"Victory in Burma" by Atholl Sutherland Brown


In Victoria, BC this August 2005, the 60th anniversary of the end of the War against Japan (VJ Day) was celebrated at a number of events. Included were a march to the Cenotaph by Veterans, Service Units and Air Cadets on Sunday, August l4th; a reception sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs at Government House on the actual day, August 15; a service the next day at Arakan Park in the forest on the Cowichan River followed by one at the Cenotaph in Duncan both arranged by the Burma Star Organization and, finally, a luncheon by the Vancouver Island Branch of the AirCrew Association at the Gun Room at Work Point Barracks. At all these events except the last, the role of the Commonwealth Air Forces in the victory over the Japanese Army in Burma was scarcely mentioned although some interesting brochures and talks were presented. From my own experience and research I believe the Air Force’s role was decisive.
