Essays Ecumenical and Historical
Our Role in God's Rule: Lutheran and Mennonite Views on Moral Agency
Waldemar Janzen and Harry Huebner
Some Reflections on Menno Simons' and Martin Luther's Hermeneutics
Werner O. Packull
Studies and Observations
Congregation as Text: A Hermeneutic for Ministry
Rolf Nosterud
Martha of Bethany: Beyond the Stereotypes
Diane E. Peters
Comeback from Failure
Glenn A. Gibson
Music and Persecution
James Whitehead
House of Peace - The Great Splendor
Waldemar Regier
Book Reviews
The formation of the Christian biblical canon
John W. Miller
The fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius
Charles Kannengiesser
The Days Are Surely Coming; Turning Obstacles into Opportunities (2 books)
Kenneth L. Peterson