Theses/Dissertations from 1998
To close with and destroy: The experience of Canloan officers in the North West European Campaign, 1944-1945 (World War II), Brian G. Rawding
Chinese congregations of Ontario in the context of the history of pastoral care practice, Chun-An Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Prostitutes and Prostitution: A Case Study of “Disorderly Women” in Hamilton, Ontario, 1879-1886, Shelly Marie Blom
The search for meaning in grief: A comparison of Victor Frankl's Search for Meaning with Douglas Hall's Theology of the Cross, and their implications for grief ministry, Byron Ross Gilmore
A study of Biblical families from the perspective of family systems therapy, Gunar John Kravalis
Urban Reform, Middle-Class Vaules, and Agricultural Society in Ontario, 1880-1914, Sherry Lee Ann McNeil
Narrow escapes: A feminist deconstruction of anorexia nervosa in women, Yvonne L. Mireau
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The invisible weavers: Women volunteers creating community fabric, Lorie Anne Fioze
Women's experiences in the community after leaving a shelter, Susan Elizabeth Gadbois
From enmity towards alliance: The United States and German demilitarization, 1942-1947, Oliver Haller
Native voices on Native science: Mohawk perspectives on the concept, practice, and meaning of a knowledge production system rooted in traditional Native thought, Pamela Esther Johnson
The impact of early Presbyterian missionary preaching (1884-1920) on the preaching of the Korean church, Sang-Hwan Kim
The Holocaust: A catalyst for theological evolution as exemplified by the writing of Dr. John T. Pawlikowski, O.S.M., David Joseph Levy
The life stories of a woman from Rosebud: Names and naming in 'Lakota Woman' and 'Ohitika Woman' (Mary Brave Woman Olguin, South Dakota), Larissa Petrillo
The emotional appeal of television and its implications for preaching, Michael John Rattee
Quasem ilep'. I Canadian Corps breaks the Gothic Line: Summer, 1944, Lee A. Windsor
Aboriginal students and postsecondary education: A participatory exploration of experiences and needs at a university and community college in northeastern Ontario, Wendy Darlene Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Women's experience of CAPPE review committees: Lions' den or circle dance, Elizabeth Jean Bower
The process of changed meanings: A study of the Canadian experience of Somali women in the Kitchener-Waterloo area in regard to female circumcision (Ontario), A. La Ferne Clarke
Resources for the church in the prevention of suicide, Robert Ian Cuthbertson
The use of "exempla" in 'Fasciculus morum', Sarah Anne Gray
Comparisons of employment barriers between visible minority and Anglo-Saxon women in different occupations, Harjeet Lamba
Feminist therapy: A qualitative examination of the practitioner's perspective, Kathleen Marianne Scott de Jong
Social work education from a lesbian standpoint, Robin Hjordis Stevenson
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Manufacturing concern: Worthy and unworthy victims. Headline coverage of male and female victims of violence in Canadian daily newspapers, 1989 to 1992, James William Boyce
Rebuilding the broken wall: The EFC and Canadian evangelicals, Mark Denis Chapman
Admiral Sir Reginald Drax and British strategic policy: Festina lente, Robert Lynn Davison
Families and job loss in rural Newfoundland and urban Ontario: A systems approach to identifying stress and coping strategies for pastoral care, Christina Marguerite Emmaus Edwards
Engaging denial through spirituality: An ethnographic study of caregivers of the elderly and implications for pastoral care, Ian Elliott Gartshore
Native theological training within Canadian evangelicalism: Three case studies, Graham Gibson
Mirror of guilt or window of opportunity? Reflections of a ministry to street children in Kitchener-Waterloo, 1988-1991, Roland David Lowe
Potentials and problems unique to clergy couples in ministry, William Lorne Mitchell
Quest for balm in Gilead: Disclosure patterns of church-affiliated family members with relatives who have 'come out' as lesbian or gay, Margaret Elizabeth Myers
Pastoral counselling as relational process: The significance of interrelational dynamics for pastoral counseling, Arthur Clarence Scott
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Close air support in Normandy: The case of First U.S. Army and IX Tactical Air Command. A question of doctrine, training and experience, B. Michael Bechthold
The Canadian Officers' Training Corps: Support for military training in the universities of Canada, 1908-1935, Daniel Thomas Byers
The moral character formation of John Lennon and Thomas Merton: Their lives interpreted using insights from Stanley Hauerwas, Jennifer Mary Davis
The passionate eye: A Christian social political ethic of resistance to tyranny, Eliakim N. -K. Shaanika
Four decades of child welfare services to native Indians in Ontario: A contemporary attempt to understand the 'sixties scoop' in historical, socioeconomic and political perspective, Joyce Barbara Timpson
The measurement of effective parenting in Native communities, Adje van de Sande
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Stoical sanctity: The ethics of virtue and the theology of Robertson Davies, Eric Richard Griffin
Jesus the healer, Jesus the saviour: Toward a holistic understanding of salvation, Imre Istvan
Going by the moon and the stars: Stories of two Russian Mennonite women, Pamela E. Klassen
