Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




Faculty of Science

First Advisor

Richard Walsh

Advisor Role

Thesis Supervisor


Community health centres were set up to aid in combatting the accelerating rate of spending in health services, to encourage a shift from the present emphasis on acute hospital in-patient care to other forms of health care, and to more fully reflect the objectives and priorities of illness-prevention and health promotion, and community-based care. Broadly, the purpose of this thesis was to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of a new health centre—Woolwich Community Health Centre. Specifically, the evaluation assessed health promotion and illness prevention programs implemented by the staff of the health centre, client empowerment and client satisfaction with the health centre, and the performance of the centre in terms of its overarching goals and objectives and the Ministry of Health’s key concepts and objectives for community health centres. The results of the evaluation indicate the the health centre is an excellent facility. There has been a rapid growth in terms of the number of registered clients since the opening of the health centre; a large number of services and programs have been implemented in a very short time; clients report a high level of satisfaction with the health centre; health promotion and illness prevention programs have been successfully implemented; and the health centre is meeting both its own objectives and the objectives of the Ministry of Health. As a means of improving efficacy and responsiveness to the health needs of clientele, I have provided Woolwich Community Health Centre with three recommendations.

Convocation Year


Convocation Season

