn
Measuring Intergroup Relations in Canada during and after the Pandemic, Jack Jedwab
Meta-Understanding: Implications for Psychological Well-Being in Diverse Communities, Ting Hsueh
Moral identity development and positive moral emotions: Differences involving authentic and hubristic pride, Tobias Krettenauer and Victoria Casey
Moral Identity in Cultural Context: Differences between Canadian and Chinese University Students, Fanli Jia, Tobias Krettenauer, and Lihong Li
Moving Forward While Looking Back: How Expectations of Future Success are Linked with Past Experiences, Claire Jordan
Mutual avoidance behaviours when passing through an aperture: A lifespan approach, Taylor Holloway
Navigating Dementia Together: The Perceived Effects of the Minds in Motion Program on Individuals with Dementia and their Caregivers, Hillary Crouse
No. 16: Cheap Industrial Food and the Urban Margins, Tony Weis, Marylynn Steckley, and Bruce Frayne
No. 17: Revisiting Africa's Supermarket Revolution, Jonathan Crush, Ndeyapo Nickanor, Lawrence N. Kazembe, and Jeremy Wagner
No. 18: Gender Inequality, Poverty and Urban Household Food Security in Cape Town, Mary Caesar and Liam Riley
No. 19: Food Insecurity and Alternative Food Networks in Cities of the Global South, Gareth Haysom
No. 1: Context: Toward Answerability, Jodi Linley
No. 1: Fostering 2SLGBTQ+ Student Success Across Multiple Dimension of Identity, Development & Learning, Kristen Renn and Michael Woodford
No. 1: LGBTQ2S+ Campus Climate: Highlights from the Thriving on Campus Study, Michael R. Woodford
No. 20: Cross-Platform Food Shopping and Household Food Access in Nanjing, China, Cameron McCordic, Zhenzhong Si, and Taiyang Zhong
No. 21: Urban Informal Food Deserts in Windhoek, Namibia, Ndeyapo Nickanor, Lawrence Kazembe, and Jonathan Crush
No. 22: Predictors of Household Food Insecurity in Maputo and Matola, Mozambique, Cameron McCordic and Ezequiel Abrahamo
No. 2: 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusion: Key Terms and More, Tameera Mohamed
No. 23: Food Vending and the Urban Informal Sector in Cape Town, South Africa, Godfrey Tawodzera
No. 24: Achieving Urban Food Security through a Public-Private Hybrid Food Provisioning System: A Case Study of Nanjing, China, Taiyang Zhong, Zhenzhong Si, Jonathan Crush, Xianjin Huang, Steffanie Scott, Menglu Yan, Shuangshuang Tang, and Xiang Zhang
No. 24: Achieving Urban Food Security Through a Public-Private Hybrid Food Provisioning System: A Case Study of Nanjing, China, Taiyang Zhong, Zhenzhong Si, Jonathan Crush, Xianjin Huang, Steffanie Scott, Menglu Yan, Shuangshuang Tang, and Xiang Zhang
No. 25: The Climate Change-Food Security Nexus: Intergovernmental Frameworks and Hyper-Experimentation in Cities, Carrie L. Mitchell, Joanne Fitzgibbons, Kristen Regier, and Siya Agrawal
No. 26: Supermarkets and Informal Food Vendors in Windhoek, Namibia, Ndeyapo Nickanor, Lawrence Kazembe, and Jonathan Crush
No. 27: Social Protection and Urban Food Systems, Gareth Haysom and Issahaka Fuseini
No. 28: Urban Food Deserts in Nairobi and Mexico City, Jeremy Wagner, Lucy Hinton, Cameron McCordic, Samuel Owuor, Guénola Capron, and Salomón Gonzalez Arellano
No. 29: Modes of Governance of Street Food Vending in Nanjing, China, Ning Dai, Taiyang Zhong, and Steffanie Scott
No. 2: Relationally Present, Virtually Remote: Fostering A Critical Pedagogy of Care within Online Education, Michelle Skop
No. 2: Thriving On Campus – Intersections of Campus Climate and Academics, Simon Coulombe
No. 30: Governing the Informal Food Sector in Cities of the Global South, Graeme Young and Jonathan Crush
No. 3: Creating Gender Inclusive Learning & Work Environments on Campuses, David Pereira
No. 3: Creating Learning Partnerships with LGBTQ2S+ Students, J. Michael Denton
No. 3: Fostering Wellbeing among 2SLGBTQ+ Students: Multi-level Risk and Protective Factors, Michael Woodford
No. 4: Supporting 2SLGBTQ+ Students to Thrive on Campus, Lauren Munro, David A. Pereira, and Brandon R.G. Smith
No. 4: Supporting Racially & Culturally Diverse LGBTQ2S+ Students, Lauren Burrows
