Theology of the Cross: Theory and Practice
Theology of the cross: theory and practice
Richard C. Crossman
Luther's theology of the cross
Douglas John Hall
Douglas John Hall's contextual theology of the cross
Timothy Hegedus
Theology of the cross: Canadian paradigms
Oscar Cole-Arnal
Which way to church renewal
Richard C. Crossman
Authority and pastoral practice
Egil Grislis
To my twin in doubt
Christine Grahlman
Matthew, matriculation, and ministry
Michael N. Poellet
Pure extravagance
Carol J. Schlueter
Book Reviews
The New Eve in Christ: The Use of the Bible in the Debate about Women in the Church
Phyllis D. Airhart
A Promise of Hope: A Call to Obedience: Joel and Malachi
John W. Miller
The Other Judaisms of Late Antiquity
Harold Remus
The Synoptic Problem
William Edward Arnal
Hosea - Jonah
Ragnar C. Teigen
The Beginnings of the Church
Mary T. Malone
Tommy Douglas: the road to Jerusalem
Oscar Cole-Arnal
The Dawn of the Reformation
Timothy R. Cooke
The Churches and the Third Reich, V 1: Preliminary History and the Time of Illusions, 1918-1934
A. James Reimer
Universe: God, Science and the Human Person
Bruce Heggan
Co-Creating: A Feminist Vision of Ministry
Arnold D. Weigel
Do Justice: The Social Teaching of the Canadian Catholic Bishops (1945-1986)
David G. A. Pfrimmer
The Way to Contemplation: Encountering God Today
Christopher F. J. Ross
Preach the Word: Expository Preaching from the Book of Ephesians
Eduard R. Riegert
Ritual and Pastoral Care
Donald C. Nevile