No. 6: Ending 2SLGBTQ+ Allies in Higher Education: Implications for Online Learning
Document Type
Fostering LGBTQ2S+ Inclusion in Online Learning Webinar Presentations (June 2020)
Publication Date
Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work, Thriving On Campus
This session problematizes the concept of LGBTQ2S+ ally, suggesting instead the Indigenous Action Network’s conceptualization of being an accomplice. Dian suggests an intersectional and humanistic approach that requires instructors to historicize and build their understanding of oppression, and ultimately use their privilege/capital to take action. Doing so in the online environment will take new imagining as the student-instructor relationship will inevitably be different than in face-to-face relationships.
Recommended Citation
Squire, Dian, "No. 6: Ending 2SLGBTQ+ Allies in Higher Education: Implications for Online Learning" (2020). Thriving On Campus. 18.