No. 5: Centering LGBTQ2S+ Students of Color in Community College Online Environments, Melvin A. Whitehead’s
No. 5: More than a Checklist: Post-Secondary Wins and Gaps for Trans-Inclusion, Jasper Fisher, Tai Jacob, and Michelle Poirier
No. 5: Pronoun Best Practices & Navigating Digital Spaces, Jared Sanchez-Cacnio
No. 6: Ending 2SLGBTQ+ Allies in Higher Education: Implications for Online Learning, Dian Squire
No. 6: Promoting Inclusion and Allyhood – Safe Space Programming, Corey Johnson
No. 7: Fostering 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion on Campus: Experiences and Reflections, Akeisha Lari, Yvette Munro, Jean Pfleiderer, and Keegan Prempeh
No. 7: Understanding and Addressing 2SLGBTQIA+ Exclusion in the Online Classroom, Tameera Mohamed
No. 8: Yellow House at Queen’s: An Intersectional Approach to Supporting QTBIPOC Student Communities, Deanna Fialho and Kel Martin
No. 9: Painting the Rainbow Outside the Lines: Collaboration, Capacity Building, and a Culture of Care with the QSSN, Carmen Arth, Tim Ira, and Jessica Scalzo
On National Defence: A Contemporary Evaluation of the Canadian Armed Forces, Kyle Pritchard and Paul Esau
Overcoming the unseen: Understanding diverse Canadian workers’ well-being during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Tyler M. Pacheco
Parental evaluations and choice of math apps for their young children: Exploring the impact of individual differences, Nicola Urquhart
Part 1: Thriving On Campus, Shawna Riebling, Michael R. Woodford, Eric J. Van Giessen, and Tin Vo
Part 2: Thriving On Campus, Shawna Riebling, Michael R. Woodford, Eric J. Van Giessen, and Tin Vo
Pluralism, Political Creeds, and Competing Ontologies: Faith Leaders as a Resource for Navigating Polarization, Bruce J. Clemenger
Polarization and the Pontificate of Francis: Searching for Unity on the Synodal Path, Logan Liut
Political Communication in A Multicultural Metropolis: Chinese Ethnic Media and the 2023 Toronto Mayoral By-Election, Dongwei Lin
Post Truth? Facts and Faithfulness, John Milloy
Preaching Peace, Selling Arms: The Evolution of Canadian Military Export Policy, 1946-49, Paul Esau
Prophets of Love: The Unlikely Kinship of Leonard Cohen and the Apostle Paul, Allen Jorgenson
Queer Liberation in Young Adult Fantasy: An Analysis of Rainbow Islands, Sydney Brouillard-Coyle
Rates and patterns of permafrost thaw induced landcover change at Scotty Creek, Canada, Mason Dominico
Recoloring in Hereditary Graph Classes: Structure and Decomposition, Manoj Belavadi
Reconciliation, Polarization, and Faith: What Direction Will We Choose?, Charlene Bearhead
Reflections on Posthumanism: In the Beginning, the Face., Russell J A Kilbourn
Reimagining Health: Calling for Reform of the Canadian Healthcare System Through Afrofuturism and Speculative Design, Diane Oyedeji Ms and Stephanie J. Kiggundu Ms
Reiterating Visibility: Canadian Librarians’ Experiences of Racial Microaggressions via Findings from a Minority Librarians Network Redux Survey, Yanli Li, Maha Kumaran, Allan Cho, Valentina Ly, Suzanne Fernando, and Michael David Miller
Reporting of and policy on greenhouse gas emissions from air travel at Canadian universities, Derek Hall
Reversible Degradation of Peptidoglycan by Lytic Transglycosylases, Aaron Devereaux
Review of “A Different Track: Hospital Trains of the Second World War” by Alexandra Kitty, Cynthia Toman
Review of "Afterlives of War: A Descendants’ History" by Michael Roper, Tim Cook
Review of "A Samaritan State Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid" edited by Greg Donaghy and David Webster, Jonathon Zimmer
Review of "A Thirst for Wine and War: The Intoxication of French Soldiers on the Western Front" by Adam D. Zientek, Brian Bertosa
Review of "Battlefield Emotions in Late Antiquity: A Study of Fear and Motivation in Roman Military Treatises" by Łukasz Różycki, Lucas McMahon
Review of "Combat Stress in Pre-modern Europe" edited by Owen Rees, Kathryn Hurlock and Jason Crowley, Matthew Barrett
Review of "Deserters of the First World War: The Home Front" by Andrea Hetherington, Matthew Barrett
