
Volume 1 (2014)

We would like to welcome you to the inaugural edition of the Laurier Undergraduate Journal of the Arts. This issue is the first of what we hope will become an annual publication of articles from undergraduate Arts students at Wilfrid Laurier University. Exceptional undergraduate work is too often only seen by the student who creates it and the professor who grades it, without being introduced into the marketplace of ideas. In these pages, we have gleaned only a very few of the thousands of such works produced each year by Laurier’s Arts student body. It is our conviction that the ideas generated by our peers are of no less relevance than those of the published academic writers in their respective fields; all of whom were once students themselves. The authors of our selected works collaborated with our editing team to refine their style and theories to meet the high standards demanded of academic publication. We feel no small pride in the accomplishments of everyone involved with the issue you hold now, and we personally thank them for their hard work and dedication. We also thank you, the reader, for your interest and support.



William Webb


Vanessa Cormier
Kevin Gerlach
Natalia Handziuk
Jessica McGinn
Emma Pietropaolo
Keevan Robertson
Patrick Schertzer
Becca Silver
Pavan Virdee
Connor Young