Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 3-1-2024


Faculty of Music


Faculty of Music


Passion, innovation, musicianship: these are reflected in the careers and offerings of women and the guitar. As I continue my research on women’s contributions to guitar orchestras, I became interested in discovering how many women have led guitar orchestras since they began in the 1800’s and learn what women today are experiencing in this role. Guitar orchestras have played an important role in many musicians’ development throughout its history, but unfortunately women have been often unacknowledged and under-represented in this ensemble format’s leadership roles.

This article includes a list I have compiled of women guitar orchestra conductors (past/present), will discuss the contributions of Madame Sidney Pratten, Olga Pierri, and Vahdah Olcott-Bickford, and the results of a survey I conducted to develop a sense of what women’s experiences have been leading this type of ensemble, if the music education they received provided adequate training, what support they received from peers and/or school administration (if their orchestra was a school ensemble).
