Social and Environmental Justice Faculty Publications | Social and Environmental Justice | Wilfrid Laurier University


Submissions from 2019


Enhancing Ontario’s Rural Infrastructure Preparedness: Inter-Community Service Sharing in a Changing Climate — Rural Community Practitioners Workbook, Bryce Gunson and Brenda Murphy


Enhancing Ontario’s Rural Infrastructure Preparedness: Inter-Community Service Sharing in a Changing Climate — Final Report: SWOT Analysis and Key Insights, Brenda Murphy and Bryce Gunson


Enhancing Ontario’s Rural Infrastructure Preparedness: Inter-Community Service Sharing in a Changing Climate — Interim Report 2: Provincial Survey Results, Brenda Murphy and Bryce Gunson


Enhancing Ontario’s Rural Infrastructure Preparedness: Inter-Community Service Sharing in a Changing Climate — Policy Brief, Brenda Murphy and Bryce Gunson

Submissions from 2017


Enhancing Ontario’s Rural Infrastructure Preparedness: Inter-Community Service Sharing in a Changing Climate — Interim Report 1: Key Informant Interview Results, Bryce Gunson and Brenda Murphy


Enhancing Ontario’s Rural Infrastructure Preparedness: Inter-Community Service Sharing in a Changing Climate — Assessment of Ten Rural Municipal Case Studies, Brenda Murphy, Annette Chrétien, and Bryce Gunson


Mutual Aid and Service Agreements: Wise Practices for First Nations Communities, Brenda Murphy, Laurie Pearce, Annette Chrétien, and Erin McLean-Purdon


From Displacement to Hope: A Guide for Displaced Indigenous Communities and Host Communities, Laurie Pearce, Brenda Murphy, and Annette Chrétien

Submissions from 2014


Aboriginal Maple Syrup Values Summary, Annette Chrétien, Brenda Murphy, Charles Restoule, and Melanie Smits


Developing an Ontario Maple Syrup Sector Profile: A Value Chain Analysis (Executive Summary), Grant Morin and Brenda Murphy


Maple Syrup Value Systems and Value Chains - Considering Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Perspectives, Brenda Murphy, Annette Chrétien, and Grant Morin

Submissions from 2009


How Do We Come to Know? Exploring Maple Syrup Production and Climate Change in Near North Ontario, Brenda Murphy, Annette Chrétien, and Laura J. Brown

Submissions from 2006


Power, Praxis and the Métis of Kelly Lake, Canada, David Bentley and Brenda Murphy