Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Program Name/Specialization

Canadian History


Faculty of Arts

First Advisor

Lianne Leddy

Advisor Role

Thesis Supervisor


This thesis reconstructs Indigenous activism in the era of Red Power, 1972-1976, by examining three newspapers, the Native Youth Movement (NYM), The Native Voice (TNV) and The Native People (TNP). By linking these newspapers, the overarching themes of 1970s Indigenous activism are explored in order to understand the social conditions faced by young Indigenous people. Through a content analysis of these newspapers, the author examines questions such as: what were the living conditions of Indigenous people during the 1970s? What mattered most to the journalists and editors of these papers? What did Indigenous grassroots activism in Western Canada look like in this period? Indigenous men and women continue to face similar barriers in education, housing and drug and alcohol abuse. The decade in question informs our understanding of barriers today. On one hand, Indigenous people continue to make strides but on the other, the problems discussed in this paper have compounded to create new but related issues. In addition, this paper represents an important journey of self-development for the author who will one day build on the legacy of activists from the Red Power era.

Convocation Year


Convocation Season

