Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 11-2014


Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work


Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work


Heterosexism can affect lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) students’ academic success. Peer-group support and general faculty support do not protect students from the impacts of heterosexism, but is still important. To prevent poor academic outcomes, campuses must have spaces in which students feel safe to come out and heterosexism needs to be eliminated on campus.


This summary is part of a joint project between the Knowledge Mobilization Unit and Scholars Commons at Wilfrid Laurier University, and the Knowledge Mobilization Unit at York University. Laurier promotes the use of knowledge mobilization to maximize the impact of Laurier research on public policy, professional practice and community engagement. This summary was written by Shawna Reibling.

Woodford 2014 final alt format approved.pdf (193 kB)
Accessible format of M.R. Woodford 2014 Clear language summary
