Sharing Like We Mean It: Working Co-operatively in the Cultural and Tech Sectors
Document Type
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Communication Studies
Communication Studies
A hybrid research report and co-op primer, Sharing Like We Mean It: Working Co-operatively in the Cultural and Tech Sectors is based on a survey of 106 co-operatives in Canada, the UK, and the US. It offers a snapshot of the co-op landscape in creative industries, explores what co-operative work can look like in practice, and features profiles of several worker co-operatives. Our survey results confirm that the co-operative model is a promising strategy for mitigating individualized patterns of work, democratizing work relationships, and providing satisfying work in creative industries contexts. Co-ops are not a magic solution to systemic work problems. But the co-op model – in conjunction with other pro-worker policies and organizations – holds potential to democratically remake work in ways that have yet to be fully realized, or widely tested, in creative industries.
Recommended Citation
de Peuter, Greig, Bianca C. Dreyer, Marisol Sandoval, and Aleksandra Szaflarska (2020) Sharing Like We Mean It: Working Co-operatively in the Cultural and Tech Sectors. Cultural Workers Organize.