This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of Wilfrid Laurier University students from 1982 forward. These documents are made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder (original author), cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Conforming to the will of the church: The role of religious orientation, religious proscription, and right-wing authoritarianism in the religion-prejudice relationship, Robert James Duck
The need for social validation, Robert S. Graham
Achieving diversity (sciences, relativism, compassion), Erich John Knerr
The Comprehensive Organizational Social Support Tool: COSST assessment, Amanda Kroger
Pentobarbital-induced place aversion learning, Gilbert Lew
A case study of partnerships in practice, Heather Lorraine MacGillivary
Social support, campus involvement, and the adjustment to university, Krista Martin
Cross-cultural differences in parenting and moral development in late adolescence: A narrative approach, Wanna E. Mar
The effect on feeding and wheel running behaviours of housing rats in pairs, Roison M. O'Connor
Value dilemmas in striving for social justice: A case study of the Working Centre (Ontario), Stephen Orr
Age differences in implicit memory tests, Penny Kathleen Poisson
A qualitative, participatory study of the process of becoming an advocate for nonhuman animals, Angela Kathleen Raithby
Breaking the silence: New immigrant children affected by war trauma. Community needs and resources assessment, Danijela Seskar-Hencic
Specific dopaminergic manipulation of the internal clock mechanism, Lianne Elizabeth Stanford
MK-801 interferes with the acquisition of amphetamine- and lithium-induced place conditioning, Jonathan Francis Toth
Assessing process dissociation procedure and implicit memory estimates of automatic retrieval for a retention interval manipulation, Daryl E. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The list-strength effect and categorical frequency memory: Tests of availability, Joanne Bonanno
The use of drama to explore violence within relationships: A study of young men's experiences, Tammie Brunk
Empowerment in the workplace: A qualitative study, Dale Burt
Item versus associative information: A comparison of forgetting rates with and without recollective experience, Angela Consoli
The role of parental authoritarianism and religiosity in child-rearing goals and practices, Henry Akuoko Danso
The invisible weavers: Women volunteers creating community fabric, Lorie Anne Fioze
Native voices on Native science: Mohawk perspectives on the concept, practice, and meaning of a knowledge production system rooted in traditional Native thought, Pamela Esther Johnson
Juvenile delinquency and adult aggression against women, Michelle Kalra
Development and validation of a tool to measure temporal orientation, Yolanda Martins
Towards the well-being of immigrant and refugee children: A community-based approach, Adrine McKenzie
A formative evaluation of the Ontario breast cancer information exchange project, Michelle Marie Monforton-Everest
Forum theatre from a community psychology perspective, Holt Sivak
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Food systems: Community-Shared Agriculture, a means of empowerment and social vitality, Godwin Samuel Ashiabi
A process evaluation of a participant-centred approach to opportunities planning and its potential for empowerment, Barbara Dian Chrysler
The role of attachment, affect and integrative complexity in couple discussions, Fiona Jill Currie
Peer evaluation: The effect of reciprocity and level of performance on evaluative feedback, Doreen Maria de Veen
Social identity and integrative complexity: The effects of silent group membership on reasoning about social issues, Stephen Leonard Friedman
Coping with the transition to university: The impact of a social support-based intervention, Daniel Jeff Lamothe
Ibogaine fails to interrupt the expression of a previously established morphine place preference, Tracey Lyn Luxton
A community-based needs and resource assessment on youth mental health: Bay of Islands/Pasadena, Newfoundland, Joanne A. Mills
Effect of ibogaine on morphine: Induced modifications of palatability, Hardy Joseph Rideout
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Morphine-induced modification of quinine palatability: Effects of multiple morphine-quinine trials, Sharon Nicola D.A. Clarke
Framework for support: Desired relationships between self-help-groups and professionals, Vicente Constantino
The role of adult romantic attachment in marital communication, Kimberly Jill Ewing
A stakeholder approach to sexual assault prevention programming in the Halton Board of Education, Judith Ann Gould
Changing authoritarians' attitudes: The role of authority legitimacy, Bruce Allen Parker
Planting the seeds of hope: Research and action on body image of university students, Michelle Poechman Fisher
The use of dance in the promotion of mental health in girls: An exploratory study, Irene E. Rossberg-Gempton
An ounce of prevention: The life stories and perceptions of men who sexually offended against children, Christiane Sadeler
The college attributional complexity scale: Development, validation, and relationship to university adjustment, Michael David Smith
Bridging the gap: Mobilizing race and ethnocultural equity policy within secondary schools, Melanie Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Gender differences in perceptions of sexual and nonsexual cues in dating, Christine Alksnis
An outcome and process evaluation of the PAMSCAD supplementary food program at Ayeredee in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana, West Africa, Kofi Bobi Barimah