Review of “E. J. Hughes: Canadian War Artist” by Robert Amos, Matthew Barrett
Review of "Enduring Alliance: A History of NATO and the Postwar Global Order" by Timothy Andrews Sayle, Jean-Michel Turcotte
Review of "For King and Country: The British Monarchy and the First World War" by Heather Jones, Matthew Barrett
Review of “Four Colour Combat: Canadian Forces in War Comics” by Cord A. Scott, Matthew Barrett
Review of “French Generals of the Great War: Leading the Way” edited by Jonathan Krause and William Philpott, Roy A. Prete
Review of “Haunted Britain: Spiritualism, Psychical Research and the Great War” by Kyle Falcon, Tim Cook
Review of "Heavy and Continuous Sacrifice: New Zealand, Her Allies, and the Second World War" edited by Peter Cooke and John Crawford, Brian Bertosa
Review of "I Can Only Paint: The Story of Battlefield Artist Mary Riter Hamilton" by Irene Gammel, Bradley Shoebottom
Review of “Lifesavers and Body Snatchers: Medical Care and the Struggle for Survival in the Great War” by Tim Cook, Adam Montgomery
Review of “Material Traces of War: Stories of Canadian Women and Conflict, 1914- 1945” by Stacey Barker, Krista Cooke and Molly McCullough, Susan R. Grayzel
Review of “Part of Life Itself: The War Diary of Lieutenant Leslie H. Miller, CEF” edited by Graham Broad, Gary Sheffield
Review of “Small Stories of War: Children, Youth and Conflict in Canada and Beyond” edited by Barbara Lorenzkowski, Kristine Alexander and Andrew Burtch, Cynthia R. Comacchio
Review of "Stalingrad Lives: Stories of Combat and Survival" by Ian Garner, Grant T. Harward
Review of "The Hardest Battle: The Canadian Corps and the Arras 1918 Campaign" by William F. Stewart, David Borys
Review of "The Second World War: An Illustrated History" by James Holland and Keith Burns (illustrator), Matthew Barrett
Review of "The Spanish Blue Division on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945: War, Occupation, Memory" by Xosé M. Núnez Seixas, Ben H. Shepherd
Review of "Through Their Eyes: A Graphic History of Hill 70 and Canada’s First World War" by Matthew Barrett and Robert C. Engen, John R. Heckman
Review of "Traitor By Default: The Trials of Kanao Inouye, the Kamloops Kid" by Patrick Brode, Scott Mair
Review of “Treasuring the Tradition: The Story of The Military Museums” by Jeff Keshen and David Bercuson, Craig Leslie Mantle
Review of "Warriors and Warships: Conflict on the Great Lakes and the Legacy of Point Frederick" by Robert D. Banks, Thomas Malcomson
Review of "We Lived in Danger: From True Prairie Boy to Royal Regina Rifleman. A Western Canadian’s WWII Memoir" by Victor Hepburn Small, Geoffrey Hayes
Scarred by the White Plague: A Health History of Tuberculosis and the Great War, Eric Story
Self-Exciting Point Processes in Real Estate, Ian Fraser
Shifting Blame and Gendered Differences: A News Media Study of the Characterization of Police Sexual Violence, Brittany Nieman
Singing Common Ground: Inshallah Offers an Embodied Response to Polarization to an Interfaith Audience, Debbie Lou Ludolph and Héctor A. Acero Ferrer
Sitting on the Fence, Janaki Bandara
Social Behavior & Personality in Corn Snakes, Maggie-Rose Johnston
Social Interaction, Social Cognition, and Personality in Gartersnakes and Ball pythons, Morgan Skinner
Standing on the Edge of Community, Nicole Walker
Strategies to Recruit, Retain, and Disseminate Findings to Older Adults in Health Research: A Literature Review, Sydney Giancola, Russell Estreicher, and Merna Mina
Supply Chain Managerial Processes and Models for Transportation and Facilities Resources Second Edition (2024), Michael Haughton
Taste and See That the Lord Is Good, Stephen Larson
Telling the Stories of Airwomen in the ‘Forgotten Decade’: 1952-62, Rebecca Hartley and Allan English
The 2024 Defence Policy Update and its Predecessors: Why the CAF is in a “Death Spiral”, Allan English
The Asian Renovation of Biracial Buddy Action: Negotiating Globalization in the Millennial Hollywood Cop Action Film, Philippa Gates
