Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Exploring Interactions Between Police and People with Mental Illness, Krystle L. Shore Ms.
Hunting for 'Paper Gangsters': An Institutional Analysis of Intelligence-led Policing in a Canadian Context, Crystal Weston
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Fight the Dead, Fear the Living: Post-Apocalyptic Narratives of Fear, Governance and Social Control, Samantha Lynn Kolpin
Youth's Comprehension of Environmental Justice Across Multiple Countries, Alexa L. Stovold
Policing Diversity with Diversity: Exploring Organizational Rhetoric, Myth, and Minority Police Officers' Perceptions and Experiences, Justin K. Szeto
Juror Perceptions of Eyewitness Identification Evidence, Timothy G. Wykes
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
"Emotional Landscapes" and the Value of Sex: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Sex Workers' Clients, Zoey K. Jones
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
A Critical Review of the Mandatory Reporting Protocol, Elayne M. Tanner
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
You Can’t Go To Zion with a Carnal Mind: Slackness and Culture in the Music of Yellowman, Brent Hagerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
An Exploration of American and Canadian Tourist Destination Images of Cuba, Culum Richard Canally
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Understanding Tourist-Host Interactions and their Influence on Quality Tourism Experiences, Tiffanie L. Skipper
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Impact of the Blackberry on Couple Relationships, Jurgen Dieter Czechowsky
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Role changes and birth order in female adolescent bereavement, Jennifer Joyce Evans
Mothers of children placed in out-of-home care: Everyday realities and child placement experiences, Nancy Colleen Freymond
Impacts of organized sport on family life and travel demand, Jodi Murray
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Embracing an emerging structure: The employment of psychiatric survivors in Ontario community mental health organizations, Jillian Gail Grant
Political will as a determinant of health in Ontario: Implications for progressive human services, M. Anthony Hutchinson
Attachment representations in mothers of young children with developmental delay: Relations with concurrent and later maternal depression, Mary Catherine Hutchinson
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Managing household activities: Gender differences in time-use and activity scheduling behaviour, Kim T. Tran
Media messages about body image and food: Adolescent perceptions of contradictory messages in television commercials, Carrie Wise
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Social policy and social work education: A historical comparative study, Thomas E. Brenner
Women's agency in the development of hybrid social spaces: The trials of Sarah Ballenden and Maria Thomas in Canada's Red River colony, 1850 and 1863 (Manitoba), Sharron A. FitzGerald
Sexual consent in a gay, lesbian, and bisexual population: An exploratory study, Dahlia Marie Hallal
Safe sex practices: Identity style, sexual communication, and HIV/AIDS knowledge, Kathia Marie Hallal
Humour and marital quality: Is humour style associated with marital success?, Melissa Johari
Tackling the issue of access: Situating place within immigrant women's experiences of health and health care (Ontario), Jillian C. Paul
Self appraisal in later life: Comparison orientation and well-being, Angela Marie Pye
A qualitative study examining the experiences of children living in a residential treatment program, Elisabeth Robson
Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) directive 39.0 of Ontario Works: A policy analysis, Tracy Anne Smith-Carrier
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Chaotic patterns of restraining power: The dynamics of personal decision making in a long-term care facility, Sandra Loucks Campbell
A relational self model of gender role identity of young Taiwanese women within their cultural context (China), Chu-Li Julie Liu
Transracial adoption (TRA) and the development of ethnoracial identity, Mairi McKenna
Dynamical systems theory as applied to war-ravaged Bosnia and its people: Stage one of a multistrategy research, Kristin T. Trotter
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Recreational birdwatching, empire, and gender in southern Ontario, 1791-1886, Kirsten Aletta Greer
Emerging strong from a difficult adolescence: A qualitative study of resilience, Vivian Horovitch
Gender, income and managerial status among graduate social workers, Gail Louise Kenyon
Adolescent development in the context of Canadian-Chinese immigrant families, Ching Man Lam
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The sun always comes out after it rains: Exploring the experience of AIDS caregivers (Immune deficiency), Susan Cadell
Professional interventions with parents at the time of the sudden death of a child, Linda Susan Charlotte Maxwell
The role of wine tourism in economic development: A case study of Niagara Region (Ontario), Gillian Mary Northwood
A survey of feeling as motivation in volunteerism and ethics, Sung Taek Shim
Women's employment initiatives as a means addressing poverty: A comparative study of Canadian and Chilean examples, Linda L. Snyder
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Quilts as social text, Helen Kathryn Ball
The social construction of a nonabuser image: A study of a post-treatment male abuser self-help group, Bruce Alan Bidgood
Impact of gender and culture: Contributing factors to satisfactory long-term marriages, Maria Yip Ling Cheung
An exploration of the relationship between school setting and the self-esteem of grade-six girls, Maureen Thoroughgood Kropf
Restaging the welfare diva: Case studies of single motherhood and social policy, Iara Lessa
Rural images, tourism and sustainability: Perceptions of rural accommodation operators and their visitors in Waterloo-Wellington Region, Ontario, Kelley Anne McClinchey
