Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Program Name/Specialization

Community Psychology


Faculty of Arts

First Advisor

Dr. Robb Travers

Advisor Role



Racialized refugees with diverse SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression) experience the unique intersection of racism, homo- and/or transphobia, and anti-refugee sentiments. As a result, this group (herein: racialized SOGIE refugees) often face poor mental health and well-being. The purpose of this study is to identify stressors faced by racialized SOGIE refugees in Ontario through the lens of Meyer’s Minority Stress Theory and Crenshaw’s intersectionality theory. The interviews from ten racialized SOGIE refugees and two service providers living in Ontario were taken from a larger study looking at the life trajectories of SOGIE refugees. Participants identified both explicit and implicit stressors in their daily lives, ranging from feelings of isolation and community disconnect, to anticipatory fear of stigma and violence. Consistent with the distinction of distal and proximal stressors proposed by Minority Stress Theory, this negatively affected their well-being. Our results point to a need to acknowledge the unique positionality of racialized SOGIE refugees in Ontario, and to find ways to facilitate positive mental health and well-being despite the presence of minority stress.

Convocation Year


Convocation Season

