"D-Day and After in Canadian Art" by Laura Brandon


Canada sent twelve official war artists to France, more than one third of the thirty-two that were ultimately commissioned. They served with all three services, and as a result of their labour Canada has a remarkably complete artistic record of the Normandy campaign from the preparation stages through to the drive towards Germany. This collection is housed at the Canadian War Museum and certain paintings from it form part of the permanent displays at the Museum, while others are on loan to museums in Normandy and are used in special exhibitions in Canada. This year twenty-six of the oils will be on display at the Museum in a commemorative show, Normandy Summer. Several of the watercolours are also in 50th Anniversary loan exhibits both in Canada and across the Atlantic. The intent of this article is to act as a guide to a cross-section of the artists of the Normandy campaign by focusing on works that will be on view at the Canadian War Musuem over the coming year. Reference will also be made to the watercolours that form the bulk of the Museum’s artistic record of events of 1944.
