Content Posted in 2018
Abelian Subalgebras of Maximal Dimension in Euclidean Lie Algebras, Mark Curro
Aboriginal Child Welfare, Deena Mandell, J. Clouston Carlson, Marshall Fine, and Cindy Blackstock
A Collaboration of Poetry and Art: The Krill Kill Project, Diane Guichon and Sarah Melanie Harrill
A Derivation of π(n) Based on a Stability Analysis of the Riemann-Zeta Function, Michael Harney and Ioannis Haranas
A discourse analysis of Gender Perceptions, Twitter, the 2018 Progressive Convervative Leadership Race, and the 2018 Provincial Election, Mary E. Chamberlain
A Discourse Analysis of Ontario's Family Health Teams, Rachelle Ashcroft
Advent 1 Year C – Trinity – 2018, Tanya Ramer
Affective Ecologies: Empathy, Emotion, and Environmental Narrative by Alexa Weik von Mossner, David Tagnani
A Field Guide for Weathering: Embodied Tactics for Collectives of Two or More Humans, Jennifer Mae Hamilton and Astrida Neimanis
Agents of Hope, Steve Sider, Angie Davids, Amanda Knowles, Annalisa Luimes, and Leanne Van Bostelen
A Graph of the Wind, Sid Marty
A Grateful Mind: The Impact of Felt Fluency on Subjective Well-Being, Renee Hunt
A Land Not Forgotten: Indigenous Food Security & Land-Based Practices in Northern Ontario by Michael A. Robidoux and Courtney W. Mason, Tonia L. Payne Ph.D.
"Allied Power: Mobilizing Hydro-electricity during Canada’s Second World War (Book Review)" by Matthew Evenden, Brian Bertosa
All the Names Between by Julia McCarthy and The Girls with Stone Faces by Arleen Paré, Erin Renee Wahl
"American Grand Strategy in the Mediterranean during World War II (Book Review)" by Andrew Buchanan, Alexander Salt
"A meruelous thinge!": Elizabeth of Spalbeek, Christina the Astonishing, and Performative Self-Abjection in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 114, Murrielle Michaud
Among the Ruins, Edie Steiner
An Apostolic Harmony of the Gospel: The Structure of the First Eight (Six) Articles of the Augsburg Confession, John Caswell Boyd
An Assessment of the Plant and Mycorrhizal Community at Steeves Lake Shoreline, Colomac Mine, NWT, Rebekah Hamp and Dr. Kevin Stevens
An in-depth analysis of the health and wellbeing of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Brianne Redquest, Paula Fletcher Dr., and Pam Bryden Dr.
Anthropocene Feminism by Richard Grusin, Stephanie Eccles
A Phenomenological, Arts-Based Study of Art Therapists’ Self-Reflective Practice, Laurie Ponsford-Hill
A Roof of One's Own: Widow Walking in the Anthropocene, Anna C. Mullen
Assessing Job Seekers’ Attraction to Working in Green Buildings, Devon Fernandes
Assessing Resilient Post-Disaster Recovery of A Flash-Flood-Prone Area: A Study of the City of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdurazag Tammar
A Study of Three Community and School-Based Models of Child Welfare Service Delivery in Ontario: An Exploration Of Parents’, Service Providers’, and Community Experiences, Karen Frensch, Gary Cameron, and Lirondel Hazineh
As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom Through Radical Resistance by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Bryant Scott
Athabasca River Glacial Melt Global Warming Blues, Gene Hyde
Attending to the Needs of Inuit Inmates in Canada: Exploring the Perceptions of Correctional Officers and Nunavut Officials, Kosta H. Barka
A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder by Ma-Nee Chacaby with Mary Louisa Plummer, Emily Leung-Pittman
Auditory Feedback Control of Vocal Pitch during Sustained Vocalization: A Cross-Sectional Study of Adult Aging, Peng Liu, Zhaocong Chen, Jeffery A. Jones, Dongfeng Huang, and Hanjun Liu
Auditory-Motor Adaptation to Frequency-Altered Auditory Feedback Occurs When Participants Ignore Feedback, Dwayne Nicholas Keough, Colin Hawco, and Jeffery A. Jones
Auguries by Clea Roberts, Kate Braid
A Workplace Study: Follow-Up Research Report, Deena Mandell, Carol A. Stalker, Cheryl Harvey, Margriet Wright, and Karen Frensch
A Workplace Study of Four Southern-Ontario Children’s Aid Societies (FULL REPORT), C. Harvey, Deena Mandell, Carol Stalker, and Karen Frensch
A Workplace Study of Four Southern-Ontario Children’s Aid Societies (SUMMARY REPORT), Cheryl Harvey, Deena Mandell, Carol Stalker, and Karen Frensch
A Workplace Study of Three Children’s Mental Health Centres in Southern Ontario, Carol Stalker, Deena Mandell, Karen Frensch, and C. Harvey
BEAUTY BOYS: The Aesthetic Labour of Transformation, Keer Wang
Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family, David Chodos and Natasha Krahn
Better Nature by Fenn Stewart, Claire Caldwell
Between North and South: The EU-ACP Migration Relationship, Jonathan Crush
"Beyond the Band of Brothers: The US Military and the Myth that Women Can’t Fight (Book Review)" by Megan MacKenzie, Russell Isinger
Beyond the Biography of a Gene, Laura J. Collins
Bioinformatic interrogation of phosphonate tailoring pathways, Monica Papinski
Birdmania: A Remarkable Passion for Birds by Bernd Brunner, Mozart's Starling by Lyanda Lynn Haupt, and Birds Art Life by Kyo Maclear, Nancy Lee Menning
Blood Fable by Oisín Curran, Michael Occhionero
Border Crossings, Watery Spaces, and the (Un)Verified Self in Middlesex, Jenny Kerber
Brain Drain and Regain: The Migration Behaviour of South African Medical Professionals (Migration Policy Series No. 65), Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, Ivy Bourgeault, Ronald Labonté, and Gail Tomblin Murphy
Bridging or Maintaining Distance: A Matched Comparison of Parent and Service Provider Realities (FULL REPORT), Karen Frensch and Gary Cameron
Bridging or Maintaining Distance: A Matched Comparison of Parent and Service Provider Realities (SUMMARY REPORT), Karen Frensch and Gary Cameron
"Britain and the Bomb: Nuclear Diplomacy, 1964- 1970 (Book Review)" by David James Gill, Joseph A. Buscemi
Canadian Child Welfare: System Design Dimensions and Possibilities for Innovation, Gary Cameron and Nancy Colleen Freymond
Canonoid and Poissonoid Transformations, Symmetries and BiHamiltonian Structures, Giovanni Rastelli and Manuele Santoprete
Capacity Building Workshop: Data Collection – Migration and Development, Jonathan Crush, Belinda Dodson, John Gay, and Clement Leduka
Capitals, climate change and food security: Building sustainable food systems in northern Canadian Indigenous communities, Andrew Spring
Cariboo Fires, 2017, Susan McCaslin and Mark Haddock
Caribou Run by Richard Kelly Kemick, Emily McGiffin
Charecterization of the innate immune response in the rat intervertebral disc at the tissue and cellular level, Matthew Guerreiro
Child and Family Welfare in Sweden, Gunvor Andersson
Child Placement and Mothering ideologies: Images of Mothers in Child Welfare, Nancy Colleen Freymond
Children’s Aid Society of Halton: A School-Based Model of Child Welfare Service Delivery, Gary Cameron, Lirondel Hazineh, and Karen Frensch
Christmas Eve 2017 Litany: A Three-Voice Dramatic Reading, Rick Pryce
Clay-kickers of Flanders Fields: Canadian Tunnellers at Messines Ridge 1916-1917, Brian Pascas
Cleaner, Greener, Healthier: A Prescription for Stronger Canadian Environmental Laws and Policies by David R. Boyd, Alex D. Ketchum
Clergy Supportive Spiritual Practices, Gregory Jenkins
Coal: A Significant Factor in Germany’s Defeat in World War I, Joseph Zeller
Combating Food Waste: Dumpster Diving as a Form of Consumer Resistance, Brock J. Vaughan
Comparison of the Sensitivity of Yes/No and Forced Choice Associative Recognition, Garrett Schliewinsky
Confronting Sexism in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM): What Are the Consequences?, Eden J.V. Hennessey
Contextualizing the Global Nursing Care Chain: International Migration and the Status of Nursing in Kerala, India, Margaret Walton-Roberts
Contextualizing the Global Nursing Care Chain: International Migration and the Status of Nursing in Kerala, India, Margaret Walton-Roberts
Cosmic ray sensors for the continuous measurement of Arctic snow accumulation and melt, Anton Jitnikovitch
"Creating Canada’s Peacekeeping Past (Book Review)" by Colin McCullough, Thirstan Falconer
Criminal Heroes in Television: Exploring Moral Ambiguity in Law and Justice, Amy Henry
Crossing America’s Borders: Chinese Immigrants in the Southwesterns of the 1920s and 1930s, Philippa Gates
Culture Jamming: Activism and the Art of Cultural Resistance by Marilyn DeLaure and Moritz Fink, Bart H. Welling
Daring to Share: Multi-Denominational Congregations in the United States and Canada, Ann Salmon
Daughters of Single Fathers: Working as a Team, Heather Currie and Steve Sider
Deeper Understanding through Novels and Biographies, Brice Balmer
Defence in Depth: An Anatomy of Containment from Quarantine to Resilience, Jessica West
Dehumanism and Disposability, Julietta Singh
Demography, Migration and Demand for International Students, Lesleyanne Hawthorne
Detection of the Relativistic Corrections to the Gravitational Potential Using a Sagnac Interferometer, Ioannis Haranas and Michael Harney
Determinants of Health of Migrant Farm Workers in Canada, Janet McLaughlin
Diasporas and Development: An Assessment of the Irish Experience for the Caribbean, Indianna D. Minto
