Hospitality - The Healing of the World
Lords, Stewards, Husbands or Guests in the Garden? In Search of an Environmental Theology Adequate to our Times
Kristian Wold
Pastoral Responses to Domestic Violence: Welcoming the Neighbors who Live with Violence
David M. Saude
The Healing Power of Weakness
Cameron Harder
The Aboriginal Peoples of Canada and the Anglican Church
Thomas O. Morgan
The Leap of Faith
Egil Grislis
Studies and Observations
A Very Brief Discussion of Religion and State in the New Testament
Matthew R. Anderson
To Dance Again
Beverly C. S. Brazier
Are We Ready Yet?
J Daniel Gibson
And Deliver us From Evil: St Michael and All Angels
Mark W. Harris
The Miracle of Waiting
Markus J. Poetzsch
Book Reviews
The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of its Sacred Texts
Paul F. Sodtke
Preaching Mark
Rebekah Eckert
Paul in Acts
Amanda Witmer
Visionary Women: Three Medieval Nystics
Sherry Pember
Le cardinal Liénart, évêque de Lille, 1928-1968
Oscar Cole-Arnal
Moving from Shame to Self-worth: Preaching and Pastoral Care
Thomas O'Connor
Hear Then a Story: Plot Possibilities for Story Sermons
Eugene L. Lowry
Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-cultural Strategies
Daniel L. Wong
Early Christian Worship
Don Neville
The Unecessary Pastor: Rediscovering the Call
Arnold D. Weigel