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Communication Studies


Game studies scholars have had growing concerns over the last decade about monetization strategies in video games. This major research paper expands on this conversation by analyzing monetization in the case of Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six. The paper explores different commodification strategies such as platformization, assetization, gamblification, and data extraction as well as monetization devices such as the battle pass and loot box. By applying elements of the app-walkthrough method to Rainbow Six Siege, this project concludes that previous efforts to regulate monetization in video games ought to recognize monetization systems’ deep integration with gameplay. Monetization strategies, I argue, overlap with and shape gameplay. Moreover, rather than approach them as separate, I suggest that monetization and gameplay are mutually constituted. The paper draws on game news sources to support the analysis of monetization systems. Ultimately, this MRP reveals: 1) that gamblification is not a discrete practice that only exists in the Rainbow Six Siege’s menus, but is embedded throughout the game; 2) that keeping the player engaged allows for data capital to keep being extracted; and 3) that Rainbow Six Siege places the onus of responsibility on the player and makes monetization seem as if it is a gift.