Diasporas, Development and Governance in the Global South, Abel Chikanda and Gareth Haysom
Differences in perceptions of aperture crossing during a virtual reality choice reaction task between non-athletes and varsity athletes, Jaime Mitchell
(Dis)Embedded Women, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann
Divestment and Climate Change, William J. McNally
Divided Diasporas: Southern Africans in Canada, Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, Wade Pendleton, Mary Caesar, Sujata Ramachandran, Cassandra Eberhardt, and Ashley Hill
Do socially anxious individuals lack behavioural mimicry? Examining the relationships among social anxiety, self-focused attention and mimicry, Kayleigh Abbott
“Do You See What I See?”, Nancy Vernon Kelly
Drivers of post-fire vascular plant regeneration in the conifer-dominated boreal forest of southern Northwest Territories, Alison White
Dust or Fire by Alyda Faber, Brandi Estey-Burtt
Dvar Torah for the Last Day of Passover, Bob Chodos
Dynamic Balance Control and Segmental Orientation While Listening During Walking: Effects of Age and Hearing Loss, Sin Tung Lau
Dynamics of Vocalization-Induced Modulation of Auditory Cortical Activity at Mid-utterance, Zhaocong Chen, Jeffery A. Jones, Peng Liu, Weifeng Li, Dongfeng Huang, and Hanjun Liu
East Asian "China Doll" or "Dragon Lady"?, Joey Lee
Ecological Crisis, or “Intersex Panic,” as Answer of the Real?, Stephanie Hsu
Ecological Ethics and Social Work Therapy Practice, Karma Guindon
Economic Imperialism and Oligopolization of Trade in the Gold Coast: 1886-1939, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann
Editors' Notebook, Amanda M. Di Battista, Alec Follett, Melanie Dennis Unrau, and Julien Defraeye
Educational Leadership in a Fragile State: Comparative Insights from Haiti, Gaetane Jean-Marie and Steve Sider
Educational Leadership in Haiti: A Case Study of Innovative and Exemplary Leadership in a Fragile State, Steve Sider and Gaetane Jean-Marie
Effectively Engaging Diasporas Under the New Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Manuelle Chanoine, Meredith Giel, and Tâmara Simão
Effects in the Anomalistic Period of Celestial Bodies due to a Logarithmic Correction to the Newtonian Gravitational Potential, Omiros Ragos, Ioannis Haranas, and Ioannis Gkigkitzis
Embodied Ecologies and Metafictional Musings: The Limits of Writing Intersex in Middlesex, Christopher Breu
Encountering the Living Religions of India: Strangers to Friends, M. Darrol Bryant
Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: A Critique of the Theory, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann
Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Growth in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, Jonathan Crush, Caroline Skinner, and Abel Chikanda
Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Growth in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique (Migration Policy Series No. 68), Jonathan Crush, Caroline Skinner, and Abel Chikanda
Environmental Humanities: Voices from the Anthropocene by Serpil Oppermann and Serenella Iovino, Pamela Banting
Evaluation of SWAT Model Applicability in a First-Order Agricultural Watershed in Southern Ontario, Ibrahim O. Rashid
Evidence for extra-gastric expression of the proton pump H+/K+ -ATPase in the gills and kidney of the teleost Oreochromis niloticus, Ebtesam Barnawi
Examining Mobile Technology in Higher Education: Handheld Devices In and Out of the Classroom, Julie Mueller, Eileen Wood, Domenica De Pasquale, and Ruth Cruikshank
Examining parental scaffolding in computer based contexts as a function of task difficulty and mobility of computer device, Domenica De Pasquale
Examining the Role of Courts in Canada's Policy-Making Process, Patrick J. Mulligan
Excerpts from the Novel, Bear War-den, Vivian Demuth
Expatriate Business and the African Response in Ghana: 1886-1939, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann
Exploratory study of the use of community treatment orders with clients of an Ontario ACT team, Magnus Mfoafo-M'Carthy, Cara Grosset, Carol Stalker, Irene Dullaart, and Linda McColl Dr.
Exploring Patient Satisfaction among Transgender and Non-Binary Identified Healthcare Users: The Role of Microaggressions and Inclusive Healthcare Settings, Stevie Forbes-Roberts
Exploring the Discourses of Compulsive Hair-Pulling: A Body-Mapping Study, Julia Mason
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Female Retirement Living Seniors and Their Social Relationships, Kathy Procyk
Exploring the potential neuromuscular adaptations associated with sprint interval training, Samer Hassan
Exploring the relationship between group cohesion and compassion in varsity athletes, Theo Chu
Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Regulated Learning and Reflection in Teacher Education, Dawn Buzza, Donna Kotsopoulos, Julie Mueller, and Megan E. Johnston
Exposed: Environmental Politics & Pleasures in Posthuman Times by Stacy Alaimo, Nathan TeBokkel
Factors limiting sand dune restoration in Northwest Beach, Point Pelee National Park, Canada, Pritichhanda Nayak and Pritichhanda Mohanty Nayak
Faith, Feminism, and the Other: Rethinking Christian and Muslim Women’s Engagement, Idrisa Pandit
Fallow Futures: A Short Story, Jonathan Hope
Family & Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County: A Community-Based Model of Child Welfare Service Delivery (FULL REPORT), Lirondel Hazineh, Gary Cameron, and Karen Frensch
Family & Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County: A Community-Based Model of Child Welfare Service Delivery (SUMMARY REPORT), Lirondel Hazineh, Gary Cameron, and Karen Frensch
Family Talk: Parents and children Involved with the Child Welfare and Children's Mental Health Systems (FULL REPORT), Marshall Fine and Deena Mandell
Family Talk: Parents and children Involved with the Child Welfare and Children's Mental Health Systems (SUMMARY REPORT), Marshall Fine and Deena Mandell
Fathers and Child Welfare: Fathers' Service Experiences with the Child Welfare System, Nick Coady
Fathers and Child Welfare: Stories of Men’s Everyday Life Experiences, Gary Cameron
Fathers and Child Welfare: Stories of Men’s Everyday Lives and Service Experiences, Gary Cameron
Fault Lines: Life and Landscape in Saskatchewan’s Oil Economy by Valerie Zink and Emily Eaton, Matthew Zantingh
Female Gender Stereotypes and Inequality within Ursula Vernon’s Jackalope Wives and David K. Yeh’s Cottage Country, Breanna D. Perrin
Fifty Shades of Day - The Varied and Incomplete Meanings of Marketing Capabilities, Gregory J. Tanguay
"Filling the Ranks: Manpower in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918 (Book Review)" by Richard Holt, Curtis B. Robinson
First Nations Child and Family Services and Indigenous Knowledge as a Framework for Research, Policy and Practice, Marlyn Bennett and Cindy Blackstock
Food Remittances: Migration and Food Security in Africa, Jonathan Crush and Mary Caesar
Food Remittances: Rural-urban Linkages and Food Security in Africa, Jonathan Crush and Mary Caesar
Food System and Food Security Study for the City of Cape Town, Jane Battersby, Gareth Haysom, Godfrey Tawodzera, Milla McLachlan, and Jonathan Crush
For better or for worse? Investigating the meaning of change, Jaslyn English and Anne Wilson
Forensic Markers of Lampricide Toxicity in Oncorhynchsus mykiss, Chris White
Form Follows Function, Lyn Baldwin
Forming and Sustaining Partnerships, Pat Schene
Fostering Critical Thinking about Climate Change: Applying Community Psychology to an Environmental Education Project with Youth, Livia D. Dittmer and Manuel Riemer
Four poems, Tanis MacDonald
From Other to Brother: The Transformation of Otherness in the LDS Missionary Experience, Michael H. Clifton
From Rusty Genetics to Octopussy’s Garden, Stacy Alaimo
Gasping for Breath: Women’s Concerns and the Politics of Community Development in Rural Ghana, Charles Gyan
Gay Rights and the Right to a Family: Conflicts Between Liberal and Illiberal Belief Systems, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann
Gender and Remittances: Creating Gender-Responsive Local Development: The Case of Lesotho, Jonathan Crush, Belinda Dodson, John Gay, and Clement Leduka
Gentrifier by John Joe Schlichtman, Jason Patch, and Marc Lamont Hill, Hannah Brais
Geodetic Precession of the Spin in a Non-Singular Gravitational Potential, Ioannis Haranas and MIchael Harney
Geometry of the Universe and Its Relation to Entropy and Information, Ioannis Haranas and Ioannis Gkigkitzis
Getting Over the Magical Hump: Placement Decisions and Emotional Survival for Child Welfare Workers, Nancy Colleen Freymond
Girls’ Voices of the Eighteenth Century: The Development of a Genre for Young Female Readers, 1740-1800, Sarah Rangaratnam
Good Helping Relationships in Child Welfare: Co-authored Stories of Success (FULL REPORT), Catherine de Boer and Nick Coady
Good Helping Relationships in Child Welfare: Co-authored Stories of Success (SUMMARY REPORT), Catherine de Boer and Nick Coady
Gothic: A Field Journal, Grant Paton
Grandfathers’ Teachings, Allen Jorgenson
Growing A Sustainable City?: The Question of Urban Agriculture by Christina D. Rosan and Hamil Pearsall, Matthew Zantingh
