This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of Wilfrid Laurier University students from 1982 forward. These documents are made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder (original author), cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Raising an Issue in a Relationship: I’ll Tell You What’s Wrong, But Only If I Think It Will Help, Megan H. McCarthy
The Problem of Causal/Explanatory Exclusion, Dwayne Moore
Two Sides to Every Trauma: The Role of Posttraumatic Growth and Decline in Well-Being, Danay C. Novoa
Effects of Chlorpromazine on Feeding and Wheel Running on Rats with Acute Wheel Access, Graham Gregory Parfeniuk
The “Budget Fallacy”: Sources of Accuracy and Bias in Personal Spending Predictions, Johanna Peetz
Working Against Youth Violence Everywhere: Evaluating a Peer-Led Approach to Bullying Prevention, Rebecca L. Pister
Training Children Where They Learned Information: A Test of Two Techniques, Justine Renner
Conjunction Search Onset Following Single-Feature Preview: Equating Visual Transients, Wafa Saoud
Attentional Biases in Social Anxiety: An Investigation of Rumination, Katie L. Walters
Supporting University Students with Mental Health Issues: A Needs Assessment, Amanda Celeste Weckwerth
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Implementing Technology in the Classroom: Assessing Teachers’ Needs Through the Use of a Just-In-Time Support System, Alissa N. Anderson
Event Syntax and Event Semantics as Constraints on Availability of Discourse, Raymond B. Becker
An Action Research Study of the Supporting the University-Ready through Environment (SURE) Program, Natalie Brown
Community Consultation and Environmental Justice in the Regent Park Revitalization, Jacqueline de Schutter
Acknowledging the Skeletons in Our Closet: Collective Guilt and Ingroup-Affirmation, Gregory Roy Gunn
Neural and Behavioral Responses to the Use of Auditory Feedback in Vocal Control, Colin S. Haweo
Can Overeating Induce a Conditioned Taste Avoidance in Previously Restricted Rats?, Amanda Louise Hertel
Moral Emotion Expectancies and Moral Behavior in Adolescence, Megan E. Johnston
Effects of Context on Target Localization, Cheryl M. Lavell
Birds of a Feather Sit Together: Physical Similarity Predicts Seating Choice, Sean Mackinnon
Internal and External Triggers for Action, Shannon Matkovich
Understanding Best Practices for Community Engagement in Municipal Contexts, Sherry McGee
Satisfaction with Sexual Health Education among Recent Graduates of Ontario High Schools, Glenn J. Meaney
Computer Integration in Elementary and Secondary Schools: Variables Influencing Educators, Julie Mueller
Reading Comprehension in Adolescent First and Second Language Learners: A Comparison of Simple and Multi-Component Models, Adrian Dominic Kenneth Pasquarella
The Tactile Motion Aftereffect, Peggy Joanne Planetta
Neural and Behavioural Effects of the Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract Egb 761, Elham Satvat
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Short-Duration Reading Intervention on Grade One Phonological Awareness and Word Reading, Carrie Seward
The Effect on Response Complexity on Task-switching Behaviour, Christina Shepherd
Intuition, Rational Analysis and the Relation Between Implicit and Explicit Attitudes, Mervyn Lee Whitfield
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Consumers’ Mental Health Recovery in a Psychiatric Outreach Program: A Process and Outcome Evaluation, Phillip Chan
What Can We Learn about White Privilege and Racism from the Experiences of White Mothers Parenting Biracial Children?, Shannon Cushing
The “Both-And” Choice: The Impact of Informational, Motivational and Behavioural Skill Messages on Adolescent Dual Protection, Tyla Fullerton
Escalation of Wheel Running: An Animal Model of Non-Drug Addiction, Ali Gheidi
Minimizing a Potential Threat: The Effects of Closeness on Perceptions of Teasing, Glen Gorman
Evaluating Community Participation in Health Care Decision-Making: The Case of the Airdie/North Rocky View Health Needs Project, Aleisha Dawn Harrington
Social Behavior Inventory: To Ipsatize or Not To Ipsatize, That Is The Question, Carolyn Hoessler
Asset-Based Community Development: A Case Study, Suzanne Killing Wood
Trips Down Memory Lane: Recall Direction Affects the Subjective Distance of Past Events, Kent C.H. Lam
Self-Reported Acceptance of Social Anxiety Sypmtoms: Development and Validation of the Social Anxiety-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Meagan B. MacKenzie
List Composition Effects for Masked Semantic Primes: Evidence Inconsistent with Activation Accounts, Jennifer C. Major
In Search of the Political Economy of Oppression and Liberation: Towards Structural Validity for Community Psychology, Sune Sandbeck
Personal Stories of Empathy in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, Kendall M. Soucie
The Effects of a Transition to University Intervention Program on Adjustment and Identity Development, Thanh-Thanh Tieu
