This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of Wilfrid Laurier University students from 1982 forward. These documents are made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder (original author), cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.


Theses/Dissertations from 1971


Concept Attainment Responses of Incarcerated Delinquent Adolescents as a Function of Differential Social Reinforcement, Haig Munro


The Sanctuaries of Early Bronze Age Palestine, David L. Newlands


Methodological, Modal, and Cross-Modal Studies of Short Interval Judgements of Duration, with Specific Reference to the Development of a Model of the Internal Clock, Michael J. Procyshyn


Auditory-Visual and Temporal-Spatial Integration Ability of Good and Poor Readers at Two Grade Levels, N.H. Stevens


An Assessment of the Role of Information Inherent in Positive and Aversive Social Reinforcement Employing a Finger Maze Task with Male and Female Subjects and Experimenters, Brian Westley Strutt


Contemporary Student Radicals and Their Belief Systems, Lloyd M. Tataryn

Theses/Dissertations from 1970


Evaluation by Foster Parents of Services Received from The Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto, Barbara Allen


A Comparative Study of Foster Homes and Group Homes, William Benbow


A Behavioral Therapy Program with Chronic Mental Patients: An Experimental Demonstration Proposal, Bryon Bonell


Follow-Up Survey Into the Residential Needs of the Physically Disabled of Waterloo County: Participation in an On-Going Research Study, Larry Elgin Brigham


Abortion Law: A Theological Perspective, David Burns


Social Adjustment, Personality and Behaviour in Training Schools in Ontario, Jerome Caron


An Examination of the Personality Trait of Dependence as a Factor Influencing Social Work Practice, Evelyn J. Eisenberg


A Study of the Amphetamine Abuser: Personality Characteristics and “Meaning to Life”, Terrence L. Esch


A Comparative Study of Nickel Sulphide Deposits Within the Area of the Canadian Shield, Robert G. Kreiner


An Analysis of Dr. Malik’s Study of School Performance of Children in Families Receiving Public Assistance in Canada, Thomas Robert McColl


Some Disparities Between the Mackay Report on “Religion in the Schools” and the Conerns of Today’s Youth, John McMurray


The Spatial Variation of Voting Behaviour in Canada in 1963, Alex Yin-Cheung Mok


Some Characteristics of an Effective Communicator in the Light of the New Testament Parable as a Symbol, Willis L. Ott


The Relative Effectiveness of Three Educational Programmes in Promoting Academic Achievement among Latency Age Emotionally Disturbed Boys Residing in Treatment Institutions, Denis Quinn


The Story of the Emerging Visibility of the Community of Black People, North Preston, Nova Scotia, Robert E. Rock


Violence in the Novels of Emile Zola, Brenda Colleen Shantz

Theses/Dissertations from 1969


Infant Day Care and the Working Mother: A Proposal for Reducing Maternal Anxiety, David W. Adams


An Exploration of Utilization of College Graduates in Social Work: An Innovative Approach to the Manpower Crisis in the Profession of Social Work, Doris Jane Baker


A Social Rehabilitation Program Implementation and Analysis: A Demonstration-Experimental Proposal, William Becks