Growing up Overseas: Perceptions of Second Language Attrition and Retrieval Amongst Expatriate Children in India, Steve Sider
Harnessing Migration for Inclusive Growth and Development in Southern Africa, Jonathan Crush, Belinda Dodson, Vincent Williams, and Daniel Tevara
Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment Access Among People Who Inject Drugs, Monika Roerig
Hiding in Plain Sight: Identifying Computational Thinking in the Ontario Elementary School Curriculum, Eden J.V. Hennessey, Julie Mueller, Danielle Beckett, and Peter A. Fisher
High resolution spatial variability in spring snowmelt for an Arctic shrub-tundra watershed, Branden J. Walker and Philip Marsh Dr
I Ate and Drank With These Teachers: Martin Luther and Pilgram Marpeck on Being ‘Theologians of the Cross’, Walter Klaassen
I'd Write the Sea Like a Parlour Game by Alison Dyer, Yvonne E. Blomer
Immigration Policy Changes and Entry to Practice Routes for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs), Margaret Walton-Roberts, Jennifer Guo, Keegan Williams, and Jenna Hennebry
Immigration, the University, and the Tolerant Second-Tier City, Margaret Walton-Roberts
Improving Community Adaptation Outcomes for Youth Graduating from Residential Mental Health Programs: A Synthesis Review (EXECUTIVE SUMMARY), Gary Cameron, T. Smit-Quosai, and Karen Frensch
Improving Community Adaptation Outcomes for Youth Graduating from Residential Mental Health Programs: A Synthesis Review (FULL REPORT), Gary Cameron, T. Smit-Quosai, and Karen Frensch
Improving Community Adaptation Outcomes for Youth Graduating from Residential Mental Health Programs: A Synthesis Review (SUMMARY), Gary Cameron, T. Smit-Quosai, and Karen Frensch
Incarceration, Relationships, and Belonging: Insights into the Experiences of Two Male Youth Recently Released from Custody Facilities, April D. King and Steve Sider
“Inconvenient Neighbours, Whom It Was Desirable Ultimately Wholly to Remove”: Differing Factors in the Dispossessions of Studied Anishinaabe Groups of the Great Lakes Basin, 1820-1865, Heather J. Sanguins
India-Canada Trade and Immigration Linkages: A Case of Regional (Dis)advantage?, Margaret Walton-Roberts
Indigenous-Black Identity: Two Manuscripts Concerning Indigenous-Black Identity, Identity Formation, Mental Health, and Trauma, Ann Marie Beals
Indirect Pathways Into Practice: A Comparative Examination of Indian and Philippine Internationally Educated Nurses and Their Entry Into Ontario’s Nursing Profession, Margaret Walton-Roberts and Jenna Hennebry
Indirect Pathways Into Practice: Philippine Internationally Educated Nurses and Their Entry Into Ontario’s Nursing Profession, Lualhati Marcelino
Influence of Ligand Complexation on Nickel Toxicity, Speciation and Bioavailability in Marine Waters, Samantha Sherman
In Search of the Fisherman’s Path: Rethinking the American Assault on Queenston Heights, Guy St-Denis
Inserting Migrants into the Global Social Protection Floor, Marie-Hélène Ratel, Gabriel Williams, and Keegan Williams
Integrating Computer Technology in Early Childhood Education Environments: Issues Raised by Early Childhood Educators, Eileen Wood, Jacqueline Specht, Teena Willoughby, and Julie Mueller
Interfaith is a Gate Towards Coexistence, Ahmed Youssef
International Migration of Health Professionals and the Marketization and Privatization of Health Education in India: From Push-Pull to Global Political Economy, Margaret Walton-Roberts
International Migration of Health Professionals and the Marketization and Privatization of Health Education in India: From Push-Pull to Global Political Economy, Margaret Walton-Roberts
Interpreting Lived Experience through Writing Online in a Graduate Seminar, Mary Clare Courtland, John Novak, Gail LaFleur, Ken McClelland, Steve Sider, and Joan Shaw
Introduction: Sex and the (Motor) City: Ecologies of Middlesex, Kaitlin Blanchard and Catriona Sandilands
Investigating a Professional Development School Model of Teacher Education in Canada, Dawn Buzza, Donna Kotsopoulos, Julie Mueller, and Megan E. Johnston
Invisible Lives: A Qualitative Study of 61 Parents Receiving Child Protective Services (SUMMARY REPORT), Sarah Maiter
Invisible Lives: The Experiences of Parents Receiving Child Protective Services (FULL REPORT), Sarah Maiter, Sally Palmer, and Shehenaz Manji
"Invisible Scars: Mental Trauma and the Korean War (Book Review)" by Meghan Fitzpatrick, Russell W. Glenn
“Is it because I’m black?”: Creating Space for Diversity in the Christian University, Mary Ashun and Steve Sider
Islands of Grass by Trevor Herriot and The Long Walk by Jan Zwicky, gillian harding-russell
Issue 01: Backgrounder on Health and Safety for Migrant Farmworkers in Canada, Janet McLaughlin and Jenna Hennebry
Issue 02: Key Issues & Recommendations for Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program: Reducing Vulnerabilities & Protecting Rights, Jenna Hennebry and Janet McLaughlin
Issue 03: Backgrounder on Safety and Legal Protection of Irregular Migrants and Volunteer Workers in Mexico, Andrea Pietrzak
Issue 04: Inventory of Services Provided to Immigrants and Refugees in the Waterloo Region, J. Fernando Reyes, Margaret Walton-Roberts, and Jenna Hennebry
Issue 05: Backgrounder on Immigration Policy Changes and Entry to Practice Routes for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) Entering Canada, Margaret Walton-Roberts, Keegan Williams, Jennifer Guo, and Jenna Hennebry
Issue 06: The Migrant Farmworker Health Journey: Identifying Issues and Considering Change across Borders, Janet McLaughlin, Jenna Hennebry, Donald C. Cole, and Gabriel Williams
Issue 07: The Need for Local Reintegration Policy/Programs in Rural Mexico, Meredith Giel
Issue 08: New Policies, New Students, New Direction? Trends in International Student Enrollment in Ontario’s Changing Policy Landscape, Keegan Williams, Gabriel Williams, Amy Arbuckle, Margaret Walton-Roberts, and Jenna Hennebry
Issue 09: Temporary Migration Policy, Trends, and Ontario’s Economy: 2000-2012, Keegan Williams
Issue 10: Global Care Chains: Addressing Unpaid Reproductive Labour in the Philippines, Harrison Ellis
Issue 11: Scaling Canada’s Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) Model for Proactive Refugee Resettlement, Ahmed Mohamoud Elmi, Marina Ghosh, Sasha Oliveira, and Margaret Walton-Roberts
Issue 12: International Students Adaptation and Integration in the Canadian University Sector, Guanglong Pang and Margaret Walton-Roberts
Issue 13: Syrian Refugee Resettlement and the Role of Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) in Ontario, Canada, Margaret Walton-Roberts, Luisa Veronis, Sarah Wayland, Huyen Dam, and Blair Cullen
Issue 14: Welcoming Diversity: The Role of Local and Civil Society Initiatives in Integrating Newcomers, Feyzi Baban, Fuat Keyman, Hande Paker, and Kim Rygiel
Knowledge mobilization for complex community initiatives: Examining how peer learning strategies influence capacity for local implementation of Housing First, Sarah Kathleen Worton
Learning From Difference: Comparing Child Welfare Systems, Rachael Hetherington
Learning in Motion: Teachers‟ Perspectives on the Impact of Stationary Bike Use in the Classroom, Julie Lynn Mueller, Amanda Wudarzewski, and Yoad Avitzur
Learning to Read in English: Vocabulary Knowledge, Phonological Awareness in Relation to Oral Reading Fluency in Chinese-English Bilinguals, Michelle (RuYun) Huo
Le cahier de notes des éditeurs en chef, Amanda M. Di Battista and Paul Huebener
Les humanités environnementales dans un monde post-vérité, Amanda M. Di Battista and Paul Huebener
Life Domain Research Report Series: Family, Gary Cameron, Lirondel Hazineh, Karen Frensch, and Michele Preyde
Life Domain Research Report Series: Family (2010 UPDATE), Gary Cameron, Lirondel Hazineh, Karen Frensch, and Michele Preyde
Life Domain Research Report Series: School and Employment, Karen Frensch, Lirondel Hazineh, Gary Cameron, and Michele Preyde
Life Domain Research Report Series: School and Employment (2010 UPDATE), Karen Frensch, Lirondel Hazineh, Gary Cameron, and Michele Preyde
Life Domain Research Report Series: Social Connections and Community Conduct, Lirondel Hazineh, Karen Frensch, Michele Preyde, and Gary Cameron
Life Domain Research Report Series: Social Connections and Community Conduct (2010 UPDATE), Lirondel Hazineh, Karen Frensch, Michele Preyde, and Gary Cameron
Life Domain Research Report Series: Youth and Parent Health and Well Being, Michele Preyde, Karen Frensch, Gary Cameron, and Lirondel Hazineh
Life Domain Research Report Series: Youth and Parent Health and Well Being (2010 UPDATE), Michele Preyde, Karen Frensch, Gary Cameron, and Lirondel Hazineh
Lines of Flight: An Atomic Memoir by Julie Salverson, Ashley E. Reis
Listening to Earth Stories: An Interview with Swarnalatha Rangarajan, Sufina K and Bhuvaneswari R
Listen! The Earth Speaks, Cindy Rose
Living with Others: Fostering Radical Cosmopolitanism Through Citizenship Politics in Berlin, Feyzi Baban and Kim Rygiel
Love in the Anthropocene, Catherine Olver
Lutheran Theology and Secular Law: The Work of the Modern State, Gordon A. Jensen
Luther on Prayer, Munyengetero Mtata