The person of Paul: A study in the apostle's ethical appeal, John W. Marshall
Hearing the voices of the good news, George Edward Mayer
Thomas Scott's 'The Force of Truth': A diplomatic edition from the first and final editions with introduction and notes, Gordon Bruce Rumford
'The Book of Mutual Love' of Adam of Perseigne: A translation with a revised critical edition and commentaries (France), Bryan Trussler
The principle of hou: A source for Chinese Christian ethics, Ambrose Pui Ho Tsui
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Funeral rites among Ashanti immigrants in Toronto: A case study (Ontario), Paul Adjin-Tettey
The English feminist debate over protective labour legislation, 1880-1914, Leanne Baugh-Peterson
Toward financial accountability: The creation of the Board of Audit in Upper Canada, 1791-1864, Michael D. Booker
German-Soviet cooperation in the Baltic States and Poland, 1918 to 1920, Brian David Cameron
Otto Rank's theory of cultural transition, Thomas James Clearwater
Jerome's commentary on Jonah: Translation with introduction and critical notes, Timothy Michael Hegedus
Heavenly messages and the path to redemption: An examination of inspired prophecy in mid-seventeenth century England, Gerald Lorentz
A case study of black West Indian migrants in urban Canada: The decision to migrate, Patrick Richardson
Purity and power: A rhetorical study of the ideology of purity and defilement in the Book of Ezekiel, Armin Siedlecki
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
The early Latin sources for the legend of St. Martha a study and translation with critical notes, Diane Peters
'Let them educate themselves': The reform of separate schools in Ottawa, 1882-1912 (Canada), Peter Anthony Postrozny
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
The role of ideology in Hebrew nation-making, Gerald Cressman
Sumptuary guidelines in Clement of Alexandria's Paedagogus and Seneca's Epistulae morales, Stephen Crump
Black education in Canada West: A parochial solution to a secular problem. Rev. M. M. Dillon and the Colonial Church and School Society, Christopher Bruce Elliot
A new mandate for UNFICYP the Canadian Contingent in Cyprus, July-August 1974, Robert J. Gravelle
A neurophysiological model of trance with practical application, Alexander Sasha Antony Marusich
Feminist ritual healing, transformation and empowerment, Eileen R. Ormond
Socialization or hermeneutics? The fundamental cause of conflict over sexual morals in the United Church of Canada, Derek Albert Parry
Judean pithoi of Iron Age Eretz Israel, Penny Lynn Pearson
The arguments of the Apocriticus a re-evaluation of the apology of macarius magnes, Benedict C. Sheehy
Gottfried Arnold on worship a translation from Die erste Liebe, 1696, Paul Wagner
Charles H. Millard, architect of industrial unionism in Canada, Jeffrey L. Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
A Weave of Women in the context of contemporary feminism and traditional Judaism, Patricia J. Bush
The hermeneutics of Lonergan and Gadamer: A comparison (Bernard Lonergan, Hans-Georg Gadamer), Terry Graham
Ancient Mesopotamian concepts of death and the netherworld according to ancient literary texts, John William David McMaster
The symbolism of the eye in Mesopotamia and Israel, Helen L. Seawright
Stamped Greek amphora handles in Israel, Thomas C. Seawright
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Didymus the Blind on 1 Corinthians 15, Alice Thompson Croft
The significance of female imagery in the book of Proverbs wisdom and wife compared, Anna Doris Piskorowski
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Polish Immigrant Relations with the Roman Catholic Church in Urban Ontario, 1896-1923, Alex Bros
Religious Sanctuaries in Ancient Cyprus During the Iron Age, Lenia Chamberlain
Anglican and Reformed: Ecumenism and Confessionalism in the Perspective of the Reformation, Timothy Ronald Cooke
A Short History of the Anabaptists of High and Low Germany: A Diplomatic Edition with Introduction and Notes, E. Hugh K. Hill
A Reconstruction of the Contributions of Mitanni to the Ancient Near East, Richard E. Jarol
The Passage of the Public Service Staff Relations Act, 1965-1967, Ian P. MacMillan
Professor C.F. Thiele Father of Canadian band music, John Mellor
The Scarboro Foreign Mission Society, 1955-1968: The Implications of the Social Dimensions of Faith for a Missionary Endeavour, Erin Frances Phillips
The Samaria Region During the Israelite Period: An Urban Study, Olaf Johannes Bogh Poulsen
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
J.W. Bengough and Grip the Canadian editorial cartoon comes of age, Dennis Edward Blake
The evolution of modern Catholic social teaching on labour and social justice, Hugh J. Campbell
The Paleolithic mother: Man's first God?, Patricia Frances Dutton
Highland light infantry of Canada, 1940-1944, Richard Mark Dykeman
The friction of war: A study of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, 1940-1945, Geoffrey Hayes
The temporal-eternal continuum of C.S. Lewis, Paul Medford Knowles
The institution of betrothal in the early rabbinical literature, Emma McLennan
The stations of the cross: A calculated trap?, Susan D. Shantz
Hosea's contribution to Israel's covenant thought, Byron L. Wheaton
A critique of the nouthetic counseling technique of Jay E. Adams, Roger Clayton White
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
American fundamentalism and nuclear deterrence a critique, Glen Robert Amy
The Loyal Edmonton Regiment at war, 1943-1945, Shaun R.G. Brown