Reformation: Then, Now, and Onward. Diverse Disputations Effectual Exposés
The foreword that accompanies this issue also introduces vol. 38 iss. 1.Foreword
Foreword: Reformation - Then, Now, and Onward
Mark W. Harris
Cruising (with) Luther – Indecent Lutheran Theologies from the South, or What makes a Lutheran Theology Lutheran
André S. Musskopf
The Tough Wedge: Reformation Now and Onward
Matthew R. Anderson
Eco-justice Reformation: Re-imagining Ecumenical Witness in the Context of Climate Injustice
George Zachariah
Men and Gender Justice
Sunder John Boopalan
Martin Luther's Contribution to Public Ethics Today
David G. A. Pfrimmer
Studies and Observations
The Church of the Abiding Presence of the United Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg location Reformation Day
J. Jayakiran Sebastian
Closing Worship
Mark W. Harris
Book Reviews
Ink Against the Devil: Luther and His Opponents
David G. A. Pfrimmer