"Lutheran Unity" by Norman J. Threinen


At the jurisdictional church conventions in April, Map and June, 1974, Forums on Lutheran Unify were held. Tape recordings of these public discussions were made in several instances. Below is a resume of parts of one such public forum. It took place at the Ontario District Convention on June 8. Forum participants were the three Canadian church presidents — Dr. S. T. Jacobson (ELCC), Dr. O. A. Olson (LCA — Canada Section), and Rev. L. N. Scholl (LC-C); the two presidents of the jurisdictional units local to Ontario -- Rev. A. Stanfel (Ontario District - LC-MS) and Dr. Otto F. Reble (Eastern Canada Synod ~ LCA); and a prominent ELCC pastor. Rev. W. Riekert of Ottawa, Dr. T. Ristine, vice-president of the Ontario District moderated the forum. Rev. N. J. Threinen, executive secretary of the JCILR, introduced the speakers and provided back-up Information. Since some of the persons speaking from the floor are unidentified, only the forum speakers are named.
