Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2-4-2020


This paper examines the quality of Ontario’s after-school program as implemented by Rapport by using Tuason et al.’s (2009) criteria. The goal of this study is to answer the following questions: How the three core areas of the program are implemented and what activities are offered in the three core areas? How staff members and participant perceive the program and how the program impacts the lives of the participants? After-school programs have become an essential part of impoverished communities over the past three decades. The need of quality after-school programs in disadvantaged neighbourhoods has never been higher. Children residing in disadvantaged neighbourhoods are vulnerable to countless harms such as: crime, victimization, drugs, dysfunctional family systems, abuse and etc. Children are most vulnerable during the after-school hours and require adequate supervision. Through qualitative research methods, data was gathered through focus group interviews with participants attending Ontario’s after school program at Dunrankin public school in Malton Ontario. Additionally, data was also gathered through one on one interviews with staff members and program coordinator of the program. This study revealed Rapport offered the participants a quality after-school program.
