Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 3-1-2021


Faculty of Music


Faculty of Music


Guitar orchestras were at their height of popularity in the late 1800's and early 1900's in Europe, South America and North America, and played an important role in the promotion of the suffragette movement. Although the popularity of this ensemble type declined after WW1, they have seen a strong resurgence within the past 20 years. Many influential women in the guitar world, including Madame Sydney Pratton and Vahdah Olcott-Bickford, played crucial roles in the development of guitar orchestras. That continues to this day with composers such as the internationally renown Dutch composer Annette Kruisbrink writing works for this ensemble format and music directors like Dr. Kami Rowan (Music Director for the US Guitar Orchestra, Associate Professor of Music at Guilford College) leading acclaimed large guitar ensembles.

This article will discuss the history of European and North American guitar orchestras, their support of women in music, and recent contributions by female composers and music directors.