Madness and lived experience: An analysis of The Icarus Project, Alyson Young
Managing Ambiguous Amphibians: Feral Cows, People, and Place in Ukraine’s Danube Delta, Tanya Richardson
Maori Perspectives on Collaboration and Colonisation in Contemporary Aotearoa/New Zealand Child and Family Welfare Policies and Practices, Catherine Love
Materialism’s Affective Appeal, Elizabeth Mazzolini
Middlesex and the Biopolitics of Modernist Architecture, Nicole Seymour
Migrant Entrepreneurship, Collective Violence and Xenophobia in South Africa (Migration Policy Series No. 67), Jonathan Crush and Sujata Ramachandran
Migrant Rights are Human Rights, Jenna Hennebry
Migration and Food Security: Zimbabwean Migrants in Urban South Africa, Godfrey Tawodzera and Jonathan Crush
Migration Governance and Migration Rights in the Southern African Development Community (SADC): Attempts at Harmonization in a Disharmonious Region, Belinda Dodson and Jonathan Crush
Migration, Remittances and Gender-Responsive Local Development: Executive Summaries. Case Studies: Albania, the Dominican Republic, Lesotho, Morocco, the Philippines and Senegal, Alison J. Petrozziello and Elisabeth Robert
Migration, Urbanization and Food Security in Cities of the Global South: 26–27 November 2012, Cape Town, South Africa, Jonathan Crush
Modernizing Midwifery: Managing Childbirth in Ontario and the British Isles, 1900–1950, Gwenith Cross
Molecular Characterization of the Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) Ovarian Steroidogenic Pathway and Implications for Exogenous Estrogen Effects during Follicular Development, Thiviya Kanagasabesan
"Moltke and His Generals: A Study in Leadership (Book Review)" by Quintin Barry, Dominic J. Caraccilo
Moral identity development across middle childhood and adolescence, Sonia Sengsavang
Mothers and Child Welfare: Stories of Women’s Everyday Lives and Service Experiences (Story Volume), Gary Cameron
Mothers’ Everyday Realities and Child Placement Experiences (FULL REPORT), Nancy Colleen Freymond
Mothers’ Everyday Realities and Child Placement Experiences (SUMMARY REPORT), Nancy Colleen Freymond
Mourning Nature: Hope at the Heart of Ecological Loss and Grief by Ashlee Cunsolo and Karen Landman, Jenna Gersie
Moving Forward with Self-Compassion: An Examination of Self-Compassion, Social Anxiety, and Post-Event Processing, Rebecca A. Blackie
Mulberiddlesex, Catriona Sandilands
Multiple Instances of Vocal Sensorimotor Adaptation to Frequency-Altered Feedback within a Single Experimental Session, Colin S. Hawco and Jeffery A. Jones
Museum Archipelago, Elizabeth Dodd
“My classroom is a bigger place”: Examining the Impact of a Professional Development Course on the Global Perspective of Experienced Teachers, Steve Sider and Mary Ashun
Narratology beyond the Human: Storytelling and Animal Life by David Herman, Brian McCormack
Nature, Place, and Story: Rethinking Historic Sites in Canada by Claire Campbell, Emma K. Morgan-Thorp
Navigating Risks Across Borders: The Lived Experiences of Central American Women Migrants, Carla Angulo-Pasel
Neuronal Correlation Parameter in the Idea of Thermodynamic Entropy of an N-Body Gravitationally Bounded System, Ioannis Haranas, Ioannis Gkigkitzis, Ilias S. Kotsireas, and Carlos Austerlitz
Newcomer Women and the Workforce: A Critical Policy Analysis of Employment and Labour Legislation in Ontario, Anuja Jeeva
No. 01: Covert Operations: Clandestine Migration, Temporary Work and Immigration Policy in South Africa, Jonathan Crush
No. 01: Hungry Cities of the Global South, Jonathan Crush
No. 01: The Invisible Crisis: Urban Food Security in Southern Africa, Jonathan Crush and Bruce Frayne
No. 01: The South African White Paper on International Migration: An Analysis and Critique, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 01: The Urban Food System of Nanjing, China, Zhenzhong Si, Jonathan Crush, Steffanie Scott, and Taiyang Zhong
No. 02: Approaching Sustainable Urban Development in China through a Food System Planning Lens, Zhenzhong Si and Steffanie Scott
No. 02: The New South African Immigration Bill: A Legal Analysis, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 02: The State of Urban Food Insecurity in Southern Africa, Bruce Frayne, Wade Pendleton, Jonathan Crush, Ben Acquah, Jane Battersby-Lennard, Eugenio Bras, Asiyati Chiweza, Tebogo Dlamini, Robert Fincham, Florian Kroll, Clement Leduka, Aloysius Mosha, Chileshe Mulenga, Peter Mvula, Akiser Pomuti, Ines Raimundo, Michael Rudolph, Shaun Ruysenaa, Nomcebo Simelane, Daniel Tevara, Maxton Tsoka, Godfrey Tawodzera, and Lazarus Zanamwe
No. 02: The Urban Food System of Maputo, Mozambique, Abel Chikanda and Inês Raimundo
No. 03: International Migration, Immigrant Entrepreneurs and South Africa’s Small Enterprise Economy, Christian M. Rogerson
No. 03: Making Up the Numbers: Measuring “Illegal Immigration” to South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 03: Pathways to Insecurity: Food Supply and Access in Southern African Cities, Jonathan Crush and Bruce Frayne
No. 03: The Urban Food System of Cape Town, South Africa, Gareth Haysom, Jonathan Crush, and Mary Caesar
No. 03: Urban Food Deserts and Climate Change in African Cities, Mary Caesar and Jonathan Crush
No. 04: Gender Concerns in South African Migration Policy, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 04: Silenced by Nation-Building: African Immigrants and Language Policy in the New South Africa, Maxine Reitzes and Nigel Crawhall
No. 04: Supermarkets, Wet Markets and Food Patronage in Nanjing, China, Zhenzhong Si, Steffanie Scott, and Cameron McCordic
No. 04: The Urban Food System of Kingston, Jamaica, Elizabeth Thomas-Hope, Robert Kinlocke, Therese Ferguson, Charmaine Heslop-Thomas, and Beth Timmers
No. 04: Urban Food Production and Household Food Security in Southern African Cities, Jonathan Crush, Alice Hovorka, and Daniel Tevara
No. 05: Counting Brains: Measuring Emigration From South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 05: Mapping the Informal Food Economy in Cape Town, South Africa, Jane Battersby, Maya Marshak, and Ncedo Mngqibisa
No. 05: The HIV and Urban Food Security Nexus, Jonathan Crush, Bruce Frayne, Scott Drimie, and Mary Caesar
No. 05: The Urban Food System of Bangalore, India, Aditi Surie and Neha Sami
No. 06: The Informal Sector’s Role in Food Security: A Missing Link in Policy Debates, Caroline Skinner and Gareth Haysom
No. 06: The Point of No Return: Evaluating the Amnesty for Mozambican Refugees in South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 06: The Urban Food System of Nairobi, Kenya, Samuel Owuor, Andrea Brown, Jonathan Crush, Bruce Frayne, and Jeremy Wagner
No. 06: Trading Places: Cross-Border Traders and the South African Informal Sector, Sally Pederby and Jonathan Crush
No. 06: Urban Food Insecurity and the Advent of Food Banking in Southern Africa, Daniel N. Warshawsky
No. 07: Evaluating Refugee Protection in South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 07: Household Food Security and Access to Medical Care in Maputo, Mozambique, Cameron McCordic
No. 07: Rapid Urbanization and the Nutrition Transition in Southern Africa, Jonathan Crush, Bruce Frayne, and Milla McLachlan
No. 07: The Urban Food System of Mexico City, Mexico, Guénola Capron, Salomón Gonzalez Arellano, Jill Wigle, Ana Luisa Diez, Anavel Monterrubio, Héctor Hidalgo, Jesús Morales, José Castro, Cristina Sánchez-Mejorada, María Concepción Huarte T., María Teresa Esquivel, and René Flores
No. 08: Climate Change and Food Security in Southern African Cities, Gina Ziervogel and Bruce Frayne
No. 08: International Migration and Urban Food Security in South African Cities, Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera
No. 08: The Urban Food System of Windhoek, Namibia, Ndeyapo Nickanor, Lawrence Kazembe, Jonathan Crush, and Jeremy Wagner
No. 08: Thinking About the Brain Drain in Southern Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 09: Comparing Household Food Security in Cities of the Global South through a Gender Lens, Liam Riley and Mary Caesar
No. 09: Migration, Development and Urban Food Security, Jonathan Crush
No. 09: The State of Household Food Security in Nanjing, China, Zhenzhong Si and Taiyang Zhong
No. 09: Transnationalism and African Immigration to South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 10: Criminal Tendencies: Immigrants and Illegality in South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 10: Gender and Food Insecurity in Southern African Cities, Belinda Dodson, Asiyati Chiweza, and Liam Riley
No. 10: The Hungry Cities Food Purchases Matrix: A Measure of Urban Household Food Security and Food System Interactions, Jonathan Crush and Cameron McCordic
No. 10: The State of Household Food Security in Maputo, Mozambique, Inês Raimundo, Cameron McCordic, and Abel Chikanda
No. 11: Regionalizing International Migration: Lessons for SADC, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 11: The State of Food Insecurity in Cape Town, Jane Battersby
No. 11: The State of Household Food Security in Nairobi, Kenya, Samuel Owuor
No. 11: Urban Food Security, Rural Bias and the Global Development Agenda, Jonathan Crush and Liam Riley