A developmental evaluation of frequency information in lists, scripts, and stories, Deborah Ann Connolly
The relation between empathic listening styles and moral reasoning development in adolescents, Susan Elizabeth Curror
The cultivation of neighbourhood centres: A life cycle model, Barbara Anne Derksen
Citizen participation in the development of religious communities as extended health care centres, Theresa Connie Dunn
Hearing the voices of the silent: Alternative to the problem of blaming mothers for the occurrence of incest, Josephine Sui-fun Fong
Transition to parenthood: The role of self-complexity, Margo Michelle Gallant
Gender differences in the perception of rape: The role of ambiguity, Terence Patrick Humphreys
An examination of the effectiveness of elaborative interrogation for adult learners as a function of study context, Tracey Diane Idle
Does religion teach empathy and helpfulness? The role of fundamentalism and target of need in the religion-helping relation, Lynne Marie Jackson
Visible minorities with physical challenges: A study of their experiences in integrating into Canadian society, Thersiah L. Lubis
Ontario's mental health system: The experience of families and their perspective on reform, Eric Laite Macnaughton
The development of a preventive peer mentoring program for students: Grounded theory at work, Leslea Peirson
A comparison of metamemory judgements and forgetting rates for item and associative recognition for normal and closed-head injured populations, Kathy Bharrath Singh
In search of a place to call home: A qualitative evaluation of a transitional housing program for refugee families, Colleen Marcia Wiltshire
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Kitchener-Waterloo Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP): A process and outcome evaluation (Ontario), Charity Sylvia Akotia
Authoritarianism and integrative complexity, Susan Michele Alisat
The impact of hierarchical relationship quality on the content and timing of evaluative feedback: An affectively-driven process model, Peter Lawrence Egan
Base rates, individuating information, expertise, and transfer of knowledge in judgment under uncertainty, Owen Helmkay
Working for work: A program evaluation, Rich P. Janzen
Is conservatism an artifact caused by dissimilarities between the laboratory and the real world?, Stuart B. Kamenetsky
Elaboration strategies and individual differences in academic achievement among adolescent learners, Violet Kaspar
Mothers and Others Making Change: Empowerment through self-help and social action (Ontario), Susan M. Morrison
Processing effects on a context-sensitive fragment completion test, Brenda Darlene Nash
Thesis-making: Reflections on my experience, Cari Michelle Patterson
Living on the edge: Families' experience of developmental disability and mental illness across the life cycle, Don R. Roth
An investigation of complexity of reasoning and transactive dialogue behaviour in parents' and adolescents' socio-political discussions, Silvana Santolupo
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Training in community psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University: A process and outcome evaluation (Ontario), Judit Alcade
Changing attitudes of children in grades three to six towards persons with disabilities via the 'Kids on the Block' program, Valerie A. Baker
Differential outcome expectancies of reinforcement and nonreinforcement and memory for temporal and nontemporal stimuli, Mary Jo Ducharme
Microgenetic development in preschoolers' private speech, Robert Muir Duncan
Public attitudes toward street kids and their families, Diane Elizabeth Garvin
An assessment of service and resource needs of university students with disabilities, Pauline J. Hradil
The first two years of Woolwich Community Health Centre: Program and project evaluations, Corrine W. Johnston
Qualitative evaluation of processes and outcomes of a home visiting program for developmentally handicapped preschoolers and their families, Nancy LaPointe
Effectiveness of training peer tutors to scaffold instruction, Judith L. MacVicar
The quality of student life at Wilfrid Laurier University: Recommendations for change (Ontario), Marie Molloy
A cognitive approach to discharge planning for offenders, Frederick Wayne Morris
Youth stress, support, coping skills and depression: Developing a model for primary prevention in the high schools, M. Jill Somerville
There's no place like home: The empowering potential of the midwifery model of childbirth, Denise Catherine Squire
The role of conceptual processing in perceptual identification performance, Michael B. Wasdell
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Evidence for common coding of temporal and nontemporal information in pigeons, Stephen Bridson
Needs, supports, burden, and affect the experiences of family members of individuals with mental illness, Lysanne Chénier
Responsible environmental behaviour: A test of the Hines model, Karen Hayward
Understanding context and process: The first step in building communities, Dia Mamatis
Housing and social support for current and former psychiatric patients: A process and outcome evaluation of supportive community living, Janice E. McCarthy
A social psychological analysis of religious doubts integrative complexity and attribution biases, Barbara Dallas McKenzie
Determinants and distinguishing variables of pro-disarmament behaviour and responsible environmental behaviour, Lisa Sara Nemiroff
Program evaluation of the community aftercare program, Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo region, Karen J. Nesbitt