This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of Wilfrid Laurier University students from 1982 forward. These documents are made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder (original author), cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Social Behavior Inventory: To Ipsatize or Not To Ipsatize, That Is The Question, Carolyn Hoessler
Effects and Mechanisms of Female Sex Hormone Influence on Skeletal Muscle Inflammation, Sobia Iqbal
Reconstruction of Peace River Flood Frequency and Magnitude for the Past ∼600 Years from Oxbow Lake Sediments, Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada, Suzanne Jarvis
Assessing the ‘Hazards of Place’ Model of Vulnerability: A Case Study of Waterloo Region, Erin Joakim
The Application of Environmental Impact Assessment Legislation to the 2010 Winter Olympic Games Venue and Infastructure Development, Daniel Melbourne Patterson Kellar
Asset-Based Community Development: A Case Study, Suzanne Killing Wood
Trips Down Memory Lane: Recall Direction Affects the Subjective Distance of Past Events, Kent C.H. Lam
Contributions of Vision to Gait Improvement and Perceptual Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease, Chad A. Lebold
Multi-Method Assessment of Newcomer Settlement Experiences in Kitchener-Waterloo, Qaseem Ludin
Self-Reported Acceptance of Social Anxiety Sypmtoms: Development and Validation of the Social Anxiety-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Meagan B. MacKenzie
List Composition Effects for Masked Semantic Primes: Evidence Inconsistent with Activation Accounts, Jennifer C. Major
Aging with Dementia and an Intellectual Disability: A Case Study of Supported Empowerment in a Community Living Home, Shehenaz Manji
Non-Preferred Limb Performance Following Prolonged Training periods: Performance and Retention of Skills, Matthew Thomas Mayer
Paleohydrologic Reconstruction of Three Shallow Basins, Slave River Delta, NWT, Using Stable Isotope Methods, Cherie Mongeon
Hydrological Response Patterns and Solute Flux in Canadian Shield Basins: Role of Different Physical Features and Antecedent Moisture Conditions, Jessica Mueller
Origin of Intentionality, Darryl J. Murphy
Computer Mediated Communication: Providing Pastoral Care to Youth in “A High Tech” World, Tanya L. Ramer
Evaluation of the Effects of Various Exercise Interventions on Parkinson’s Disease, Michael D. Sage
Web Search Algorithms and PageRank, Laleh Samarbakhsh
In Search of the Political Economy of Oppression and Liberation: Towards Structural Validity for Community Psychology, Sune Sandbeck
The Story of South African Child Welfare: A History of the Present, Jeanette Elizabeth Schmid
Preaching as Spirit-Directed Witness, Klaus Sonnenberg
Personal Stories of Empathy in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, Kendall M. Soucie
Intra-Urban Analysis of Commercial Locations: A GIS-Based Approach, Christopher D. Storie