No. 12: Compounding Vulnerability: A Model of Urban Household Food Security, Cameron McCordic
No. 12: NEPAD, the City and the Migrant: Implications for Urban Governance, Caroline Kihato
No. 12: The State of Food Insecurity in Johannesburg, Michael Rudolph, Florian Kroll, Shaun Ruysenaar, and Tebogo Dlamini
No. 13: The Growth of Food Banking in Cities of the Global South, Daniel N. Warshawsky
No. 13: The Rise of African Tourism to South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 13: The State of Food Insecurity in Harare, Zimbabwe, Godfrey Tawodzera, Lazarus Zanamwe, and Jonathan Crush
No. 14: Policing Migration: Immigration Enforcement and Human Rights in South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 14: The Impact of Proximity to Wet Markets and Supermarkets on Household Dietary Diversity in Nanjing City, China, Taiyang Zhong, Zhenzhong Si, Jonathan Crush, Zhiying Zu, Xianjin Huang, Steffanie Scott, Shuangshuang Tang, and Xiang Zhang
No. 14: The State of Food Insecurity in Windhoek, Namibia, Wade Pendleton, Ndeyapo Nickanor, and Akiser Pomuti
No. 15: Migration, Urbanisation and Sustainable Livelihoods in South Africa, Loren Landau
No. 15: The Food Security Implications of Gendered Access to Education and Employment in Maputo, Cameron McCordic, Liam Riley, and Inês Raimundo
No. 15: The State of Food Security in Manzini, Swaziland, Daniel Tevera, Nomcebo Simelane, Graciana Peter, and Abul Salam
No. 16: South African Immigration Law: A Gender Analysis, Belinda Dodson and Jonathan Crush
No. 16: The State of Food Insecurity in Msunduzi Municipality, South Africa, Mary Caesar, Jonathan Crush, and Trevor Hill
No. 17: International Migration and Good Governance in the Southern African Region, Jonathan Crush, Sally Peberdy, and Vincent Williams
No. 17: The State of Food Insecurity in Gaborone, Botswana, Ben Acquah, Stephen Kapunda, Alexander Legwegoh, Thando Gwebu, Tirelo Modie-Moroka, Kesitegile Gobotswang, and Aloysius Mosha
No. 17: Writing Xenophobia: Immigration and the Press in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Ransford Danso and David A. McDonald
No. 18: Losing Our Minds: Skills Migration and the South African Brain Drain, Jonathan Crush
No. 18: The Draft Protocol on the Facilitation of Movement of Persons in SADC: Implications for State Parties, Vincent Williams and Lizzie Carr
No. 18: The State of Food Insecurity in Blantyre City, Malawi, Peter Mvula and Asiyati Chiweza
No. 19: Botswana: Migration Perspectives and Prospects, Johan Oucho, Eugene Campbell, and Elizabeth Mukamaambo
No. 19: Irregular Migration to South Africa During the First Ten Years of Democracy, Lyndith Waller
No. 19: The State of Food Insecurity in Lusaka, Zambia, Chileshe Mulenga
No. 1: Migration and Development in Africa: An Overview, Richard Black, Jonathan Crush, Sally Pederby, Savina Ammassari, Lyndsay McLean Hilker, Shannon Mouillesseaux, Claire Pooley, and Radha Rajkotia
No. 1: Towards the Harmonization of Immigration and Refugee Law in SADC, Jonathan Klaaren and Bonaventure Rutinwa
No. 20: Migration of Skills in South Africa: Patterns, Trends and Challenges, Lyndith Waller
No. 20: The Brain Gain: Skilled Migrants and Immigration Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Robert Mattes, Jonathan Crush, and W. Richmond
No. 20: The State of Food Insecurity in Maputo, Mozambique, Ines Raimundo, Jonathan Crush, and Wade Pendleton
No. 21: Cross-Border Raiding and Community Conflict in the Lesotho-South African Border Zone, Gary Kynoch, Theresa Ulicki, Tsepang Cekwane, Booi Mohapi, Mampolokeng Mohapi, Ntsoaki Phakisi, and Palesa Seithleko
No. 21: The State of Poverty and Food Insecurity in Maseru, Lesotho, Resetselemang Leduka, Jonathan Crush, Bruce Frayne, Cameron McCordic, Thope Matobo, Ts’episo Makoa, Matseliso Mphale, Mmantai Phaila, and Moipone Letsie
No. 21: The UN Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers: The Ratification Non-Debate, Vincent Williams, Jonathan Crush, and Peggy Nicholson
No. 22: Immigration, Xenophobia and Human Rights in South Africa, Jonathan Crush
No. 22: South African Government and Civil Society Responses to Zimbabwean Migration, Tara Poizer
No. 22: The Return of Food: Poverty and Urban Food Security in Zimbabwe after the Crisis, Godfrey Tawodzera, Liam Riley, and Jonathan Crush
No. 23: Gender and the Brain Drain from South Africa, Belinda Dodson
No. 23: Labour Migration Trends and Policies in Southern Africa, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
No. 23: The Food Insecurities of Zimbabwean Migrants in Urban South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera
No. 24: Mapping the Invisible: The Informal Food Economy of Cape Town, South Africa, Jane Battersby, Maya Marshak, and Ncedo Mngqibisa
No. 24: South Africa's Two Diasporas: Engagement and Disengagement, Jonathan Crush
No. 24: Spaces of Vulnerability: Migration and HIV/AIDS in South Africa, Brian Williams, Eleanor Gouws, Mark Lurie, and Jonathan Crush
No. 25: Complex Movements, Confused Responses: Labour Migration in South Africa, Jonathan Crush
No. 25: Food Insecurity in Informal Settlements in Lilongwe, Malawi, Emmanuel Chilanga, Liam Riley, Juliana Ngwira, Chisomo Chalinda, and Lameck Masitala
No. 25: Zimbabweans Who Move: Perspectives on International Migration in Zimbabwe, Daniel Tevara and Lovemore Zinyama
No. 26: Social Media, The Internet and Diasporas for Development, Jonathan Crush, Cassandra Eberhardt, Mary Caesar, Abel Chikanda, Wade Pendleton, and Ashley Hill
No. 26: The Supermarket Revolution and Food Security in Namibia, Ndeyapo Nickanor, Lawrence Kazembe, Jonathan Crush, and Jeremy Wagner
No. 27: Food Security in Africa's Secondary Cities: No. 1 Mzuzu, Malawi, Liam Riley, Emmanuel Chilanga, Lovemore Zuze, and Amanda Joynt
No. 27: Migration and Development in Contemporary Mauritius, David Lincoln
No. 28:Changing Attitudes to Immigration and Refugee Policy in Botswana, Eugene Campbell and Johan Oucho
No. 29: The New Brain Drain from Zimbabwe, Daniel S. Tevara and Jonathan Crush
No. 29: Zimbabwe’s Return Migrants – Before & After Challenges, David Mandiyanike
No. 2: The Brain Drain of Health Professionals from Sub-Saharan Africa to Canada, Ronald Labonte, Corinne Packer, Nathan Klassen, Arminee Kazanjian, Lars Apland, Justina Adalikwu, Jonathan Crush, Tom McIntosh, Ted Schrecker, Joelle Walker, and David Zakus
No. 2: The Prospects for Migration Data Harmonization in the SADC, Vincent Williams and Tiffany Tsang
No. 30: Regionalizing Xenophobia? Citizen Attitudes to Immgration and Refugee Policy in Southern Africa, Jonathan Crush and Wade Pendleton
No. 30: Zimbabwe’s Exodus to Australia, David Lucas and Barbara Edgar
No. 3: A Migration Audit of Poverty Reduction Strategies in Southern Africa, Benjamin Roberts
No. 3: Linking Migration, HIV/AIDS and Urban Food Security in Southern and Eastern Africa, Jonathan Crush, Miriam Grant, and Bruce Frayne
No. 40: Migration and Domestic Workers: Worlds of Work, Health and Mobility in Johannesburg, Sally Pederby and Natalya Dinat
No. 41: The Quality of Migration Services Delivery in South Africa, Yul Derek Davids, Kate Lefko-Everett, and Vincent Williams
No. 42: States of Vulnerability: The Future Brain Drain of Talent to South Africa, Jonathan Crush, Eugene Campbell, Thuso Green, Selma Nangulah, and Hamilton Simelane
No. 43: Migration and Development in Mozambique: Poverty, Inequality and Survival, Fion de Vletter
No. 44: Migration, Remittances and Development in Southern Africa, Wade Pendleton, Jonathan Crush, Eugene Campbell, Thuso Green, Hamilton Simelane, Daniel Tevera, and Fion de Vletter
No. 45: Medical Recruits: the Temptation of South African Health Care Professionals, Christian M. Rogerson
No. 46: Voices from the Margins: Migrant Women’s Experiences in Southern Africa, Kate Lefko-Everett
No. 47: The Haemorrhage of Health Professionals From South Africa: Medical Opinions, Wade Pendleton, Jonathan Crush, and Kate Lefko-Everett
No. 48: The Quality of Immigration and Citizenship Services in Namibia, Ndeyapo Nickanor
No. 49: Gender, Migration and Remittances in Southern Africa, Belinda Dodson, Hamilton Simelane, Daniel Tevera, Thuso Green, Abel Chikanda, and Fion de Vletter
No. 50: The Perfect Storm: The Realities of Xenophobia in Contemporary South Africa, Jonathan Crush
No. 51: Migrant Remittances and Household Survival in Zimbabwe, Daniel Tevara and Abel Chikanda
No. 52: Migration, Remittances and ‘Development’ in Lesotho, Jonathan Crush, Belinda Dodson, John Gay, Thuso Green, and Clement Leduka
No. 53: Migration-Induced HIV and AIDS in Rural Mozambique and Swaziland, Jonathan Crush, Inês Raimundo, Hamilton Simelane, Bonaventura Cau, and David Dorey
No. 54: Medical Xenophobia: Zimbabwean Access to Health Services in South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera
No. 55: The Engagement of the Zimbabwean Medical Diaspora, Abel Chikanda
No. 56: Right to the Classroom: Educational Barriers for Zimbabweans in South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera
No. 57: Patients without Borders: Medical Tourism and Medical Migration in Southern Africa, Jonathan Crush
No. 58: The Disengagement of the South African Medical Diaspora, Jonathan Crush and Abel Chikanda
