This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of Wilfrid Laurier University students from 1982 forward. These documents are made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder (original author), cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Assessing the Need for and Impact of an Emotions Regulation Booster Program for Elementary School Aged Children, Angela Hammond
Exploring The Impact of The Media on the Arranged Marriage and Dowry System in Goa, India, Lisa Ann Hickman
Narrowed interpersonal worlds: Gender differences in affiliation-focus and dominance-focus, Oshrat A. Hodara
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Jamiacan Immigrant Youth in Two Southern Ontario Cities, Kathleen M. Hogarth
Adolf Reinach’s Contribution to the Early Phenomenological Movement, Kimberly Jaray
Audiovisual speech perception: A speech production approach, Michelle A. Jarick
“Nous sommes tous Américains”: The Relationship Between Identification, Mortality Salience, and Responses to the “War on Terror”, Enoch S. Landau
Fitting Under the Marriage Canopy: Same-Sex Weddings as Rites of Conformity in a Canadian Liberal Jewish Context, Shari Rochelle Lash
Dying and Behold We Live, Steele Lazerte
Evapotranspirative Controls in a Low Arctic Tundra Environment, Daring Lake, NWT, Canada, Shawn LeCompte
The Role of Christian Faith in the Acculturation and Identity Development of Chinese Immigrant Youth, Lynn Chyi-Ing Liao
The Notion of Healing in the Therapeutic Work of Georeg Freemesser and Steve De Shazer: A Comparison, Mary Marrocco
An Institutional Analysis of Oil and Gas Sector Development and Environmental Management in the Yukon Territory, Jason C. May
Intra-urban spatial accessibility: An improved methodological approach, Jeremy W.E. McAndrew
Descartes’ Concept of Will, Andreea Mihali
The Battle Over Our Land: Urbanization versus Farmland Preservation in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Kali Mikulica
Impacts of organized sport on family life and travel demand, Jodi Murray
The Reception of Thomas of Ireland’s Manipulas florum in Calvinist Geneva: Sex and Marriage in Jacob Stoer’s 1593 Edition, Nicholas Must
The Relationship Between Homelessness and Women’s Health, Christine Paramonczyk
Assessing Phonology, Syntax & Working Memory using ERP: Towards an Understanding of the Underlying Cause of Developmental Dyslexia, Courtney Patterson
An Analytical Overview of the Factors Influencing Housing Accessibility of Bangladeshi Immigrants in Kitchener-Waterloo, Farzana Afreen Propa
The creation of the Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service and its role in Canadian naval intelligence and communications, 1939-45, Julie Anne Redstone-Lewis