The Atiyah-Hitchin-Singer Theorem and an 8-dimensional generalization, Timothy Ponepal
The Case of Québec and Bill 21 in the Landscape of Polarization, Sabrina Di Matteo
The characterization of Vig-1’s expression patterns in IPNV-infected, or dsRNA-treated, rainbow trout cells, Samantha Lum
The Design and Synthesis of New Materials using Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions, Lavneet Kaur and Kenneth E. Maly
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Demands on By-law Officer Wellness and Work, Harveen Randhawa
The impacts of permafrost thaw slumps on Arctic stream ecology, Maria Dolan
The Influence of a Sports Vision Training Program on Performance of Related Tasks of Visual Perception in Varsity Athletes, Travis Stewart
The influence of visual perspective on the cognitive effort required for mental representation, Jeffrey P. Hong
The Laurier Legacy Project - Concluding Report, Katelyn Arac
The Lord’s Supper and the Conversational Theology of Philip Melanchthon and Johannes Brenz, Timothy J. Wengert
The Man’s Film: Woo and the Pleasures of Male Melodrama, Philippa Gates
The Metabolic Cost of Digestion in Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, Kelsy Moffatt
"The Most Important Thing in IPV Right Now": The Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence and Brain Injury, Halina (Lin) Haag
The plant disease triangle facing climate change: a molecular perspective, Charles Roussin-Léveillée, Christina A. M. Rossi, Christian Castroverde, and Peter Moffett
The Prevalence and Consequences of Gender-based Violence Among Trans and Non-Binary University Students in Ontario, Jia Qing Wilson-Yang
The Return of Food: Poverty and Urban Food Security in Zimbabwe after the Crisis, Godfrey Tawodzera, Liam Riley, and Jonathan Crush
The Role of Care Webs in Sustaining Engagement and Well-being among Marginalized Emerging Adults Involved in Climate Justice Activism, Vincent Boisclair
The role of the individual in animal collectives, Tanya T. Shoot
The State of Poverty and Food Insecurity in Maseru, Lesotho, Resetselemang Leduka, Jonathan Crush, Bruce Frayne, Cameron McCordic, Thope Matobo, Ts’episo Makoa, Matseliso Mphale, Mmantai Phaila, and Moipone Letsie
The Vernon Military Camp and the Imperial Training Archipelago, 1939-45, Megan Hamilton
The Wilderness Which Never Was: A History of the Białowieża Forest 1850–1947, Rafal Stolarz
They Want to Be Global Citizens: Now What? Implications of the NGO Career Arc for Students and Faculty Mentors, Andrew M. Robinson
Three Essays on Corporate Debt Contracting and Innovation, olaleye morohunfolu
Three Essays on Risks in the Option and CDS Markets, Seyed-Erfan Sadeghi
Trade, Usury, and the Incursion of Desire, Allen Jorgenson
TrogloDYKE's Delight: A Deep Listening of Pauline Olivero's Troglodyte's Delight, Calum Robertson
Truth, John Milloy
T&T Clark Introduction to Spirit Christology, Héctor A. Acero Ferrer
Understanding health and well-being outcomes associated with protected coastal ecosystems: A Fundy National Park case study., Mhairi K. Chandler
Understanding the Dynamics of Food and Economic Development in the Community of Kakisa, Northwest Territories, Canada, Laura Rodriguez Reyes
Virtual Justice?: An Analysis of Access to Court for People Experiencing Homelessness, Kaitlin Humer
Waterloo Ministry and the Future of LTS, William H. Harrison
“We are now getting a Canadian occupation”: Liberators and the Liberated in the Nijmegen Salient, 1944-45, Eric McGeer
Webinar Program [PDF], Michael Woodford and Eric Van Giessen
What Traces Did They Leave?: The Varied Involvement in Book Culture of Three ‘Conventional’ Premodern Englishwomen, Katrina Van Der Ahe
Women Guitar Orchestra Conductors, 1885 to Present, Part 1, Mariette Stephenson
Women’s Contributions to Guitar Orchestras Prior to 1930, Mariette Stephenson
World Class Supply Chain 2024: Thriving in Volatile Times, Michael Haughton
Young Adult Stepchildren's Lived Experience Of Blended Family Adjustment During Adolescence: A Retrospective Descriptive Phenomenological Analysis, Azadeh Razbani-Tehrani