No. 59: The Third Wave: Mixed Migration from Zimbabwe to South Africa, Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, and Godfrey Tawodzera
No. 60: Linking Migration, Food Security and Development, Jonathan Crush
No. 61: Unfriendly Neighbours: Contemporary Migration from Zimbabwe to Botswana, Eugene Campbell and Jonathan Crush
No. 62: Heading North: The Zimbabwean Diaspora in Canada, Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, and Belinda Maswikwa
No. 63: Dystopia and Disengagement: Diaspora Attitudes Towards South Africa, Jonathan Crush
No. 64: Soft Targets: Xenophobia, Public Violence and Changing Attitudes to Migrants in South Africa After May 2008, Jonathan Crush, Sujata Ramachandran, and Wade Pendleton
No. 65: Brain Drain and Regain: The Migration Behaviour of South African Medical Professionals, Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, Ivy Bourgeault, Ronald Labonté, and Gail Tomblin Murphy
No. 66: Xenophobic Violence in South Africa: Denialism, Minimalism, Realism, Jonathan Crush and Sujata Ramachandran
No. 67: Migrant Entrepreneurship, Collective Violence and Xenophobia in South Africa, Jonathan Crush and Sujata Ramachandran
No. 68: Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Growth in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, Jonathan Crush, Caroline Skinner, and Abel Chikanda
No. 69: Calibrating Informal Cross-Border Trade in Southern Africa, Sally Peberdy, Jonathan Crush, Daniel Tevara, Eugene Campbell, Inês Raimundo, Maxton Tsoka, Nomsa Zindela, Godfrey Tawodzera, Ndeyapo Nickanor, Chileshe Mulenga, Thuso Green, and Ntombi Msibi
No. 70: International Migrants and Refugees in Cape Town’s Informal Economy, Godfrey Tawodzera, Abel Chikanda, Jonathan Crush, and Robertson Tengeh
No. 71: International Migrants in Johannesburg’s Informal Economy, Sally Pederby
No. 72: Food Remittances: Migration and Food Security in Africa, Jonathan Crush and Mary Caesar
No. 73: Informal Entrepreneurship and Cross-Border Trade in Maputo, Mozambique, Inês Raimundo and Abel Chikanda
No. 74: Informal Entrepreneurship and Cross-Border Trade between Zimbabwe and South Africa, Abel Chikanda and Godfrey Tawodzera
No. 75: Competition or Co-operation? South African and Migrant Entrepreneurs in Johannesburg, Sally Pederby
No. 76: Refugee Entrepreneurial Economies in Urban South Africa, Jonathan Crush, Godfrey Tawodzera, Cameron McCordic, and Sujata Ramachandran
No. 77: Living with Xenophobia: Zimbabwean Informal Enterprise in South Africa, Jonathan Crush, Godfrey Tawodzera, Abel Chikanda, and Daniel Tevara
No. 78: Comparing Refugees and South Africans in the Urban Informal Sector, Jonathan Crush, Godfrey Tawodzera, Cameron McCordic, and Sujata Ramachandran
No. 79: Rendering South Africa Undesirable: A Critique of Refugee and Informal Sector Policy, Jonathan Crush, Caroline Skinner, and Manal Stulgaitis
No Easy Walk: Advancing Refugee Protection in South Africa, Jeff Handmaker
"No Free Man: Canada, the Great War, and the Enemy Alien Experience (Book Review)" by Bohdan S. Kordan, Richard Roy
Nonlinear Coupled Effects in Nanomaterials, Sia Bhowmick
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behaviour in Children and Adolescents Accessing Residential or Intensive Home-Based Mental Health Services, Michele Preyde, Hanna Watkins, Nicklaus Csuzdi, Jeff Carter, Kelly Lazure, Sara White, Randy Penney, Graham Ashbourne, Gary Cameron, and Karen Frensch
No Shortage of Tanks!: The Canadian Army’s System for the Recovery, Repair and Replacement of A and B Vehicles and Major Weapons Systems, Arthur Gullachsen
Notes from a Feminist Killjoy by Erin Wunker, Hannah Brais
Notes on Canadian Units and Formations Engaged: Battles of the Somme, March-April 1918, Archer Fortescue Duguid
Not In God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence, Carol A. McMullen
No TV for Woodpeckers by Gary Barwin, If Pressed by Andrew McEwan, and Ecology without Culture: Aesthetics for a Toxic World by Christine L. Marran, Michael D. Sloane
Number of Information and its Relation to the Cosmological Constant Resulting from Landauer’s Principle, Ioannis Gkigkitzis, Ioannis Haranas, and Samantha Kirk
Objecting (to) Infrastructure: Ecopolitics at the Ukrainian Ends of the Danube, Tanya Richardson
On Being Intimate with Ruin: Reading Decay in Middlesex, Kaitlin Blanchard
On the Limits of Liberalism in Participatory Environmental Governance: Conflict and Conservation in Ukraine's Danube Delta, Tanya Richardson
On the Relationship between Two Notions of Compatibility for Bi-Hamiltonian Systems, Manuele Santoprete
Organizing from the Maquiladoras to the University: Dialogue and Reflections Among Women Migrant and Maquiladora Workers in Mexico, Evelyn Encalada Grez
Ourobouros, gillian harding-russell
Particularisation of Child Abuse Offences: Common Problems when Questioning Child Witnesses, Martine B. Powell, Kim P. Roberts, and Belinda Guadagno
Patterns of Beliefs, Attitudes, and Characteristics of Teachers That Influence Computer Integration, Julie Mueller and Eileen Wood
Perma/Culture: Imagining Alternatives in an Age of Crisis by Molly Wallace and David Carruthers, Bryant Scott
Permafrost thaw-induced forest to wetland conversion: potential impacts on snowmelt and basin runoff in northwestern Canada, Emily Haughton
Permanent Weekend: Nature, Leisure, and Rural Gentrification by John Michels, Cameron M. Butler
Pieced Together in the Wilderness - Pentecost 26, David Schnasa Jacobsen
Pioneers of Modern Geography: Translations Pertaining to German Geographers of the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Robert C. West
plasticpoems, Fiona Tinwei Lam
Poems from the Arctic Circle, Diana Woodcock
Police Use of Twitter: 21st Century Community Policing, Nicole Coomber
Positive Possibilities for Child and Family Welfare: Options for Expanding the Anglo-American Child Protection Paradigm, Gary Cameron, Nancy Colleen Freymond, Denise Cornfield, and Sally Palmer
Posthumanism: Anthropological Insights by Alan Smart and Josephine Smart, David Shaw
Pour une géographie littéraire de Michel Collot, Hans-Jürgen Greif
Predicting Credit Ratings with Statistical Learning Methods, Yinduo Ma
Problems and Potential for Canadian Child Welfare, K. Swift and M. Callahan
Professional Burnout in Social Service Organizations: A Review of Theory, Research and Prevention, Carol Stalker and Cheryl Harvey
Professional relationships: Bifurcations, threshold concepts, and MSW student voices., Todd Adamowich
Promoting Change from ‘Child Protection’ to ‘Child and Family Welfare’: The Problems of the English System, Rachael Hetherington and Tracey Nurse
Putting (Inter)Faith into Practice: Reflections of a Jewish Scholar in Residence at a Canadian Lutheran Seminary, Daniel Maoz
Quantum Corrections to the Gravitational Potential and Orbital Motion, Ioannis Haranas and Vasile Mioc
Queering Player Agency and Paratexts: An Analysis and Expansion of Queerbaiting in Video Games, Jessica Kathryn Needham
Race and Participant Perceptions: A Case Study of Canadian International Service learning Students in El Salvador, Kenzie Pulsifer
Radar Signal Delay in the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Gravity in the Vicinity of the Sun, Ioannis Haranas, Omiros Ragos, and Ioannis Gkigkitzis
Rag Cosmology by Erin Robinsong, Camilla Nelson
Rain Shadow by Nicholas Bradley and Cloud Physics by Karen Enns, Kelly Shepherd
Reading across Different Orthographies: Urdu, Arabic, Hindi and English, Amna Mirza
Recovering from Workplace Offenses: Understanding the Roles of Resilience and Forgiveness, Francisca Saldanha
Re-examining Lutheran Theology, Gordon A. Jensen
Relationships Between Factors Influencing Biofilm Formation and Pathogen Retention in Complex Rhizosphere Microbial Communities, Aaron Coristine
Religion and Its Nature, Shiv Talwar
"Reluctant Warriors: Canadian Conscripts and the Great War (Book Reivew)" by Patrick Dennis, David Borys
Reparations to Africa and the Group of Eminent Persons, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann
"Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War (Book Review)" by Bruce Dancis, Jeremy Maxwell
Respiratory Particle Deposition Probability Due to Sedimentation with Variable Gravity and Electrostatic Forces, Ioannis Haranas, Ioannis Gkigkitzis, George D. Zouganelis, Maria K. Haranas, and Samantha Kirk
Retrospective Technical Report: Accessible Program Parent Survey Results from Case Opening and Follow Up (Using Retrospective Data), Karen Frensch
Returning the Radiant Gaze: Visual art and embodiment in a world of subjects, Beth Carruthers
Samuel Holland: From Gunner and Sapper to Surveyor-General 1755-1764, Frederick J. Thorpe
Satellite Motion in a Manev Potential with Drag, Samantha Kirk, Ioannis Haranas, and Ioannis Gkigkitzis
Satellite Motion in a Non-singular Gravitational Potential, Ioannis Haranas and Spiros Pagiatakis
School Principals and Students with Special Education Needs: Leading Inclusive Schools, Steve Sider, Kimberly Maich, and Jhonel Morvan
Season of Fires, Rina Garcia Chua
Sea Squad, Liam Geary Baulch
Securitizing Schooling: Post-Secondary Campuses as Security Projects, Andrea Corradi
