Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




Faculty of Science

First Advisor

Nancy Kocovski

Advisor Role

Thesis Supervisor


Clark and Wells’ (1995) cognitive model of Social Anxiety (SA) posits that those with (SA) have a strong fear of negative evaluation and engage in excessive rumination following social interactions or performances. Fear of negative evaluation is also a key component of perfectionism; perfectionism has also been correlated with rumination. The purpose of the research was to examine the relationships among SA, rumination and perfectionism across two studies. For Study 1, participants were recruited (N=232) to complete online questionnaires. Psychometrics, including factor structure, were examined. It was expected that SA and rumination, rumination and perfectionism, and SA and perfectionism would be significantly and positively correlated. It was also expected that rumination would act as a mediator between S A and perfectionism. These hypotheses were supported. For Study 2, socially anxious students (N=101) completed two parts. At Part 1, rumination, SA, and perfectionism were assessed, participants delivered a 3 minute speech, were randomly placed in a rumination, distraction, or control condition, and then state anxiety and perfectionism were assessed. Post-event rumination was assessed two days later (Part 2). It was hypothesized that those in the rumination condition would report the highest state anxiety and perfectionism at Part 1, and at Part 2, the highest post-event rumination. It was also expected that state perfectionism at Part 1 would be significantly and positively correlated with post-event rumination at Part 2. Those in the rumination and control conditions reported significantly more state anxiety than those in the distraction condition, and state perfectionism was positively correlated with post-event rumination. There were no significant differences across conditions on state perfectionism or post-event rumination. Limitations and implications are discussed.

Convocation Year


Included in

Psychology Commons
