About This Journal | LUJA | Wilfrid Laurier University

About This Journal

The Laurier Undergraduate Journal of the Arts is a student-led academic journal in partnership with the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS). Carried in print and online format, the Laurier Undergraduate Journal of the Arts demonstrates the best talent our student body has to offer in our measured opinions and informative expertise. We accept papers from all social sciences, humanities, and liberal arts disciplines.

LUJA prides itself in publishing only the very best undergraduate work. Therefore, all submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process.

LUJA Review Process

LUJA Call for Papers

The Laurier Undergraduate Journal of the Arts (LUJA) is a journal for undergraduate students in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Each year the journal publishes one issue representing high-quality original research in the arts. Submitted manuscripts should be original scholarly contributions that aim to answer a novel question or address an issue in a novel way. This year the journal is relaunching with a new editorial process and a theme for its Renewal issue.

The theme of the 2022/23 issue is Renewal, Regression, and Revolution. Renewal is "an instance of resuming an activity or state after an interruption." This year's issue is for submissions focused on instances of renewal, regression, or revolution (be it a real revolution or revolutionary (new) ideas) in politics, history, society, literature, or film. After two years of inactivity, LUJA is back with a fresh start. We want the 2022/23 issue to reflect this fresh start and serve as a home for student ingenuity and creativity in renewing society, knowledge, and ideas. LUJA's renewal also coincides with the recovery and renewal from the COVID-19 pandemic. After two years of the pandemic, society is adapting to new ways of working, living, and socializing. Remote work has become the norm, and people are discovering innovative ways to thrive in this new environment. Therefore, we hope the 2022/23 issue represents the hope of renewal and a new course for society. However, change can also mean regression. For example, we are seeing a revival of authoritarianism, book banning, and white supremacy in the United States and Europe. We hope that the 2022/23 renewal issue will explore these themes and address the positives and negatives of various forms of renewal as they appear in politics, society, history, literature, and film.

The editorial board considers renewal a broad topic focused on instances of new or old ideas, practices, and events, good or bad, in the journal's five main categories. Papers can focus on the recovery of old ideas, the regression of certain aspects of society, or the creation and implementation of new ideas. Authors can present how society has renewed, regressed, or erupted into a revolution after conflict or disaster in real life or fiction. The editorial board looks favourably upon submissions that focus on analyzing new or old ideas as well as individuals' reactions to instances of renewal. These reactions could be individuals embracing change, backlash, protest or revolution.

Students must be registered in an undergraduate Arts program or those who graduated in 2022 are welcome to submit. Interested authors should submit their manuscripts via the journal's homepage: https://scholars.wlu.ca/luja/. All submissions must conform to the journal's submission guidelines below. Submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process, and those selected by the LUJA editorial team will be revised, finalized, and published in the 2022/23 issue of the journal.

Any questions should be directed to the LUJA editorial team at Laurierundergraduatejournal@gmail.com.

We look forward to reading your submissions.

From the LUJA Team


Submission Guidelines

1. All submissions must include a literature review.

2. All Submissions must be formatted using the APA manual of style.

3. Contributions must be original works and not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

4. The article's topic must fit the Call for Papers.

5. Authors must submit a 150-200 word abstract outlining the research question, theoretical framework, main arguments, and conclusion of the article.

6. Manuscripts must state their research question and thesis in the introduction.

7. Papers must use Times New Roman size 12 font.

8. Contributions should be between 2500-8000 words, excluding the bibliography, figures, and tables.

9. Contributions can be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or OpenOffice (.odt).

10. Contributions must be in English.

11. When replying to reviewers' comments authors must include a letter to the editor explaining how they addressed each piece of feedback.

Failure to follow ALL submission guidelines will result in your manuscript's rejection.