Seeing Through the Eyes of the Other, Brice Balmer, Bob Chodos, Sarah Shafiq, and Nancy Vernon Kelly
Seeing Through the Eyes of the Other: Putting a Verse of the Qur’an into Practice, Saleem Bhimji
Service Participant Voices in Child Welfare, Children's Mental Health, and Psychotherapy, Marshall Fine, Sally Palmer, and Nick Coady
Sex-Related Differences in Vocal Responses to Pitch Feedback Perturbations During Sustained Vocalization, Zhaocong Chen, Peng Liu, Jeffery A. Jones, Dongfeng Huang, and Hanjun Liu
Siege and Response: Families’ Everyday Lives and Experiences with Children’s Residential Mental Health Services (FULL REPORT), Gary Cameron, Catherine de Boer, Karen Frensch, and Gerald R. Adams
Siege and Response: Families’ Everyday Lives and Experiences with Children’s Residential Mental Health Services (SUMMARY REPORT), Gary Cameron, Catherine de Boer, Karen Frensch, and Gerald R. Adams
"Sister Soldiers of the Great War: The Nurses of the Canadian Army Medical Corps (Book Review)" by Cynthia Toman, Eliza Richardson
Snapshots From the Margins: Transgressive Cosmopolitanisms in Europe, Feyzi Baban and Kim Rygiel
Social Anxiety and Interpersonal Interactions: Investigating the Impact of Anxiety on Interpersonal Behaviours, Perceptions, and Processes, Kelly McDonald
Social Positioning in Social Work Practice: Stories of Hopes and Struggles among Racialized Minority Workers, Utamika Cummings
Sôhkêyihta: The Poetry of Sky Dancer by Louise Bernice Halfe and Why Indigenous Literatures Matter by Daniel Heath Justice, Chad Weidner
Sonorités d’une méditation émotionnelle. Une esthétique de la pluie., Alexandre Melay
"Sounding Thunder: The Stories of Francis Pegahmagabow (Book Review)" by Brian D. McInnes, Eric Story
South Africa Case Study: The Double Crisis – Mass Migration From Zimbabwe And Xenophobic Violence in South Africa, Jonathan Crush, Godfrey Tawodzera, Abel Chikanda, Sujata Ramachandran, and Daniel Tevera
South Asian Diasporas in Canada, Margaret Walton-Roberts
South Asian Diasporas in Canada, Margaret Walton-Roberts
Spatial and temporal variability of the snow environment in the Western Canadian Arctic, Philip Mann
Spatial Modelling and Wildlife Health Surveillance: A case study of White Nose Syndrome in Ontario, Lauren Yee
Sprint Interval Training: Assessing effectiveness and adherence in a real-world setting, Gregory Howe
"Stopping the Panzers: The Untold Story of D-Day (Book Review)" by Marc Milner, Brad St. Croix
Stories of Mothers and Child Welfare (FULL REPORT), Gary Cameron and S. Hoy
Stories of Mothers and Child Welfare (SUMMARY REPORT), Gary Cameron and S. Hoy
"Strangers in Arms: Combat Motivation in the Canadian Army, 1943-1945 (Book Review)" by Robert Engen, Russell W. Glenn
Struck off Strength and from Memory: A Profile of the Deserters of the 165th (Acadian) Battalion, 1916, Gregory Kennedy
Structural Investigation of BcsC: Insight into Periplasmic Transport During Cellulose Export, William Scott and Joel T. Weadge
Structure and Magnetic Properties of a 1D Alternating Cu(II) Monomer―Paddlewheel Chain, Vanessa Machado, Mark M. Turnbull, and Louise N. Dawe
Students' use of personal technology in the classroom: analyzing the perceptions of the digital generation, Debra A. Langan Dr., Nicole D. Schott, Timothy G. Wykes, Justin K. Szeto, Samantha Lynn Kolpin, Carla Lopez, and Daniel Smith
Studies in the geomorphology of the mountain regions of the Upper Indus basin, Kenneth Hewitt
Study View, Tim Youngs
Submission for the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities’ Review of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program, Jenna Hennebry and Janet McLaughlin
Successes and Challenges of Syrian Refugee Children in Canada: Language and Literacy, Norah Amin
Synthesis, Properties, and Solid-State Structures of a Series of 6,13-Dicyanoheteropentacene Analogues: Towards New Liquid Crystalline Materials, L Hiscock, Kenneth E. Maly, and Louise N. Dawe
Tar Swan by David Martin, Melanie Dennis Unrau
Teacher Candidates’ Involvement with Reading Interventions in High Needs Schools: Wrestling with the Everyday, Steve Sider and Christina Belcher
Testing the Network Reset Hypothesis: Noradrenergic Modulation of Hippocampal Representations, Stephanie L. Grella
That Was Then, This Is Hell, Christine L. Lowther
The Assimilated Asian American as American Action Hero: Anna May Wong, Keye Luke, and James Shigeta in the Classical Hollywood Detective Film, Philippa Gates
"The Bytown Gunners: The History of Ottawa’s Artillery, 1855-2015 (Book Review)" by Kenneth W. Reynolds, Major (Ret'd) M.R. McNorgan
The Challenge of a Definition for Spirituality with a “Four Domains” Model, Harold Ristau
The Children’s Aid Society of Brant: A Community-Based Model of Child Welfare Service Delivery (FULL REPORT), Karen Frensch, Gary Cameron, and Lirondel Hazineh
The Children’s Aid Society of Brant: A Community-Based Model of Child Welfare Service Delivery (SUMMARY REPORT), Karen Frensch, Gary Cameron, and Lirondel Hazineh
The Dark Energy Problem, Michael Harney and Ioannis Haranas
The Eau Claire Log Drivers, Sid Marty
The Effect of Oxidation, Thionation, and Dimerization on the Self-Assembly and Photophysical Properties of Novel Discotic Materials, Katie M. Psutka
The Effects of Fire on Snow Accumulation, Snowmelt and Ground Thaw on a Peat Plateau in Subarctic Canada, Elyse Mathieu
The Evolution[s] of WLU Press: Towards Library–University Press Integration, Lisa Quinn and Charlotte Innerd
The Facilitators and Barriers for Active Seniors Attending Physiotherapy, Derek Wood
The fatigue-associated changes in estimates of persistent inward current in human motor neurons, Chris Compton
"The First World Oil War (Book Review)" by Timothy C. Winegard, Corbin Williamson
The Forgotten Campaign: Newfoundland at Gallipoli, Tim Cook and Mark Osborne Humphries
The Forgotten Front: British Home Defence and the Invasion Scare of 1914, Alexander Maavara
The Geography of Crime: Placing Geographers in the Space of Criminologists, Anthony WV Piscitelli
The Great and Widening Divide: Political False Polarization and its Consequences, Victoria Parker
The History of Bees by Maja Lunde, Kirsten Schuhmacher
The Housing Preferences and Location Choices of Second Generation South Asians Living in Ethnic Enclaves, Virpal Kataure and Margaret Walton-Roberts
The Housing Preferences and Location Choices of Second Generation South Asians Living in Ethnic Enclaves, Virpal Kataure and Margaret Walton-Roberts
The Human Bazaar: From Pain to Heroism, Brian Carwana
The Impact of English Language Proficiency and Workplace Readiness on the Employment Outcomes of Tertiary International Students (Executive Summary), Sophie Arkoudis, Lesleyanne Hawthorne, Chi Baik, Graeme Hawthorne, Kieran O’Loughlin, Dan Leach, and Emmaline Bexley
The Impact of English Language Proficiency and Workplace Readiness on the Employment Outcomes of Tertiary International Students (Full Report), Sophie Arkoudis, Lesleyanne Hawthorne, Chi Baik, Graeme Hawthorne, Kieran O’Loughlin, Dan Leach, and Emmaline Bexley
The Influence of Physiological and Abiotic Factors on the Sensitivity of the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to the Lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), Alexandra Muhametsafina
The Influence of Water Chemistry and Gill Physiology on the Uptake of the Lampricide TFM by Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), Scott Leslie James Hepditch
The influence of water quality on wetland-associated microbial communities, Lindsey Clairmont
The Larger Conversation: Contemplation and Place by Tim Lilburn, Emory Shaw
The Lives of Young Adults Who Have Graduated from Residential Children's Mental Health Programs (FULL REPORT), Gary Cameron and Karen Frensch
The Lives of Young Adults Who Have Graduated from Residential Children's Mental Health Programs (SUMMARY REPORT), Gary Cameron and Karen Frensch
The Maritorious Melodrama: Film Noir with a Female Detective, Philippa Gates
The Mass of Graviton and Its Relation to the Number of Information according to the Holographic Principle, Ioannis Haranas and Ioannis Gkigkitzis
The Mass of the Universe and Other Relations in the Idea of a Possible Cosmic Quantum Mechanics, Ioannis Haranas and Michael Harney
The Microbial State: Global Thriving and the Body Politic by Stefanie R. Fishel, Dustin Purvis
The Modernist Corpse: Posthumanism and the Posthumous by Erin E. Edwards, A. Irene Mangoutas
“The Most Vivifying Influence:” Operation Delta in Preparing the Canadian Corps for the Hundred Days, William F. Stewart
The Paper Zoo: 500 Years of Animals in Art by Charlotte Sleigh, Gina M. Granter
The People of the Book: A Qur’anic Perspective, Mohammad Ali Shomali
The Plight of Paternalism in French Child Welfare and Protective Policies and Practices, Alain Grevot
The Precious Treasure of Confession and Absolution, Marja Hordern
The Remittances Framework in Lesotho: Assessment of Policies and Programmes Promoting the Multiplier Effect, Lafeela Joseph Nalane, Abel Chikanda, and Jonathan Crush
The Return of Food: Poverty and Urban Food Security in Zimbabwe after the Crisis, Godfrey Tawodzera, Liam Riley, and Jonathan Crush
