"Sustainability and Climate in Religion" by Marcel Ngirinshuti




Faced with the ecological crisis, many churches are involved in the search for concrete solutions. Since 2016, the Green Churches Network in Africa (TEVA), a network of churches, denominational structures and associations, which are committed to caring for the "common home" (planet-earth) in Africa. This organization currently has (as of 2019) 1,808 parishes grouped into 19 churches in 12 African countries. The vision of TEVA is to reach 2020 green parishes by the end of 2020. Starting with the fact that ecological questions are often perceived as utopian and very complex, TEVA aims to promote knowledge of African ecological issues and to bring integral ecology to researchers and the general public. TEVA aims to increase awareness by explaining environmental issues such as climate change and the biodiversity crisis to help people understand what is happening in the “common home”. The spirituality of this program includes the liturgy and catechesis, the teachings of which are adapted to the recipients according to their ages and their concerns. TEVA promotes an intergenerational approach with children, young people, elderly, disabled etc., in its actions that communities undertake at the level of parishes, families or individuals. Activities are also carried out at denominational schools. Among all the discourse that revolves around ecology and sustainable development, the Green Churches in Africa Network aims to move from speech to action.
