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Department of Political Science


Right-wing parties and governments in Europe have recently expressed greater hostility towards cultural pluralism, at times officially denunciating multiculturalism, and calling for the closure of borders and denial of rights to non-European nationals. Within this context, this article argues for rethinking Europe through radically transgressive and transnational understandings of cosmopolitanism as articulated by growing transnational populations within Europe such as immigrants, refugees, and irregular migrants. Transgressive forms of cosmopolitanism disrupt European notions of borders and identities in ways that challenge both liberal multiculturalism and assimilationist positions. This article explores the limits of traditional cosmopolitan thinking while offering a vision of cosmopolitanism based on everyday negotiations with cultural differences, explained using two illustrative examples or snapshots.


Baban, F., & Rygiel, K, Snapshots from the margins: Transgressive cosmopolitanisms in Europe, European Journal of Social Theory 17(4), pp. 461–478. Copyright © 2014 the authors. DOI: 10.1177/1368431013520386. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.