The Right to Be Cold: One Woman’s Fight to Protect the Arctic and Save the Planet from Climate Change by Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Leah Van Dyk
The role of channel fens in permafrost degradation induced changes in peatland discharge at Scotty Creek, NT, Lindsay Elena Stone
The Role of Indicators in Promoting Gender Equality Through the Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals, Sara Rose Taylor
The Saint and the Sultan: The Crusades, Islam and Francis of Assisi’s Mission of Peace, Alexandra (Sandy) Milne and Sarah Shafiq
the sea decides, Joanne Leow
The Sensitivity of Auditory-Motor Representations to Subtle Changes in Auditory Feedback While Singing, Dwayne Nicholas Keough and Jeffery A. Jones
The Sidewalk Problem: An examination of the avoidance behaviours employed during a head-on collision course with an approaching person, Lana M. Pfaff
The State of Food Insecurity in Maputo, Mozambique, Inês Raimundo, Jonathan Crush, and Wade Pendleton
The State of Poverty and Food Insecurity in Maseru, Lesotho, Resetselemang Leduka, Jonathan Crush, Bruce Frayne, Cameron McCordic, Thope Matobo, Ts’episo Makoa, Matseliso Mphale, Mmantai Phaila, and Moipone Letsie
The Terranauts by T.C. Boyle and The Addlands by Tom Bullough, Carly E. Thomas
The Three Sam Spades: The Shifting Model of American Masculinity in the Three Films of The Maltese Falcon, Philippa Gates
The Transformation of Trust in China’s Alternative Food Networks: Disruption, Reconstruction, and Development, Raymond Yu Wang, Zhenzhong Si, Cho Nam Ng, and Steffanie Scott
"The Vimy Trap: Or, How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Great War (Book Review)" by Ian McKay and Jamie Swift, Geoffrey Hayes
The Wasteland, Tiasa Adhya
The Weather, Rob B. Budde
The Wilds of Poetry: Adventures in Mind and Landscape by David Hinton, Joel Weishaus
The Wolf is Back by Robert Priest, Kelly Shepherd
“This is the Way I Was”: Urban Ethics, Temporal Logics, and the Politics of Cure, David R. Anderson
Three Essays on Contagion Risk in Supply Chain, Alireza Azimian
Three Essays on Risk Factor Disclosures, Abiodun Isiaka
Three Poems, Renée Jackson-Harper
Three Poems, Basma Kavanagh
TMS-induced Neural Noise in Sensory Cortex Interferes with Short-term Memory Storage in Prefrontal Cortex, Tyler D. Bancroft, Jeremy Hogeveen, William E. Hockley, and Philip Servos
To the Centre of the Labyrinth, and Beyond, Karis Burkowski
Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World’s Religions Can Come Together, Brice Balmer
"Training Aces: Canada’s Air Training During the First World War (Book Review)" by Peter C. Conrad, Brian Douglas Tennyson
Transforming Front Line Child Welfare Practice: The Impacts of Institutional Settings on Services, Employment Environments, Children, and Families, NON-RETROSPECTIVE TECHNICAL REPORT: Accessible Program and Agency Based Program Parent Survey Results from Case Opening and Follow Up, Karen Frensch, Gary Cameron, and Lirondel Hazineh
Transforming Front-Line Child Welfare Practice: The Impacts of Institutional Settings on Services, Employment Environments, Children, and Families (SUMMARY OF FINAL REPORT), Gary Cameron, Lirondel Hazineh, and Karen Frensch
Transforming Front-Line Child Welfare Practice: The Impacts of Institutional Settings on Services, Employment Environments, Children, and Families (SYNTHESIS REPORT), Gary Cameron, Lirondel Hazineh, and Karen Frensch
Trans-Pacific Imaginaries and Queer Intimacies in the Ruins of Middlesex, Dai Kojima
Treating mental health problems in primary care: Discrepancies between therapist expectations and clients’ attendance, Colleen McMillan, Carol A. Stalker, and Joseph Lee
Treatment of Choice or A Last Resort? A Review of Residential Mental Health Placements For Children and Adolescents, Karen Frensch, Gary Cameron, and Gerald R. Adams
Tweeting Strategy: Military Social Media Use as Strategic Communication, Rupinder Mangat
Two Poems, Dan MacIsaac
Two Poems, Clea Roberts
Two Poems, Scott R. Honeycutt
Two Poems, Joanna Lilley
Two poems, Sarah Switzer
Two poems, Nicholas Bradley
Two Poems, Carlyle MacPhail
Two Poems, Karli Woods
Two Poems, Ariel Kroon
Two Poems, Dale Tracy
"Two Years Below the Horn: Operation Tabarin, Field Science, and Antarctic Sovereignty, 1944–1946 (Book Review)" by Andrew Taylor, edited by Daniel Heidt and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Matthew S. Wiseman
Uncontrolled Burn, Elizabeth Miller
Understanding and Preventing Employee Turnover, C. Harvey and Carol Stalker
Understanding Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A Qualitative Investigation in the Mitchells Plain Sub-district of Cape Town, Catherine Pereira, Milla McLachlan, and Jane Battersby
"Unwanted Warriors: The Rejected Volunteers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (Book Review)" by Nic Clarke, Mark Humphries
Urban Informality and Migrant Entrepreneurship in Southern African Cities: 10–11 February 2014, Cape Town, South Africa, Jonathan Crush
"Use It or Lose It": How Online Activism Moderates the Protective Properties of Gender Identity for Well-Being, Mindi D. Foster
Using Intermediary Structures to Support Families: An International Comparison of Practice in Child Protection, Nancy Colleen Freymond
Venus in the Trenches: The Treatment of Venereal Disease in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919, Lyndsay Rosenthal
Vibrotactile Working Memory as a Model Paradigm for Psychology, Neuroscience, and Computational Modeling, Tyler D. Bancroft, William E. Hockley, and Philip Servos
"Vimy: The Battle and the Legend (Book Review)" by Tim Cook, Katrina J. Pasierbek
Vol. 1, No. 1: Benevolent But Troubled Amnesty, Vincent Williams and Jonathan Crush
Vol. 2, No. 1: Anti-foreigners, But Not Obsessed, Vincent Williams and Jonathan Crush
Vol. 2, No. 2: The Revolving Door, Vincent Williams and Jonathan Crush
Vol. 2, No. 3: Xenophobia: Hostility 'Growing Alarmingly', Vincent Williams and Jonathan Crush
Vol. 3, No. 1: Women Migrants Play Positive Role, Jonathan Crush and Vincent Williams
Vol. 3, No. 2: Spot the Alien, Vincent Williams and Jonathan Crush
Vol 4, No. 1: New Training Course Addresses Challenges of Migration, Vincent Williams and Jonathan Crush
Vol 6, No. 1: Brain Drain, ‘Major Crisis’ for Southern Africa, Vincent Williams and Jonathan Crush
Vol. 6, No. 2: Harmonisation of Migration Policies in SADC States, Vincent Williams and Jonathan Crush
Vol. 7, No. 1: Deadly Links Between Mobility and HIV/AIDS, Belinda Dodson and Jonathan Crush
Vol. 8, No. 1: South African Immigration Reform, Vincent Williams
"Waste into Weapons: Recycling in Britain during the Second World War (Book Review)" by Peter Thorsheim, Alex Souchen
Water and Word: Martin Luther on Baptism, Andrea Grozli
Weather, Yvonne E. Blomer
Weather, Weathering, Weathered: Editors' Notebook, Melanie Dennis Unrau, Amanda M. Di Battista, and Alec Follett
Welcome to the Anthropocene by Alice Major, gillian harding-russell
What is Old Testament Theology?, Roger W. Uitti
What’s BEFORE the iPad®? Teaching Basic Prerequisite Skills for iPad® Use, Kimberly Maich, Steve Sider, Carmen Hall, and Megan Henning
'Whatsoever a Man Soweth:' Sex Education about Venereal Disease, Racial Health, and Social Hygiene during the First World War, Brent Brenyo
‘When One Door Shuts, Another Opens’: Turning Disadvantages into Opportunities, A.W.M. Veldkamp
Where the Water Sheds: Disputed Deposits at the Ends of the Danube, Tanya Richardson
Where the Weather Comes From, Morgan Vanek
While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climate Change by M Jackson, Stephen Siperstein
Wild Mares: My Lesbian Back-to-the-Land Life by Dianna Hunter and The New Farm: Our Ten Years on the Front Lines of the Good Food Revolution by Brent Preston, Kristin Van Tassel
Winter Birches at York Redoubt, Irene Oore
Working Report #1: Service Model Accessibility (Service Provider Perspectives), Lirondel Hazineh and Gary Cameron
Working Report #2: Client and Community Relations (Service Provider Perspectives), Lirondel Hazineh and Gary Cameron
Working Report #3: Use of Legal Measures and Formal Authority (Service Provider Perspectives), Lirondel Hazineh and Gary Cameron
Working Report #4: Range of Services (Service Provider Perspectives), Lirondel Hazineh and Gary Cameron
Working Report #5: Child Welfare Jobs (Service Provider Perspectives), Gary Cameron, Lirondel Hazineh, and Karen Frensch
Working Report #6: Values in Child Welfare Work: Perspectives of Child Welfare Service Providers in Central and Accessible Service Delivery Models, Nancy Colleen Freymond
Working Report #7: Helping Relationships in Child Welfare (Parent Perspectives), Lirondel Hazineh, Gary Cameron, and Karen Frensch
Working Report #8: Services and Supports (Parent Perspectives), Lirondel Hazineh, Gary Cameron, and Karen Frensch
Workshop Report: Hungry Cities Partnership Knowledge Mobilization Workshop in Nanjing, Zhenzhong Si
Xenophobia, International Migration and Human Development, Jonathan Crush and Sujata Ramachandran
X̱wáýx̱way, Andrea Nicki
Yardwork: A Biography of an Urban Place by Daniel Coleman, Vivian M. Hansen
"Zombie Army: The Canadian Army and Conscription in the Second World War (Book Review)" by Daniel Byers, Brian Bertosa