Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Geography & Environmental Studies


Faculty of Arts

First Advisor

Jerry Hall

Advisor Role

Thesis Supervisor


The potential climate change due to increased loading of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has emerged as one of the most significant environmental threats of the late twentieth century. An analysis of a variety of feasible energy demand scenarios for Canada indicates that if we continue to consume the same types and proportions of fuels as we do today, the expected demand for energy in the year 2005 would yield carbon dioxide emissions up to 52.5 per cent greater than that of 1985. On the other hand, if Canada were to alter the types and quantities of fuels required to meet its energy needs by adopting a variety of non-fossil fuels and by using all energy more efficiently, Canada’s output of carbon dioxide from energy consumption in the year 2005 could be as much as 51.27 per cent less than that of 1985. In addition to the scenario analyses, this thesis provides a complete description of the calculation of carbon dioxide emissions, a matter overlooked in previous studies of carbon dioxide emissions and fossil fuel consumption. The methodology outlined in this thesis can be easily adapted to other energy demand scenarios and also to the study of fossil fuel related carbon dioxide emissions from other countries.

Convocation Year


Convocation Season

