Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 5-24-2013
Clear language summary, Office of Research Services
What you need to know: Raman spectroscopy can be enhanced to be more sensitive in detecting chemicals through the use of nanoparticles with sharper edges and cavities. Silver nanoparticle “flowers” developed at Laurier show the most promising results for the optimal enhancement of this diagnostic testing.
Recommended Citation
Wilfrid Laurier University (2013). Flower-shaped silver nanoparticles improve sensitivity of spectroscopic detection of various chemicals. Retrieved at
This summary is part of a project between the Knowledge Mobilization Unit and Scholars Commons at Wilfrid Laurier University, and the Knowledge Mobilization Unit at York University. Laurier promotes the use of knowledge mobilization to maximize the impact of Laurier research on professional practice, public policy, and community engagement.
Written by O. Stukalov, S. Reibling.