A healing story: A family systems view of the intertwining of family stories with the biblical narrative, John Frederick Nunns
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
What is the unique and direct effect of an uninvolved father on his son's self-concept as an adult man? A dialogue between Samuel Osherson's 'finding our fathers,' social scientists and Christian theology, Christopher Stephen Beausoleil
Examining beliefs about the causes of unemployment and poverty: An analysis of the causal models from the research literature, Garson George Coon
The educational impacts of the Boyne River Natural Science School: Twenty-five years later (Ontario), Roy George Cumming
Stakeholder attitudes as a resistance toward long-range management of a threatened landscape: A case study of aggregate use in the township of North Dumfries (Ontario), Kim Margaret Horrigan
Compassionate fire: Women's stories of subjective and social change, Norma Jean Profitt
The social construction of interprofessional teams in human service organizations: Two case studies, Daniel Philip Salhani
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Level of adaptive behaviour according to the occupational status of foster adolescents in independent living, Marissa Dionne Amoroso
As if born to: The social construction of a deficit identity position for adopted persons, Lise M. Beauchesne
An inquiry into the psychological, social and work-related outcomes of an innovative labor adjustment program, E. Jean Kellogg
Being there: A qualitative study of how fathers overcome obstacles to intimacy with their children, Bradley Thomas Morrison
An evaluation of a socio-sexuality education program for individuals with a developmental handicap, David Nelson Morrow
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
In mom and dad's shadows: An exploration of family of origin influence on parenting styles, Gregory Allan Bassett
Adaptation during the transition from high school to university: An examination of selected person, environment and transition perception variables, Sheldon Jacob Birnie-Lefcovitch
The family system grief process as a communicated process: Understanding grief through Virginia Satir's growth model, Glenn Vincent Breen
Supervised access: A qualitative programme evaluation, Bonnie Ann Gagne
Negative affect, explanatory style, and stressful life events in an elementary school population, David Taylor Johnston
Living with a memory-impaired spouse: (Re)cognizing the experience, (re)storying support, Deborah Lynn O'Connor
Toward developing a model of responsive pastoral care for adult children of divorce, Betty Joanne Scott
Aboriginal students and postsecondary education: A participatory exploration of experiences and needs at a university and community college in northeastern Ontario, Wendy Darlene Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
The biographic impact of an HIV diagnosis (immune deficiency), Leanne Carol Baird
The role of the state and the community in community participation: A case study, Joseph Jean-Marc Andre Belanger
Coping and support needs of family caregivers of older adults with a developmental disability, Caroline Cochrane
All in the family home: The biological children of parents who foster, Judith Heidburrt
Resolving community conflicts with public participation: A case study of a southwestern Ontario community, Rosalba Stocco
A naturalistic study of the relationship between the process of empowerment and mental health during adolescence, Michael Terrence Ungar
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
The young adult substance abuse clinic. A program evaluation: Process and immediate output, Kimberly Calderwood
Families and job loss in rural Newfoundland and urban Ontario: A systems approach to identifying stress and coping strategies for pastoral care, Christina Marguerite Emmaus Edwards
Southeast Asian refugees in Canada: Gender differences in adaptation and mental health, Roger Gary Edwards
Quest for balm in Gilead: Disclosure patterns of church-affiliated family members with relatives who have 'come out' as lesbian or gay, Margaret Elizabeth Myers
Canadian social work education from the standpoint of gay men, Brian Joseph O'Neill
Managing young offender programs: Self-perceived power to manage young offender custody programs in Ontario, Kenneth Emmanuel Thomas
Hearing metaphor: A study of clients' use of language in a family therapy situation, Christopher Allen Whynot
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Gender and self-care in undergraduate university students: A qualitative study, Anne Johnston Munroe
Organizations and attitudes in the local economic development process: A case study of the West Parry Sound Area (Ontario), Darin Gregory Tucci
The measurement of effective parenting in Native communities, Adje van de Sande
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
An investigation of the ability of elementary school-aged children to learn child sexual abuse prevention concepts, Leslie Maureen Tutty
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Leisure lifestyle and perceived social support of older adults in a rural environment, Elizabeth Dow Pittaway
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
An attributional perspective in the study of crime seriousness and criminal sentencing, Bikram Dasgupta
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
The pilgrimage to Elvis Presley's Graceland: A study of the meanings of place, James W. Davidson
Environmental Perception and its Impacts on the Tourist Industry: A Case Study of the Niagara Region, Donna Marie Senese
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Communities in transition Elmira and St. Jacobs, Ontario : a study of resident and retailer attitudes toward tourism, Frances Hohol
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Consumer images of shopping centres a socio-economic analysis, David W. Bell
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Social support, stress, and young unwed mothers' ability to cope effectively with parenthood, Christina Henninger