This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of Wilfrid Laurier University students from 1982 forward. These documents are made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder (original author), cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Perception of empty and filled time intervals in pigeons: An attentional allocation explanation of the empty interval illusion, Stephanie Hornyak
Effect of ondansetron and Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol on the establishment of lithium-induced conditioned taste avoidance in the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus), Magdalena Kwiatkowska
Cultural differences in holism, focalism and affective forecasting, Kent C.H. Lam
Event knowledge and the subjective temporal distance of past events, Travis McTeer
Story telling: A narrative based evaluation of supported housing for consumers at Waterloo Regional Homes for Mental Health, Inc., Sarah L. Peddle
Improving preschoolers' memories for the sources of events: A comparison of two source-monitoring training techniques, Francine M. Pilon
Novelty and the running-induced feeding suppression, Elham Satvat
Parents' perceptions of children with learning disabilities: Asian Indian and Caucasian cultural perspectives, Henareet Singh
The relationship between youth involvement and the transition to university: An examination of the mediating factors, Thanh-Thanh Tieu
Social interaction and attitudes towards computers in seniors, Melanie Jennifer Webb
Optimism in parents of 8-year-olds and adolescents: Relations with parental efficacy, age of the child, and gender, Shannon E. Werner
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
'Why should we learn about crime?': Exploring the perceptions and fear of crime among recent immigrants in Waterloo Region (Ontario), Jennifer Robena Bernier
The meaning of engagement: An exploration of generativity in the domain of politics, Sean Curtis Cameron
Visualizing the future: Can 'she' predict project completion more accurately than 'I' can?, Jenny Deslauriers
The state of our union: Appraisals of romantic relationships, Stephen Allan Michael Gallant
Moving forward while remaining rooted: A case study of the Ebytown Food Co-operative in Waterloo, Ontario (perspectives and findings from a member turned researcher), Maria Hatzipantelis
Bridging the gap between ethnically/culturally diverse 'others': A contribution to the understanding of how women work together, Kristi D. Kemp
Exposing the needs of an invisible community: Queer youth in Kitchener-Waterloo, Meghan Kenny
French and English word reading and word decoding performance in bilingual children: How are phonological processing skills related?, Catherine Adèle Lafrance
'It's not what we do but how we do it': Process evaluation of a national youth engagement conference, Lisa D. Loiselle
Looking forward to fitness: The effects of time perception on exercise behaviour, Lianne McLellan
Computer implementation in education: Hearing the educator's voice, Julie Lynn Mueller
Driving without a map: Father-son sexual health communication, Alison Elizabeth Pearson
Effect of conditioned taste avoidance learning on elevated plus maze performance as a measure of potentiated fear, Shadna Rama
Motivated prediction of future feelings: The effects of mood and mood focus on affective forecasts, Vassili Spyropoulos
Wheel running as a function of varying effort requirements in rats, Doreen B. Weise
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
From consumerism and stereotypes to pasta sauce: A study of the barriers facing stay-at-home fathers, Nastinia (Nina) Bailey-Dick
Lifestyle, medical, and socio-structural content in the portrayal of heart disease in the print media, Christina Jane Fuller
The struggle for community-based health care: A case study of the Rainbow Valley Community Health Centre (Ontario), Suzanne Galloway
'Skippers of the shore crew': Women and a fish plant closure (Labrador), Sheila M. Keefe
The genesis of generativity: Looking for signs of the seventh stage in adolescence, Heather Leigh Lawford
Community partnerships: A case study of the Hamilton-Wentworth Supported Housing Coordination Network (Ontario), Jonathan S. Lomotey
The effects of food restriction on wheel running in rats, Vanessa M. Lopak
Voices from immigrant youth: Perceptions of their involvement with the Canadian justice system. A qualitative study, Elba C. Martell
The planning fallacy and group predictions: Are groups more or less biased than individuals?, Deanna L. Messervey
Follow-up evaluation of a transition to university intervention program for first-year students, Evelina Julia Rog
Employment experiences of people with developmental challenges: A participatory approach, Roslyn J. Shields
The Internet and youth engagement: An exploration of how youth spend their time online and its relation to civic involvement, Trevor P.D. Taylor
Investigating interactions between search mechanisms in the control of visual attention, Brian J. White
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Conscious, deliberate, and purposeful living: Lessons from the adult daughters of psychiatrized women, Jody Lee Brown
Temporal response of the human visual system to suprathreshold luminance and opponent colour contrast gratings, Melanie Bucking
The effects of misleading information and group discussion on eyewitness testimony, Matthew A. Cook
The relationship between student involvement and adjustment to the transition to university, Amber Michelle Filiatrault
Errors in pigeons' memory for number: Effects of ITI and DI illumination, Christopher W. Hope
The effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on lithium-induced sickness reactions in both rats (Rattus norvegicus) and the house musk shrew (Suncus murinus), Stephen W.P. Kemp
A model of volunteer progression: Supporting and sustaining volunteerism in a primary prevention project, Nicole L. Kenton
Transition from moderate to excessive wheel running in rats: A function of access length?, Sara B. Lattanzio