Pigeons’ Memory for Time: Assessment of the Role of Subjective Shortening in the Duration of Comparison Procedure, Patrick Van Rooyen
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Social Anxiety and Rumination: The Effects of Alcohol, Susan Reed Battista
The Examination of Fixed and Multi-Tier Source Monitoring Training with Children, Sean Curtis Cameron
Gender Differences in Reward Allocation Among Boys and Girls who Receive Allowance, Sarah Clift
The role of a clergyperson within an assertive case management outreach team, Rachel Adrienne Lee Fayter
Exploring The Impact of The Media on the Arranged Marriage and Dowry System in Goa, India, Lisa Ann Hickman
Narrowed interpersonal worlds: Gender differences in affiliation-focus and dominance-focus, Oshrat A. Hodara
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Jamiacan Immigrant Youth in Two Southern Ontario Cities, Kathleen M. Hogarth
Audiovisual speech perception: A speech production approach, Michelle A. Jarick
“Nous sommes tous Américains”: The Relationship Between Identification, Mortality Salience, and Responses to the “War on Terror”, Enoch S. Landau
The Role of Christian Faith in the Acculturation and Identity Development of Chinese Immigrant Youth, Lynn Chyi-Ing Liao
Assessing Phonology, Syntax & Working Memory using ERP: Towards an Understanding of the Underlying Cause of Developmental Dyslexia, Courtney Patterson
Hemispheric sensitivity to thematic role information derived from active and passive verbs: An event related brain potentials study, Christopher A. Schwint
Planting the Seeds: The Experiences of Community Psychology Graduates as Agents of Systemic Social Change, Peggy Ann Weston
Embracing life after breast cancer: Exploring the holistic health of survivors, Christine Yakiwchuk
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
A policy analysis of two preschool prevention programs in Ontario, Seema Aggarwal
Towards a good life: One family's experiences with individualized supports, Alison Baxter
Syntactic processing in individuals with dyslexia: Using ERP to address the debate, Hilary Brown
The development of wheel-induced feeding suppression in male and female rats, Olivia Dalton-Jez
Prerequisites for reading proficiency in preschoolers, Iuliana Elena Faroga
Cross-sensitization/tolerance between wheel running and amphetamine and morphine in rats, Clint Inkster
Pigeons' memory for sequences of light flashes when gap duration is controlled, Dwayne Keough
Longing to be heard: Examining sense of community and participation through the voices of youth, Marcie D. McKay
High-risk sexual behaviour, computer experience and the Internet, Amanda E. Nosko
Planning for the close and distant future: The impact of temporal distance on task completion prediction, Johanna Peetz
Intuition and correspondence between implicit and explicit self-esteem, Mervyn Lee Whitfield
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The potential impact that intimacy has on generativity in emerging adulthood: An examination of four relationship domains, Erin Elizabeth Allard
Prediction of childhood externalizing disorder outcome: A variable-oriented and person-oriented analysis of better beginnings, better futures data, Stephanie C. Cerutti
Becoming: Stories of L'Arche children, Caroline A. Currie
Why do young children forget where they learned information? The relation between source monitoring, theory-of-mind understanding and suggestibility, Angela D. Evans
Children's ability to use time-lines to recall the order and duration of single and repeated actions, Leanne Lynn Gosse
Forging and severing connections between historical injustices and current experience, Gregory Roy Gunn
'To the streets cuz we're on the streets': Exploring the controversy of homeless youth activism in Kitchener-Waterloo (Ontario), Nadia Hausfather
Resident participation across the lifecycle of a primary prevention initiative, Alexandra Kissin
'It was all connected': Understanding and addressing early school-leaving among learners of English as a second language, L. Maureen Lymburner
Empathy and intergroup relations: Do people empathize less with outgroup members?, Gillian Macdonald
A comparison of techniques for measuring automatic retrieval in conceptual priming, Jennifer C. Major
Examining the factors that promote sustained engagement in young people, Marla C. Pender
fMRI study of cutaneous illusions, Peggy Joanne Planetta
Experiences and expectations: What prompts an educator to use computers in the classroom?, Craig Ross
Seeing the future: Does visual perspective influence motivation?, Noelia Vasquez
Cultural diversity at Family and Children's Services of the Region of Waterloo: An evaluation of a cultural competency training program, Jessica Leigh Vinograd
Does a past conflict still sting? The influence of recall style and self-esteem on the impact of conflict memories, Huan Jacqueline Ye
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
A media literacy intervention: Using self-objectification as a tool for identifying changes in well-being and internalization, Becky L. Choma