This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of Wilfrid Laurier University students from 1982 forward. These documents are made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder (original author), cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
An evaluation of outcome differentiation using biologically neutral stimuli, Wendy Ann Newell
The retention of children's mental health workers in northern Ontario, Sydney Jean Parlour
A mental health needs assessment of the industrial area of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, James R.D. Ross
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
The influence of word shape and letter case in word processing, Eve Atkinson
Drawing with and without models: An examination of drawing behavior in children and adults, Jenet Bogles
Stress, social support and parental behavior, Mila M. Buset
Assessing socially skilled behaviour for vocational tenure in adults with developmental disability, Paula M. Daoust
The refugee filtering process and host country resettlement issues in Canada: A critical theoretical analysis, R. Gary Edwards
Developing a sense of community: An assessment of the needs and resources of a church congregation, Heather Hair
The politics of teaching personality, burnout, perceptions of leadership style and teacher control, support and involvement in the classroom, Margaret-Anne Killoran
An evaluation of drama therapy as a form of secondary prevention for children with social skills deficits, Myra Kosidoy
Assessment of visual/orthographic awareness in beginning readers, Hope Elizabeth Lemoine
Development and construct validation of Lane's (1989) attitudes toward the elderly scale extending Fazio's process model of attitude-behaviour correspondence, Donna-Marie Martin
Training parents use of the ZPD and the acquisition of story-telling skills in children, Susan L. Robins
An experimental evaluation of four tutoring strategies implications for instruction, affect, and transfer of training, Katherine Marie Savoy
The home-school interface parental and teacher beliefs about homework from a multicultural perspective, Tania Sebastian
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Youth needs assessment: Scadding Court Community Centre, Jacqueline M. Bradshaw
A new approach to the assessment of social functioning of people who have been hospitalized for psychiatric treatment, Heather Smith Fowler
An outcome of the undergraduate program of the School of Human Services, New Hampshire College, Margaret Mary Foy
Stress and social support the burden experienced by the families of autistic children, Andrea A. Kamin
The impact of evaluation feedback on affective and behavioural reactions, Kathleen Joy Kitching
Religiosity and the belief in a just world, James Albert William Lea
A qualitative evaluation of a community development process within a housing co-operative, Gwenith Page-Clemmer
The relative contributions of state and trait empathy in the motivation of helping behaviour, David Scott Melford Pawson
Satisfaction with social and residential environments of adults with mental retardation in supported independent living and group homes, Shelley L. Potter
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Sex differences in empathic processing as related to moral reasoning patterns in hypothetical and real-life moral dilemmas, Sheree Anne Bradford
Stress and social support a comparison of single and partnered adolescent mothers, Lillian J. Burke
Cultural enhancement programs and attitude change toward minority South Asian children, Fred Gloade
The anti-electroconvulsive therapy movement in Ontario a description and analysis, Karen T. Hooper
The extent to which the geographic proximity, quantity and quality of contact predicts dimensions of social support given to elderly women by their adult children, Lori Ann Johnson
The effect of priming, Christian orthodox beliefs, and training on critical thinking, Cheryl Norry
The creation of a multi-ethnic housing cooperative a social intervention, Mary Sehl
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
An Evaluation of a Program to Aid Generalization of Social Skills Training with Grade 3 and 4 Children, Patricia M. Caron
The effects of training on the quantification of uncertainty, Stephen P. Claxton-Oldfield
An attributional perspective in the study of crime seriousness and criminal sentencing, Bikram Dasgupta
The Relationship Between Long-Term Psychiatric Clients’ Psychological Well-Being and their Perceptions of Housing and Social Support, Mary E. Earls
Need Fulfillment in a Christian Setting as a Function of Life Change Events, Social Support, and Christian Beliefs and Activities, Kathleen Fogarty
Process Evaluation as a Research Model in a School Attendance Program, Charlotte A. Gibson
The Effects of Expectancy, Task Importance and Self-Attention on Task Persistence, Jim Jewett
Bill 82 & the Waterloo County Board of Education: A process consultation, Ellen Num
On the nature of phonological recoding in early readers, Thomas Yoannidis
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
The evolution in Canada of the citizen's movement against Nestle, 1978-1984: A descriptive study, Deacute Bryant
An evaluation of the quality of service at a volunteer-run telephone distress centre, Peter John Crocker
Social support networks and sex role orientation after divorce in Catholic Italian women and Catholic anglophone women, Diana Maria Di Costa
An examination of aftercare services for the chronically mentally ill in two communities, Lorraine Ferris
Changing attitudes toward computers an intervention strategy, Margo Stevenson George
The role of the computer in society some aspects of person-machine interaction, Robert Clarence Hallman
