"World mission" by Risto R. Lehtonen


Mission responsibilities must be reconsidered to focus on the future as churches discuss merger and its eschatological dimensions. Renewal in other churches may be stimulated as they examine models suggested by merging churches. In spite of divergent views among Protestant and within the Lutheran family itself concerning an understanding of mission, there exists several convergent convictions. Mission is: inherent in the Gospel; evangelization as center; witness; forever; crossing of frontiers (geographical, economic, sociological, scientific, religious); for every country; responsibility of whole church; giving and receiving; facilitated by specialists; not triumphalistic; in need of more influence from Lutheran theological heritage; is God's. Various strategies and cooperative efforts of engaging in mission should be planned after consideration of past commitments, experience and identity of church. A global perspective and two-way character should be maintained. God uses the church as an instrument for his mission.
