Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Geography & Environmental Studies


Faculty of Arts

First Advisor

Alfred Hecht

Advisor Role

Thesis Supervisor


Individuals who must commute to work are often concerned with the spatial separation of their home and job site. In many of these cases the socio-economic characteristics of these individual's lives play an important part in deciding how long this commute is, in terms of both time and distance. The following study seeks to identify the relationships between several selected socio-economic characteristics and the journey to work distances for employees at AT&T GIS. The factors being examined in this study are age, education level, number of dependents, income, length of service to the company, occupation type and gender. Significant differences in commuting distances were identified for the subgroups of employees being compared for five of the above factors. Only income and number of dependents were found to have no significant effect on commuting distances. However, when maximum commuting distances were compared for men and women separately, the number of dependents claimed by the individuals in the subgroups was found to affect the spatial separation of home and work for many of these individuals. Crosstabulations, difference of means t-tests and regression analyses were conducted to identify patterns and relationships inherent in the dataset provided by AT&T GIS. Unless stated otherwise, the confidence level selected for all statistical tests was 95%.

Convocation Year


Convocation Season

