Faith and Science
Faith and Science
Kate Harper
Complex Thinking: The Science and Spiritual Nature of Therapeutic, Pedagogical, and Supervisory Relationships
Daniel Rzondzinski
Theology of “Person” with a Focus on Mental Health
Gyeong Kim and Allen Jorgenson
Knife-Edge and Saddleback: Augustine & William James on the Psychology of the Specious Present
Sean Hannan
Studies and Observations
Martin Luther and the Creation of the Myth of Modernity
Christine Helmer
Family therapy: Clearing paths in the Namibian context towards a clearer Pastoral Counselling Model
Hendrik Rudolf Tjibeba
Processing Trauma in the Hebrew Bible
Carol A. McMullen
Sermon: Job 12:7-9
Mary (Joy) Philip
Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
Gordon A. Jensen