Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science


Faculty of Arts

First Advisor

Thomas Hueglin

Advisor Role

Thesis Supervisor


The complex changes which are now under way have sparked a great deal of interest and speculation around possible world order, futures and the U.S.' relationship to them. The predominant image of the New World Order is one which hinges on the development of a liberal, economic multipolar world order in which mutual responsibility and macro-policy coordination become effective means of global management. Indeed this perspective is prone to see the possibility for change through peaceful and harmonious means. In as much as advocates of Interdependency Theory try to anticipate, explore and systematize, they seem to override a very important factor; economic growth, where it occurs at all, is increasingly becoming a matter of political design rather than a matter of spontaneous market forces. The growing trend towards Tripolarity; the dis-integrating of the capitalist world economy into three regions on the one hand, and the trend towards centralization and concentration around the U.S., Germany and Japan on the other hand, reflects a withdrawal from the old hegemonic order and its institutions, and a hegemonic drive by the U.S., Germany and Japan to expand their state power and capital vis-a-vis each of the three respective regions.

Convocation Year


Convocation Season

