Women and Gender Studies | Women and Gender Studies | Wilfrid Laurier University


Submissions from 2010


Remapping the European Cultural Memory: The Case of Julia Kristeva’s Murder in Byzantium, Bianca Laura Rus

Submissions from 2008


Transnational Queer Theory and Unfolding Terrorisms: Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times by Jasbir K. Paur, Robert Diaz

Submissions from 2007


Intervenir auprès des survivants de guerre, de torture et de violence organisé: compte-rendu d’un projet de recherche entre l’Université Wilfrid Laurier et le Centre de santé communautaire de Hamilton et Niagara, Lamine Diallo and Ginette Lafrenière


Building Bridges Between Academe and Community: Case Study of the Healing of the Seven Generations Project, Ginette Lafrenière, Lamine Diallo, and Donna Dubie

Submissions from 2005


Can University/Community Collaboration Create Spaces for Aboriginal Reconciliation? Case Study of the Healing of The Seven Generations and Four Directions Community Projects and Wilfrid Laurier University, Ginette Lafrenière, Lamine Diallo, Donna Dubie, and Lou Henry

Submissions from 1998


Stratégies pour une redéfinition de l’espace francophone à Sudbury, Lamine Diallo and Ginette Lafrenière