"What is Tank Country?" by William Murphy


William Murphy


There are certain principles that evolved during the past war that should be applicable to future operations, and one of these principles, it is suggested, is the answer to the question of what is and what is not tank country. Many serving and former members of the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps will recollect how eagerly they perused reports from the western desert during the years they sat in England awaiting their turn. They realized that in all probability when they saw action it would be with a better vehicle and in totally different country. But the only reports available, so far as tanks were concerned dealt with their use in the desert. Such country permitted commanders to exploit the mobility of this particular weapon to the full, and it played a great, if not predominant, part in every victory won, no matter by which side. In very rocky country, or where the going was too soft, tanks could not operate, but there was always plenty of other portions of the front where the going was good. Thus the question of what was, or what was not, tank country did not receive the early consideration that it otherwise might have.
