Mission of the Church
Mission of the church
Walter Freitag
Reflections on a church in mission
Paul Nostbakken
Theological issues in the mission of the church
James A. Scherer
Mission in the context of kingdom: an ecumenical vision
James A. Scherer
Ecclesial Darwinism and the collapse of koinonia
Michael N. Poellet
The Lutheran pastor and the meaning of authority
Egil Grislis
The earth is the Lord's
Harold Remus
You are a chosen race
Roger W. Uitti
Church of the oldest child
Brice Balmer
Life after death: by what authority?
Delton J. Glebe
Book Reviews
Many Things in Parables: Extravagant Stories in New Community
Norman R. Hennig
The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary
David W. Dahle
The Living Voice of the Gospel
Erwin Buck
On Exodus: A Liberation Perspective
Lawrence E. Toombs
Paul and the Law
Carol J. Schlueter
The Augsburg Confession: A Commentary
Robert A. Kelly
The intellectual origins of the European Reformation
Timothy R. Cooke
Faith, Reason and Theology: Questions 1-4 of His Commentary on the 'De Trinitate' of Boethius
Peter C. Erb
Grace and Power: Base Communities and Nonviolence in Brazil
C. Arnold Snyder
Feet-on-the-ground Theology
Oscar Cole-Arnal
Christianity: A Cultural Perspective
Harry O. Maier
On Earth as It Is in Heaven: Jews, Christians, and Liberation Theology
Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson
Facing the Tiger
Enid R. Powell
Formation and reflection: the promise of practical theology
Arnold D. Weigel
Healing Wounded Emotions: Overcoming Life's Hurts
Ralph A. Lebold
A Guide for Preachers on Composing and Delivering Sermons: The Or-ha-Darshanim of Jacob Zahalon
Eduard R. Riegert
Medieval Liturgy: An Introduction to the Sources
Donald C. Nevile