Exploring the inequalities between men and women in relation to marriage: A feminist analysis of women in social work's experiences of marriage, Natalie McCormac
Timing differences: The modality effect and filled interval illusion with rats and pigeons, Andrew Miki
Acculturation of missionaries: Religious orientation, coping and adjustment, Geoffrey S. Navara
A qualitative study of presently and formerly homeless female adolescents (Ontario), Allison J. Rice Roberts
The effect of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on the establishment and the expression of place conditioning (Rattus norvegicus), Robert Ernest Sorge
'Love the sinner, hate the sin': Reality or fiction?, Scott G. Veenvliet
Sensitization to indirect and direct dopamine agonists: Behavioural differences in wheel running, Vanhthong Vilaysinh
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Wheel running, feeding, and body weight in adult male rats: Generalizations to adult females and younger animals, Veronica Marie Afonso
Partner abuse in gay male relationships: Challenging 'we are family', Jeffrey Aguinaldo
Emergency shelters as empowering settings for young women: A study of process and outcomes, Theresa Bailey
Understanding equity and oppression from a different perspective: Students evaluate their education, Kevin Black
Developmental precursors of men's relationships, Shirliana Bruce
Public participation in a government land decision in Prince Edward Island: The case of Tracadie Cross Waste Watch Facility, Billie-Jean Flynn
Listening to the voices of the land: Stories of Prince Edward Island organic farmers sowing hope in the struggle for survival, Kara L. Griffin
Psychological mechanisms responsible for the moderating effects of need for cognition on attractiveness stereotyping, Samantha D. Hansen
Adolescent openness to the parental viewpoint in narrative: Longitudinal prediction of adolescent adjustment, Cheryl Ann Hicks
The lived experience of people receiving assertive community treatment: A phenomenological study, Salinda A. Horgon
Two views of identity development in adolescence: An empirical comparison of the narrative and status approaches, Kathleen Mackey
The ties that bind: Jamaican elders' testimonies of community life, Jacqueline Ann Russell
Coping with loss: A qualitative study of the experience of sibling bereavement in young adulthood, Purnima Sundar
Changing landscapes: Stories of five women farming ecologically, Sherri Joy van de Hoef
The relationship of social dominance orientation and political efficacy to political participation of women, Cherie D. Werhun
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Implementing school supports for the wellness of newcomer children, Jeannette L. Amio
Policies and programs to prevent child maltreatment and promote family wellness in Ghana, Bright Isaac Asante
Critical psychology in action: Recommendations for the practice of critical psychology, Stephanie Austin
Parenting experience and gender role socialization in toy play situations, Sara Elizabeth Gugula
Board transition in a student government organization: Developing effective organizational change, Rolando Eduardo Inzunza
Ondansetron interferes with the establishment and expression of lithium-induced conditioned rejection reactions, Cheryl Lynn Limebeer
Programs for the promotion of family wellness and the prevention of child maltreatment: A meta-analytic review, Jennifer R. MacLeod
Planning and developing school-based community supports for refugee children, Peggy (Margaret) Nickels
Community gardeners: Planting the seeds of a sustainable future, Janet Ann O'Reilly
Transitions '98: Evaluation of a support group program for first-year university students, Alexandra J. Ostaniewicz
Don't let the sun go down on me: The relationship between gay men living with HIV and their physicians (Immune deficiency), Adele Parkinson-Heyes
An examination of the creation and impact of a supported housing program for psychiatric consumer/survivors, Shannon Parkinson
Single mothers, income, and health: An analysis of risk and protective factors, Melanie Quickfall
Applied ethics in mental health in Cuba: Concepts, values, dilemmas and resources, Laura Sanchez Valdes
Feminism meets self-care in social change work, Wendy L. Telford
Participatory action research learning involving women who have developmental challenges, Barbara Diane Weaver Zupko
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Evaluating elaborative interrogation's efficacy with expository text, Rhonda Leah Boudreau
Supporting community innovators: An evaluation of the Sexual Offender Program of Community Justice Initiatives, Kitchener, Ontario, Stephanie Campbell
Effects of cholinergic and dopaminergic drugs on number and time processing in rats, Romina Coppa
Assessing the separate contributions of recollection and familiarity for the mirror effect: A process dissociation approach, Elvin Dobani
Making connections: Greek and Sri Lankan Tamil perceptions of mental health, ways of coping, and help-seeking, Margaret Douglin
Gender differences and similarities in moral orientations: A narrative approach to moral socialization within the family, Susan M. Hilbers
Changes in environmental context and the mirror effect in recognition memory, Craig Andrew Livermore
A voice for our future: High-risk adolescents' perceptions and experiences about help and healing interventions, Cameron Dale Norman
The courage to change: Salvadoran stories of personal and social transformation (El Salvador), Audrey Celeste Rosa
The relations of parenting characteristics and parents' levels of care reasoning to preschoolers' prosocial reasoning, Stacey Tzavelas
Attentional, instructional, and depth effects on retrieval estimates, Jennifer Vonk
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Application of the remember/know judgement paradigm to eyewitness stimuli, P. Michael Appavoo
Barely a whisper in the system: Parents' perspectives on the prevention of foster care placement, Tammie O. Belliveau
Animal memory processes for number and time: Pigeons, methamphetamine, and the internal clock model, James W. Coyle