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This article argues that any territory’s geological knowledge is essential to the understanding of how and why its inhabitants move on it the way they do. Taking Shiv K Kumar’s novel A River with Three Banks as its primary text, the article focuses on the protagonist, Gautam, whose frequent migrations within his country seem to emerge from his childhood attachment with the rivers of his land, the Indian Subcontinent, the fluvial quality of which is not an unknown phenomenon to geographers around the world. Gautam’s profound knowledge of what flows under his land is thus what shapes his personality, one that does not shy away from changing identities. Hydro-criticism offers itself as the theoretical framework for this research, under the title of which multiple scholars’ works have been approached to justify Gautam’s liquid disposition. The research draws to a conclusion with the deduction that human beings’ movements are always well in synchronization with the land they inhabit, and in order for migrants to come to terms with their fate, they need to acquaint themselves equally with what is beneath the surface of the region they walk on along-with the knowledge of what is above it.
