"Confrontation in Normandy: The 3rd Canadian Anti-Tank Regiment on D-Da" by Stan Medland


Stan Medland


On D-Day, the 6th of June 1944, the 3rd Canadian Anti-Tank Regiment R.C.A. landed in France on Juno Beach as part of the Third Canadian Infantry Division.

The regiment consisted of four batteries: the 4th from Peterborough, Ontario, the 52nd from Weymouth, Nova Scotia, the 94th from Quebec City and the 105th from St. George, New Brunswick, along with a headquarters from Toronto.

Originally trained as field artillery, the regiment had been converted to anti-tank. Each battery had two troops of four 6-pounders anti-tank guns and one of four M 10s, the latter being Sherman tanks with a 3-inch gun and an open turret with a 50- calibre machine gun mounted on the side. The troops were identified in the batteries as follows: 4th Battery, ABC; 52nd Battery, DEF; 94th Battery, GHI, 105th Battery, JKL; with C, F, I and L being the M10 troops.

The regiment was responsible for coordinating the anti-tank defences of the division, and the individual troops were generally assigned in support of an infantry battalion where they supplemented the battalion’s own 6-pounders. The troop commander worked closely with the battalion commander and anti-tank platoon commander.

For D-Day the usual organization was changed to concentrate all four M10 troops under one battery commander. This provided a strong, mobile anti-tank force for the early stages of the invasion.