Predicting and understanding teacher use of school consultation services, Loretta M. Hillier
Retrieval from semantic memory an analysis of facilitory and inhibitory priming effects, Cynthia L. Imhoff
Increasing participation in continuing education the relationship of specific obstacles and supports to likelihood of participation, Victor Wayne Oake
Semantic priming effects the roles of generation processes and association, Ellen Platonow
Recipient reactions to aid reciprocity and self-esteem, Ronald Douglas Rankmore
A Comparison of Sexual and Physical Assault Court Cases Following the Elimination of Rape from the Criminal Code of Canada, Suresh K. Sahjpaul
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
A case study of a utilization-focused evaluation involving two community-based family services, Giles Reneacute Charbonneau
The Development and Assessment of a Human Sexuality Decision-Making Training Program, John Kazunori Iwohara
On the memory code in serial feature-positive discriminations, Robert S. McCann
An analysis of the representation of memorial events in pigeon short-term memory, Sharon Musgrave
Attitude change in children and satisfaction change in elders as a function of an intergenerational integration program, Terry M. Shkilnyk
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Evaluation of family life education in the secondary school a case study based on student and teacher report, Christine Ruth Chant
The effect of discussion groups on a field placement program comparison of two groups of undergraduate students, Kathryn L. Gerstman
Stress and social support the burden experienced by the family of a mentally ill person, Harry Potasznik
Juveniles' perceptions of a protective-permissive dichotomy in the juvenile justice system, Robert Paul Saltstone
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
The efficacy of a death education course for registered nurses and registered nursing students, Sheila Helen Connolly
Social support, stress, and young unwed mothers' ability to cope effectively with parenthood, Christina Henninger
Stimulus Control Exerted by Remember Cues Over Processing in Pigeons’ Short-Term Memory, Patricia E. Hernandez Torres
An exploration of native leadership in one community, Sylvia L. Kahgee
Status after early retirement the effects of social network and activity level on body age and health, Tom Malcomson
A study of the relationship between residential mobility and loneliness, Bruce Petelka
The Effects of Peer-Tutoring in Social Skills Development Groups for Antisocial Children, Connie S. Van Andel
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Planning Ahead Before and During the Retirement Years: Its Relation to Life Satisfaction and Self-Concept Age for Retired Males, Mary Elizabeth Close
An Evaluation of Theoretical and Empirical Models of Satisfaction with Occupational Choice Among Senior High School Students, Lissa Alexandra Cornwell
Program Evaluation of the Kitchener-Waterloo Diversion Programme, Edward Daniel Dubas
Burnout, Job Stress, and Job Satisfaction in Two Public Health Nursing Units, D’Arcy John Helmer
Mental Health Services for Ontario Correctional Clients, Benjamin Clyde Hoffman
Role of Rating Value of Words and Displaced Rehearsal in Semantic Rating Tasks, Manju Karmeshu
Semantic Priming Effects in Lexical Ambiguity Resolution, Donald R. Maxwell
Developing a Sense of Community: A Description of the Process and Theoretical Considerations, Patricia Irene McInnis
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Residential Stress: An Application of a Comprehensive Stress Model, Graham Arthur Draper
Cerebral Asymmetries in Human Colour Perception, Zoe L. Hayes
Relationship of Classroom Environment, Teacher and Student Satisfaction and Student Self-Concept, Schrine Persad
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
The Relation Between Environmental Factors and Acting-Out Behaviours of Youth in a Treatment Centre, Denis Andrew Belicki
The Extent of Primary Prevention Research in the Community Psychology Literature: A Content Analysis, Catherine Comeau
Threat Frequency and Contingency in a Threat-Vulnerable Game, Christine Anne Driver
Individual Differences in Human Operant Heart Rate Conditioning: Autonomic, Cognitive and Dispositional Concomitants, Paul Favaro
A Study of Community Psychology Graduate Student Training Experiences for Consultation Roles, Joanne Granek
An Assessment of the Validity of the Developmental Inventory Scales for Children (DISC), Marian Kathleen Mainland
Single-Parent Women, Catherine Margaret Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
The Prediction of Success-Failure and Terminating-Remaining in the Bibliotherapy Treatment of Obesity, David John McKay
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Discrimination of Bidimensional Stimuli by Autistic Children, Kathryn A. Brock
The Interrupted Task Paradigm: Age and Observer-Performer Differences, Laurie E. Davidson
Creativity, Self-Actualization and Meditation Programmes, Robert Wakefield Kitcher
The Modification of Smoking Behaviour: A Research Evaluation of Aversion Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and a Combined Technique, Herman Surkis
Parent, Child, and Context Factors and Interactions as Precipitants to Child Battering, Trevor Austin Thomas
Aggression in Amateur and Professional Hockey, Darryl Norman Upfold
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Effects of Surveillance on Intrinsic Motivation, Richard Rajala
A Study of the Attitudes of Canadian Jews Toward Israel, Amiram Rokach
The Effects of Interaction with Conserving Adults and Peers on the Acquisition of Conservation by Nonconservers, Douglas Arthur Smith