Consensus is a journal of Canadian Lutheran theology co-sponsored by Martin Luther University College (Waterloo) and the Lutheran Theological Seminary (Saskatoon). | Vol 44 | Iss 2

Canadian Lutheran History: Remembering Today, for the Sake of Tomorrow


This Issue includes intergenerational and diverse voices from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and predecessor Churches from coast to coast to coast. The Webinars took place on October 25, 2022, November 15, 2022 and May 15, 2023. These Webinars involve accumulating knowledge and cross-references. The Webinar Series was called “For the Sake of the Gospel” and hosted by the Remembering Today for the Church of Tomorrow Project in partnership with Martin Luther University College and Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon.


Conference Proceedings


Insights from LTS and MLUC
William H. Harrison, Kristine Lund, and Donald W. Sjoberg


Consideration of the Affirmation and Appeal, with Appreciation for the Work of Norman J. Threinen
Gordon A. Jensen; Karen Kuhnert; Donald W, Sjoberg; and Stephen Larson


Insights from MLUC and LTS
Kristine Lund, William H. Harrison, and Donald W. Sjoberg


Remembering Lutheran Campus Ministry For the Sake of the Gospel
Stephen Larson, Kenneth C. Kuhn, and Karen Kuhnert


Canadian Lutheran World Relief and the Lutheran Immigration Board of Canada
Jennifer Ardon, Hanne Kuhnert, Marcus Busch, Donald W. Sjoberg, Gordon A. Jensen, Karin Achtelstetter, Senait B., and Rachel Manyuon

Studies and Observations


Remembering Canadians in Global Missions and World Service
Stephen Larson, Gordon A. Jensen, Donald W. Sjoberg, Karen Kuhnert, Peter Mathiasen, and Raymond T. Blacklock


Remembering Our Legacy in Diaconal Ministry
Anne Keffer, Scott Knarr, Sherry Coman, and Michelle Collins


Selected Bibliography in Canadian Lutheran History
Karen Kuhnert and Gordon A. Jensen


Book Reviews
