Bridges: An Undergraduate Journal of Contemporary Connections | Wilfrid Laurier University
Bridges is an undergraduate academic journal created at Wilfrid Laurier University. It offers a range of essays on broad, interdisciplinary subjects with a focus on contemporary issues and literature. Bridges is reviewed and edited by a team of undergraduate students whose goal is to work with their peers to publish quality academic writing to be available internationally.

Current Volume: Volume 7 (2024)

Volume 7, Issue 1, contains a variety of articles ranging in discipline from criminology to health sciences and health administration. This collection includes both primary and secondary research articles. It touches on perceptions of justice and sentencing procedures following victimization, the need for reform in the Canadian healthcare system, and the importance of implementing strategies in health research that aid in recruiting, retaining, and disseminating findings to elderly adults. These topics contribute to relevant discussions in their respective disciplines and help bridge gaps in the extant literature.

Exploratory Essay

Research Articles


Managing Editor
Grace C. Nunn
Copy Editors
Margarida Branco
Meadow Vanayan
Sara Bulick
Felicia Deonarain
Peer Reviewers
Terrie Fairhurst
Ashley Ramdhan
Alex Rodrigues
Sabrina Schoneveld
Staff Adviser
Christin Taylor
Staff Adviser
Kaia-Marie Bishop
Faculty Adviser
Bruce Gillespie